201247327 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明之實施型態,係有關於在塗布對象物上塗布糊 之糊塗布裝置及糊塗布方法。 【先前技術】 糊塗布裝置,係爲了製造液晶顯示面板等之各種裝置 ,而被使用。此糊塗布裝置,係具備有對於塗布對象物而 塗布糊之塗布頭,並一面使該塗布頭移動一面在塗布對象 物之被塗布面上塗布糊,而在塗布對象物上形成特定之糊 圖案。例如,在液晶顯示面板之製造中,作爲糊,係將具 備有密封性以及接著性之密封劑,在基板等之塗布對象物 的被塗布面上而塗布成矩形框狀。 在此種糊塗布裝置中,係求取出對於以線狀之圖案而 被塗布在塗布對象物之被塗布面上的糊之剖面積(例如, 參考專利文獻1 )。在此測定中,糊之塗布高度,係藉由 雷射位移計來作測定。雷射位移計,係爲利用三角測量法 之計測器,作爲此雷射位移計,係將對於噴嘴之前端和基 板之上面間的距離作計測之計測器作了兼用。 [專利文獻] [專利文獻1]日本特開平7-275770號公報 【發明內容】 -5- 201247327 [發明所欲解決之課題] 然而,前述之雷射位移計,係相對於塗布頭,而被以 特定之配置方向來作固定。另外,被塗布爲線狀之糊的剖 面面積,係爲半橢圓狀,而其之表面係有所彎曲。因此, 在對於糊之塗布高度作測定時,依存於雷射位移計之配置 方向和糊之延伸方向間的關係,係會有無法對於糊之塗布 高度來以良好之精確度而進行測定的情況。於此種情況, 係難以得到正確之糊塗布高度,而會成爲將並未以所期望 之塗布量來將糊作了塗布的不良品判斷爲良品並使用在後 續工程之製造中。其結果,塗布製品之品質係會降低。 [用以解決課題之手段] 本發明,係爲有鑑於上述事態而進行者,其目的,係 在於提供一種:能夠提昇糊之塗布高度的測定精確度,並 使塗布製品之品質提昇的糊塗布裝置以及糊塗布方法。 本實施型態之糊塗布裝置,其特徵爲,具備有:複數 之塗布頭,係分別具備有朝向塗布對象物之被塗布面而吐 出糊之噴嘴;和複數之雷射位移計,係分別被一體性地設 置在複數之塗布頭處,並可經由雷射光之投/受光來測定 被塗布面之位移,並且,雷射光之投光路徑和受光路徑係 爲相異;和移動驅動部,係使塗布對象物和複數之塗布頭 ,在沿著被塗布面之方向上以及與被塗布面相交叉之方向 上作相對移動;和控制部,係以使塗布對象物和塗布頭在 沿著被塗布面之方向上作相對移動並且藉由從噴嘴所吐出 -6- 201247327 之糊來在被塗布面上描繪具備有相交叉之位置關係的 直線之形狀之塗布圖案的方式,來對於塗布頭以及移 動部作控制,並且,根據與塗布頭相對應之雷射位移 測定値,來以將該塗布頭之噴嘴的前端和被塗布面之 分離距離保持爲設定値的方式,而對於移動驅動部作 ,複數之雷射位移計中的至少1個,係以使包含投光 以及受光路徑之光路徑面成爲沿著塗布圖案中的二條 中之其中一方之直線的方式來作配置,複數之雷射位 中的至少另外1個,係以使光路徑面成爲沿著二條直 之另外一方之直線的方式來作配置。 本實施型態之糊塗布裝置,其特徵爲,具備有: 頭,係具備有朝向塗布對象物之被塗布面而吐出糊之 ;和雷射位移計,係被一體性地設置在塗布頭處,並 由雷射光之投/受光來測定被塗布面之位移,並且, 光之投光路徑和受光路徑係爲相異;和移動驅動部, 塗布對象物和塗布頭,在沿著被塗布面之方向上以及 塗布面相交叉之方向上作相對移動;和旋轉驅動部, 雷射位移計在沿著被塗布面之方向上旋轉;和控制部 以使塗布對象物和塗布頭在沿著被塗布面之方向上作 移動並且藉由從噴嘴所吐出之糊來在被塗布面上描繪 有相交叉之位置關係的二條直線之形狀之塗布圖案的 ,來對於塗布頭以及移動驅動部作控制,並且,根據 位移計的測定値,來以將噴嘴的前端和被塗布面之間 離距離保持爲設定値的方式,來對於移動驅動部作控 二條 動驅 計的 間的 控制 路徑 直線 移計 線中 塗布 噴嘴 可經 雷射 係使 與被 係使 ,係 相對 具備 方式 雷射 的分 制, 201247327 控制部,當對於被描繪在被塗布面上之糊的塗布高度作測 定時,不論對於塗布圖案之二條直線中的何者,均係使雷 射位移計之包含投光路徑以及受光路徑之光路徑面成爲沿 著該塗布圖案中之被塗布爲直線狀的糊之延伸方向,並使 該狀態下之雷射位移計在與被塗布爲直線狀的糊之延伸方 向相交叉之方向上移動的方式,來對於旋轉驅動部以及移 動驅動部作控制。 