Counterfeit Policy

Yahoo respects intellectual property laws and forbids the sale or promotion of counterfeit products found on its Services. Counterfeit products are unauthorized versions of goods that include the trademark or logo of the authentic brand owner. They are sometimes referred to as counterfeits, replicas, knock-offs, in-the-same-style-as or fake.

Reporting Instances of Counterfeit Products

If you believe that products residing or accessible on or through Yahoo’s Services are counterfeit, please submit a notice to Yahoo's Agent for Notice with the following information (your “Notice”):

  1. An identification of the claimed intellectual property rights in question. (Please include the specific URL, and a description of the product or service in question).
  2. A statement that declares you have a good faith belief that the item is counterfeit.
  3. A statement that declares that you have examined said item to determine its authenticity.
  4. A statement that provides the reasons you believe the item to be counterfeit.
  5. If you have had contact with the other party, the result of such contact.
  6. Include the following statement: “I have a good faith belief that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am authorized to make such statements on behalf of the intellectual property rights owner.”
  7. A physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the intellectual property rights owner, along with their name, title, company name, address and telephone number.

For copyright or trademark concerns about search results (including Sponsored Listings and Ads results) or other material on the Yahoo network, please click on the relevant sections under Related Resources.

You may also submit a notice in accordance with Yahoo Policy via our online form:


Designated Agent

Intellectual Property Agent
c/o Oath Holdings Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Fax: (408) 349-7821
Email: [email protected]

Please note that, due to security concerns, attachments sent via email cannot be accepted. Accordingly, any notification of infringement submitted electronically with an attachment will not be received or processed.