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Thela hun ginjeet thela hun ginjeet
Qua tari mei thela hun ginjeet
Qua tari mei heat in the jungle street
"he held a gun in his hand; this is a dangerous place," they said,
"what dangerous place, what gun-you a policeman!!"
The deeper I talked the worse I got into it. I talk-i told "em I said,
"look man, I'm not talk-," it went on forever, anyway, I finally
Unbuttoned my shirt an said, "look, look, I'm in this band here, ya know,
I'm in this band, ya know, and we're making a recording, ya know,
It's just about new york city, it's about crime in the streets;"
The explanation was goin' nowhere, but finally they just kinda let me go,
I don't know why...so I walk around the corner, I'm shakin' like a leaf
Now an' I thought this is a dangerous place once again, ya know...
Who should appear but two policemen..."
Thela hun ginjeet thela hun ginjeet
Thela hun ginjeet thela hun ginjeet
"well this is a dangerous place...you know I could've been killed.
Ya know, what really scary is when these guys gather around you and...
The explanation that I had...i just, I just remember thinking
This is a dangerous place to live..."
by Adrian Belew