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Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 45

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Transformers Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 45
漫画トランスフォーマーレジェンズ出張版 第45話
First published September 30, 2017
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Packaged with Legends LG45 Targetmaster Hot Rodimus

Hot Rod and Shaoshao fight Scourge for Blowpipe.


In the year 2021 in the G1 World, Micromaster Hot Rod is called from Micro to the Universal Peace Alliance's new headquarters by his old partner Shaoshao Li, who has left Earth Defense Command and become an Alliance agent. She explains the latest findings regarding the disappeared Targetmasters, revealing that they were mutated by the plasma energy bombs and blown into the Legends World. The duo's mission is to covertly travel there and recover them.

In the Legends World, Hot Rod's new job as police officer has netted him a transtector, if only a small one that to Shaoshao's annoyance doesn't fit both of them comfortably in vehicle mode. (Ai explains that they're on a budget as the vehicle was paid for with taxpayer money, and warns him to be careful with it.) When Scourge resurfaces, having cloned himself using Blowpipe's ability, Hot Rod merges with the transtector and confronts the villain. Shaoshao is grabbed by one of the clones, but Hot Rod takes it on and reminds his partner that she can fight as well using a new type of Master-Braces, which let her clothe herself in Firebolt-type Targetmaster armor. Scourge uses Blowpipe to create three evil Hot Rod clones to back him up, but Hot Rod defeats them all with a Jinchōkon Power blast from Shaoshao's gun mode. As they celebrate their successful recovery of Blowpipe, however, the two learn that Shaoshao ends up buck naked when she transforms back. Hot Rod is reminded of their Kiss Player days and theorizes that her clothes turned into part of the energy that she fired.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons Legends World natives Others


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