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Bavarie leid

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Bavarie (in Bavarie: Boarisch or Bairisch; in Austrick named efter the places, lik Weanarisch in Viennae or Steirisch in Syrie ; in Sooth Tirol (Südtirol): Südtirolerisch; German: Bairisch) is a major group o Upper German varieties spoken in the sootheast o the German leid aurie.

History an oreegin

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The Bavarie regiolect haes its oreegins in the Germanic tribe kent as the Bavarii, wha establisht a tribal ducherie. This covered a feck o whit is thir days Bavarie an some o Austrick in the early Middle Ages an wis hinderly compesced bi Charlemagne. Housomeivver, piece an piece, thay migratit doun the Danube an intae the Alps tae aw thae auries whaur Austro-Bavarian byleids is spoken. German linguists refers tae this speik variety, a group o three East Upper German dialects, simply as "Bairisch" (Bavarie, athoot "Austro"). Thay are dividit intae "Oberpfälzisch" (Upper Palatinian, e.g. North Bavarie), "Donaubairisch" (Danube[ian] Bavarie, e.g. Central Bavarie) an "Alpenbairisch" (Alpine Bavarie, e.g. Sooth Bavarie).

Thir auries haed been provinces o the Roman Empire, an the leids o the population wis based on Laitin, but this leid wis replacit bi the Germanic dialects o the immigrants as the umwhile indwallers wis assimilate or stroutht oot. This development contrasts wi that in the provinces o Gallie an Hispanie, whaur the conquerors' Germanic leids o thae territories cud exert a limitit influence on the Romance dialects o the local populations.

In German, the aucient wird "Bairisch", referrin tae the leid, is teepically differentiate frae the 19t-century term "Bayerisch", whilk refers tae the state o Bavarie. Acause o King Ludwig I's passion for aw things Hellenic, the German name fur Bavarie is thir days spelt "Bayern", uisin the Greek 'y', it reflects the growthe o Bavarie efter the Vienna Congress intae culturally non-Bavarie auries an aw, e.g. Franconie an Swabie, an the attempts tae integrate thaim intae the newly formit kinrick. The leid spoken thare haes reteent its oreeginal Germanic spellin "Bairisch", uisin the Roman 'i'.