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South America

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South America is the vast continent of land to the south of North America. It's composed mainly of large swathes of mountainous jungle containing ancient ruins. A prominent feature of the continent is the Andes Mountains. Countries located in South America include Uruguay, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, and Argentina.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Acting on an Incan legend, the Decepticons discovered a Crystal of Power in the mountains of Peru. They attempted to use it to set up a weapon, but the energy readings drew the Autobots to the Andes, and after the Decepticon weapon was destroyed, Wheeljack capped the crystal. Fire on the Mountain A team of archeologists searching for Mayan artifacts stumbled on the wreck of the Nemesis in South America. The Decepticons soon arrived, blasting their way through the jungle, and reclaimed the Heart of Cybertron from the ship. With the power source installed in Megatron, the Autobots who came to investigate didn't stand a chance. Microbots

The Headmasters cartoon

As part of an attempt to distract the Autobots from Decepticon activities elsewhere, Sixshot caused the eruption of a volcano near the South American village of Pan, forcing the Autobots to assist in evacuating the residents. The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts As the Decepticons' ultimate plan neared completion, a Death Tower was erected in Santiago, Chile. Spike Witwicky's plane crashed in the Andes while going to investigate, necessitating a rescue. The Targetmasters in the meantime reached Santiago and attacked Predaking, though they weren't able to get any scans of the Death Tower, because its energies caused Sureshot's scanner to explode. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)

Super-God Masterforce cartoon

Dauros was imprisoned beneath the Nazca Lines in Peru, where he remained for several hundred years before being freed by Devil Z. Terror! The Decepticons' Manhunt The Decepticons managed to blow a big hole in South America using their Death Para-Machine before the Autobots could destroy the weapon. Crisis! The Day of Human Extinction

Victory cartoon

When parts of Antarctica began to melt thanks to the Decepticons drilling for oil, the Multiforce evacuated people from a flooded coastal town in South America. Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle Shuttle Base was parked by the Andes Mountains when Leozack infiltrated it disguised as Star Saber. Stealing a disk of information on the Victory Saber combination process, Leozack lured Victory Leo to some nearby Incan ruins for an ambush. Star Saber returned in time, and the two Autobots merged into Victory Saber so they could chase off Liokaiser. A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs

Kid Stuff storybooks

After creating an enormous diamond, the Decepticons took it to Mato Grosso, Brazil, where they intended to launch it into space for use as an orbital death ray. Though the Autobots sent Skyfire to try to stop the launch, the Decepticons succeeded. Megatron blew up the launch site as he left. Satellite of Doom Megatron and Soundwave returned to the area, intending to drill for oil. Their drilling caused part of the Andes to collapse into a lake, and the destruction of Machu Picchu, however their activities eventually attracted the attention of the Autobots, who promptly chased them off. Storms of Destruction

The Battle for Planet Earth

A group of Autobots traveled to Mount Sheelah in central South America to investigate its potential for energy generation. They were tailed by the Decepticons, who were subsequently caught in the lava flow when the volcano erupted. Terror of Mount Sheelah

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

The Decepticons mined crystals in South America with the intent of using them to create new warriors. The Autobots eventually found out about it and blew it up. Hunted!

An Underbase-powered Starscream attacked Buenos Aires, Argentina, wiping out most of the Autobots and Decepticons who had united to defend the city. He only called off his attack when a transmission to Fortress Maximus alerted him to the location of Optimus Prime. Dark Star Susan Hoffman and her team were searching for evidence of the Juluth in south Peru when Darkwing and Dreadwind arrived to search for the body of Starscream. Said body had reanimated into a zombie but with the help of the Triggerbots, Hi-Test and Throttle drained its power. The Autobots then had to rescue Hoffman and her team from the Juluth, who had regarded Starscream's corpse as their god. Race with the Devil


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Investigating energy readings in South America, the Autobots and Decepticons arrived there and immediately started fighting. Crossing Over: Part 3 Cliffjumper, Skyfall and Landquake discovered an underground cavern Crossing Over: Part 4 containing a pool of energon Crossing Over: Part 5 and the Caretaker, which sent them into other dimensions. Crossing Over: Part 6

In 2012, Fortress Maximus was stationed in South America. Invasion

Grandreams Generation 2 Annual

Loggers in the rainforests of Brazil accidentally woke up Grimlock and Snarl. The Autobots went there to investigate and were ambushed by both the Dinobots and Decepticons. The Decepticons tried to capture the Dinobots, only for their plasma nets to let the Dinobots transform to robot mode and beat them soundly. The Dinobots!

Beast Wars cartoon

After Rhinox drove a shuttle through the Nemesis bridge, the ship crashed in South America. Nemesis Part 2

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

A rebel encampment in a South American jungle was destroyed by a Lazarus-controlled Megatron, as a demonstration to potential clients looking to buy reprogrammed Transformers. Prime Directive #1

Live-action film series

IDW Revenge of the Fallen comics

Sideswipe pursued Demolishor through Montevideo, Uruguay, after pursuing the Decepticon to Earth. They eventually reached Buenos Aires, Argentina, where they were joined by Ironhide, who tried to stop the collateral damage that was occurring. All three of them were flattened by the Argentinian air force, but luckily Optimus Prime arrived to sort things out. Tales of the Fallen #2

The Veiled Threat

A NEST team went to Peru and ventured into the Andes to investigate Decepticon activity. They found Ruination and Blazemaster and drove the two Decepticons off. Transformers: The Veiled Threat

Titan movie comics

Starscream attacked a rainforest in Peru and was mistaken by a local tribe as a god. The Autobots naturally arrived to investigate the destruction of the jungle, but Starscream managed to get away by starting a forest fire that the Autobots were forced to stay and fight. The Kingdom of Starscream

Hunting for El Dorado, Soundwave and the Tanto Gang headed for Laguna de Guatavita in Central Colombia where they blew up the bottom of the lake and successfully found the lost city. Then Soundwave turned on the gang, Optimus Prime and Ratchet arrived to fight him, and the Tanto Gang blew up El Dorado while escaping. Gold And Blood

Rise of the Beasts film

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Prime cartoon

After stealing Bumblebee's T-cog, MECH retired to a base in South America to attempt to use it. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 With Starscream's help, MECH almost got their robot working, but Bumblebee arrived and reclaimed his cog. Silas promptly had Starscream's cog stolen, grounding the Decepticon. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2 After an abortive attempt on her life, Airachnid found an Insecticon and lured Megatron to an old energon mine to fight it. Though the plan failed, Airachnid stumbled on a whole hive of Insecticons. Crossfire


Hunt for the Decepticons

A mine in South America was attacked by Starscream, prompting the Autobots to send in Bumblebee to defeat him. Hunt for the Decepticons

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - The Game

The Decepticons used a Soviet relay facility in South America to spy on NEST communications. Bumblebee infiltrated it and planted a virus that would turn the tables, though when the Decepticons spotted him, he had to follow them to a nearby village and destroy their long-range transmitter to stop them contacting Megatron Dark of the Moon (Xbox 360/PS3)

Transformers Legends

The Decepticons found a Crystal of Power in South American and attempted to use it to power a superweapon. Luckily the Autobots arrived and sorted them out. Fire on the Mountain

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