Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the gold standard imaging modality for soft tissues. It produces detail cross-sectional images of soft tissue and bone anatomy, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, brain and organs, without the use of ionizing radiation. In addition to orthopedic imaging, MRI is also used for heart, brain and breast. MRI uses gadolinium contrast in many exams to highlight tissues and blood vessels, which enhances images and offers better diagnostic quality. It can also be used in conjunction with PET scans. How does MRI work? MR creates images by using powerful magnets to polarize hydrogen atoms in water (the body is made of of more than 80% water) so they face in one direction. A radiofrequency pulse is then used to ping these atoms, causing them to wobble, or resonate. The MRI coils detect this and computers can assemble images from the signals. Basic MRI scans will focus on the resonance of fat and water in two different sequences, which highlight and contrast different features in the anatomy.

Prenuvo MRI Sollis Health

Physicians debate the ‘perils and promise’ of whole-body MRI screening

This care model has grown in popularity, with startups such as Prenuvo and Ezra charging $2,500 out of pocket to screen asymptomatic patients for cancer and other diseases

Prenuvo mobile whole-body MRI clinic

Startup Prenuvo to park ‘luxury’ whole-body MRI truck on Canadian border amid regulatory challenges

Despite amassing a wait list of 10,000 individuals, the company has confronted “significant barriers due to restrictions on private imaging services in Ontario.” 

insurance payer payment insurer

What might reimbursements for proposed MRI safety CPT codes look like?

Prior to the final proposal’s release, the American College of Radiology reached out to CMS to offer its recommendations on payment rates for five out of the six the new codes.

Long Horn Imaging

Longhorn Imaging partners with AI startup to add full-body MRI at 12 locations

This marks the 12th metro area launch for New York-based Ezra, with the Austin area its “most requested city to date.” 


'A very, very good thing'—CMS proposes reimbursements for providers' efforts to ensure MRI safety

“Before these CPT codes there was no real acknowledgment of the additional burden borne by the providers who accepted these patients."


Men at risk for prostate cancer could be forgoing necessary imaging due to climbing out-of-pocket costs

Experts are calling for insurance companies to provide full coverage for imaging and other necessary exams, if indicated by an abnormal prostate cancer screening test.

brain money alzheimer dementia

Implications for radiology following the FDA’s approval of new Alzheimer’s treatment from Eli Lilly

Providers are required to obtain a recent baseline brain MRI prior to initiating treatment and individuals also must undergo scans prior to the second, third, fourth and seventh infusions. 


How Massachusetts General increased outpatient MRI time slot capacity by 50%

Amid increasing volumes, the Boston institution in 2019 started designing a new standalone facility utilizing new designs and processes to serve more patients. 

Around the web

Prior to the final proposal’s release, the American College of Radiology reached out to CMS to offer its recommendations on payment rates for five out of the six the new codes.

“Before these CPT codes there was no real acknowledgment of the additional burden borne by the providers who accepted these patients."

The new images were captured at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility using hierarchical phase-contrast tomography. One specialist called them "Google Earth for the human heart." 

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