Respondent Services Coordination, Housed within the Dean of Students Office, provides a neutral, unbiased contact for any student responding to a Title IX investigation or related Office of Student Conduct process to seek information about navigating the Title IX and Office of Student Conduct processes. Furthermore, Respondent Services Coordination provides referrals to campus and community resources for emotional or mental health support and assists respondents with any logistical issues related to interim measures that may have been put in place. 

Respondent Services Coordination is NOT affiliated with the Office of Title IX & Sexual Harassment Policy Compliance nor the Office of Student Conduct. Coordinators do not have knowledge of the details of a respondent's case. 

Because Respondent Services Coordination is a neutral and unbiased resource, it is not necessary, nor encouraged, for a respondent to share any details of the incident in question in order to receive services.    

Respondent Services Coordination is available to assist any student identified by the Office of Title IX & Sexual Harassment Policy Compliance as a "respondent." 

To request respondent services coordination, please contact the Respondent Services Coordinator at: [email protected] or (805) 893-5012.


Conversations between student respondents and Respondent Services Coordinators are kept private. However, per University policy, any information shared by a respondent to a Respondent Services Coordinator concerning the details of an alleged incident must be shared with the campus Office of Title IX & Sexual Harassment Policy Compliance

Respondent Services Coordination includes:

  1. Connection to campus or community resources for emotional or mental health support.
  2. Review, clarification, and assistance with understanding the University of California and UC Santa Barbara sexual violence and sexual harassment policies and procedures for responding to alleged violations of these policies.
  3. Review and clarification of interim suspensions or interim exclusions from areas of campus; or other restrictions, and referrals to campus offices who may be able to address any concerns.
  4. Assistance with understanding the investigation and adjudication processes.

Respondent Services Coordination does not:

  1. Advocate on behalf of a respondent.
  2. Advise a respondent on how best to respond to an investigation or conduct charges, or how to present in an appeal hearing.
  3. Offer confidentiality in the way a licensed counselor or attorney would provide confidentiality.
  4. Provide legal advice or accompany a respondent to any meetings or court appearances associated with a criminal or civil case.