May 22, 2023 -
The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy has been amended to introduce text to the policy regarding: (i) a Corporate Vetting Committee (the Risk Committee), relating to the implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering / Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) policy; (ii) the Senior Designated Officer (SDO) and Chief Risk Officer; and (iii) a revised Summary Table of UNDP Risk Management Roles and Responsibilities. The policy amendments also include text to emphasize the need for coherent and harmonized approach across UNDP’s programme and operations on risk management.
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January 25, 2023 -
The offline Project Risk Register template and the policy have been updated to reflect UNDP's transition to its new cloud-based management platform Quantum in January 2023, replacing its previous ATLAS system.
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June 28, 2022 -
The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy has been harmonized with the Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy. The risk sub-categories in the Quantum + corporate planning system (capturing programme level risks) and in the Atlas project risk registers are now fully aligned with the project-level social and environmental standards. To align the risk entry systems, a slight rewording of ten risk sub-categories has been made and the risk sub-category on “Cultural Heritage” has been re-introduced in the relevant annexes of the ERM policy, Risk Appetite Statement and Risk Appetite Statement Guidance.
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October 29, 2021 -
The ERM policy was updated to 1) modify risks-sub categories and 2) launch UNDP’s Risk Appetite Statement (RAS) which aims to create a risk-enabled culture within UNDP, where risk-based decisions are taken, and opportunities are pursued according to the needs and circumstances of the project or programme, our development partners, and the resources and skills available.
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July 08, 2020 -
Clause 4.1 and Appendix 2 of the ERM policy were modified to 1) add additional risks-sub categories and 2) remove BOA, JIU as part of the three lines of defence.
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May 01, 2019 -
The Risk Committee TORs are now available in the Managing Corporate Risk procedure table.
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March 13, 2019 -
The updated Enterprise Risk Management policy and procedures, which are now available in English, French and Spanish, call for a change in how UNDP collectively approaches risk management in order to become a smarter and more agile organization. They provide a roadmap for moving from risk averse to responsible risk taking practices. To access the Spanish and French versions, click on the relevant language tabs.
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October 27, 2017 -
The ERM policy has been supplemented with clarification of the end-to-end risk management process to simplify application. The business process provides a summary of risk management at all levels of the Organizational and the risk escalation process. It also provides information on linkages between risk management and and how this could be mainstreamed in most key business processes within the Organization.
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