Bobby Bolivia
From Transformers Wiki
- Bobby Bolivia is a human from the movie continuity family.
Robert "Bobby" Bolivia owns and operates Bolivia's Finest Quality Used Cars and Petting Zoo. A car salesman of the tackily dressed, Hawaiian-shirts-'n'-sporty-hat-preferring, always smiling, overly friendly, back-slapping, smooth-talking, horsehockey-spewing variety, he claims that a driver doesn't choose the car, it's the car that chooses its driver.
Though sometimes a car picks a driver with a cheapass father. There are also times where a car picks a driver and takes rejection very poorly.
His favorite cars are the kinds that come from Alabama. He's also not afraid to sell cars that mysteriously appear on his lot, despite not possessing the proper legal paperwork and records of the vehicle being sold.
Bobby's mammy lives in sight of his car dealership, and apparently he has wronged her in some way. Their relationship is summarized by her flipping him off and him wishing he had a rock to "bust her head with".
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2007 Transformers film
- Actor: Bernie Mac (English)
- Voice actor: Hiroshi Iwasaki (Japanese dub), Miguel Ángel Ghigliazza (Latin American Spanish dub), Juan Fernández (Castilian Spanish dub), Frantz Confiac (European French dub), Thiéry Dubé (Canadian French dub), Élcio Romar (Brazilian Portuguese dub), Jan Odle (German dub), Francesco Pannofino (Italian dub), Faruk Akgören (Turkish dub), Seo Mun-seok (Korean dub)
When Sam's father promises to buy him his first car, he takes him to Bobby Bolivia (much to Sam's chagrin). After telling his mechanic Manny to remove the heat-stroke-afflicted clown from the sidewalk because he's scarin' "white folk", Bobby feeds the father/son pair his "mystical bond" line and takes them on a tour of the lot.
Bobby agrees to sell Sam a mysterious "custom faded paint" Camaro he's never seen on his lot before for $4000, a thousand less than his made-up-on-the-spot asking price... but only after the windows of every other car on the lot are mysteriously shattered by a high-pitched noise. Transformers
Transformers The Game (console)
- Voice actor: Andrew Kishino (English), Thierry Mercier (French), Jesús Barreda (Castilian Spanish)
After Bumblebee beat the Decepticons to Bolivia's car lot, Sam and his father arrived to buy a new car. Bobby tried to sell them an old blue beater, but the tires mysteriously popped and deflated. Sam chose the alien robot in disguise, and Dad began negotiations.
Later, while leading Sector Seven from the Autobots, Jazz destroyed the fuel pumps at Bobby Bolivia's car lot, causing an explosion which obliterated most of the lot. Here's hoping Bobby wasn't in there at the time. Transformers The Game
- According to an article on, all three 1976 Camaros used in the film were purchased for under $6000 individually, with one of them costing even less than $2000. That one didn't run.
- In the IDW Publishing's comics adaptation of the movie, Bobby is a 'fro-tastic tall guy who bears no resemblance to Bernie Mac. This was due to the fact IDW was not (and still is not) allowed to use the likeness of several actors playing the secondary characters.
- Buying your first car at Bobby's car lot makes you family. He insists on being called "Uncle Bobby B". Considering the way his family treats one another, this is scary.
- "Bobby Bolivia" is certainly a reference to Willem Dafoe's character in David Lynch's film Wild At Heart, Bobby Peru.
- Archive audio of Bobby Bolivia was featured as part of the first teaser trailer for Bumblebee.