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Cornelia Pfohl

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Cornelia Pfohl
Date personale
Născută (53 de ani)[1] Modificați la Wikidata
Erlabrunn, Bavaria, Germania Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Germania
 Republica Democrată Germană Modificați la Wikidata
Ocupațiearcașă[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbitelimba germană Modificați la Wikidata
Sporttir cu arcul[2]  Modificați la Wikidata
Titluri și realizări
Jocuri olimpicearchery at the 1992 Summer Olympics – women's individual[*][[archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics – women's individual (Archery at the Olympics)|​]]
archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics – women's team[*][[archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics – women's team (Archery at the Olympics)|​]]
archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics – women's individual[*][[archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics – women's individual (Archery at the Olympics)|​]]
archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics – women's team[*][[archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics – women's team (Archery at the Olympics)|​]]
archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics – women's team[*][[archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics – women's team (Archery at the Olympics)|​]]
archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics – women's individual[*][[archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics – women's individual (Archery at the Olympics)|​]]
archery at the 2004 Summer Olympics – women's individual[*][[archery at the 2004 Summer Olympics – women's individual (women's individual events at the Olympics)|​]]
archery at the 2004 Summer Olympics – women's team[*][[archery at the 2004 Summer Olympics – women's team (women's team events at the Olympics)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata

Cornelia Pfohl (n. , Erlabrunn, Bavaria, Germania) este o arcașă germană, medaliată olimpică. A participat la 4 ediții ale Jocurilor Olimpice (1992, 1996, 2000, 2004) în care a câștigat o medalie de argint și o medalie de bronz.

Lista de mai jos prezintă principalele competiții la care a participat Cornelia Pfohl de-a lungul carierei.

  1. ^  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  2. ^ , World Archery Federation[*][[World Archery Federation (international archery governing body)|​]]  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor);

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