本實施型態之糊塗布方法,係爲使塗布對象物和塗布 頭在沿著塗布對象物之被塗布面的方向上作相對移動,並 藉由從塗布頭之噴嘴所吐出的糊,來在被塗布面上,描繪 具備有相交叉之位置關係的二條直線之形狀的塗布圖案, 並且在描繪時,藉由被與塗布頭作一體性設置之雷射位移 計,來根據雷射位移計之測定値而將噴嘴之前端和被塗布 面之間的分離距離保持爲設定値,該雷射位移計,係經由 雷射光之投、受光而測定被塗布面的位移,且雷射光之投 光路徑和受光路徑係互爲相異,該糊塗布方法,其特徵爲 :當對於被描繪在被塗布面上之糊的塗布高度作測定時, 不論是對於塗布圖案之二條直線的何者,均係使雷射位移 計之包含投光路徑以及受光路徑的光路徑面沿著該塗布圖 案中之被塗布爲直線狀的糊之延伸方向,並使該狀態下之 雷射位移計,在與被塗布爲直線狀之糊的延伸方向相交叉 之方向上作移動,而對於糊之塗布高度作測定。 【實施方式】 -8- 201247327 (第1實施形態) 參考圖1乃至圖8,針對第1實施型態作說明。 如圖1以及圖2中所示一般,第1實施型態之糊塗布 裝置1,係具備有:載置塗布對象物W之平台2、和個別 地對於該平台2上之塗布對象物W而塗布糊之複數的塗 布單元3A〜3D、和使各塗布單元3A〜3D在X軸方向上 移動之複數的X軸移動裝置4A以及4B、和將該些之X 軸移動裝置4A以及4B作支持之複數的支持部5A以及 5B、和使該些之支持部5A以及5B在Y軸方向上移動之 Y軸移動裝置6A以及6B、和將平台2或Y軸移動裝置 6A、6B等作支持之架台7、以及對於各部進行控制之控 制部8。 平台2,係具備有將塗布對象物W作載置之載置面, 並被固疋設置在架台7之上面。於該平台2處’在液晶顯 示面板之製造中所被使用的玻璃基板等之塗布對象物W, 係藉由自身重量而被作載置。但是,係並不被限定於此, 例如,亦可爲了將該塗布對象物W作保持,而設置靜電 吸盤或吸附吸盤等之機構。 各塗布單元3A〜3D,係各別具備有:將具備有密封 性以及接著性之密封劑等的糊作吐出之塗布頭3a、和使 該塗布頭3a在Z軸方向上作移動之Z軸移動裝置3b、和 藉由雷射光之投光、受光來測定其與身爲測定對象物之塗 布對象物W之間的分離距離之雷射位移計3 c、以及塗布 對象物W之定位用攝像部3 d。 -9- 201247327 塗布頭3a,係爲具備有具備著吐出糊之噴嘴3a]的 注射器(syringe)等之收容筒所構成者。此塗布頭3a, 係透過氣體供給管等而被與氣體供給部(均未圖示)作連 接。又,塗布頭3a,係藉由被供給至前述注射器內部之 氣體,而將被收容在其內部之糊從噴嘴3al吐出。 Z軸移動裝置3b,係支持塗布頭3a、雷射位移計3c 以及攝像部3d,並被設置在X軸移動裝置4A或4B處。 此Z軸移動裝置3b,係爲支持1個塗布頭3a,並使其在 與平台2上之塗布對象物W的被塗布面相正交之Z軸方 向、亦即是在相對於平台2而使塗布頭3a作接近遠離之 接近遠離方向(Z軸方向)上作移動之移動裝置。此Z軸 移動裝置3 b,係被與控制部8作電性連接,並藉由控制 部8而對於其之驅動作控制。另外,作爲Z軸移動裝置 3 b,例如,係使用有將伺服馬達作爲驅動源的進送螺桿式 之移動裝置、或者是將線性馬達作爲驅動源的線性馬達式 之移動裝置等。 雷射位移計3 c,係爲利用三角測量法之距離測定器 ,並具備有投光雷射光之半導體雷射等的投光部3cl、和 受光雷射光(反射光)之半導體位置檢測元件等的受光部 3c2 (參考圖2 )。此雷射位移計3c,係被與控制部8作 電性連接,並將所測定出的分離距離(測定値)輸入至控 制部8中。 投光部3cl和受光部3c2,係如圖3中所示一般,以 在俯視時而位於同一直線上的方式來作配置。雷射光,係 -10- 201247327 從投光部3cl而朝向平台2上之塗布對象物w的被塗布 面射出,並被該被塗布面所反射,而在受光部3c2處被作 受光。此雷射光之投光路徑和受光路徑係爲相異,將包含 有投光、受光之光路徑的平面,稱作光路徑面。又,投光 部3 c 1和受光部3 c 2之在同一直線上所並排之並排方向、 亦即是沿著光路徑面的方向,係爲配置方向。 於此,塗布單元3A之雷射位移計3c和塗布單元3B 之雷射位移計3c,係以使投光部3cl和受光部3c2之配 置方向(亦即是包含雷射光之投光、受光路徑的光路徑面 )相互交叉、例如以90度而交叉(正交)的方式,來作 .配置。更具體而言,塗布單元3A之雷射位移計3c,係以 使前述配置方向成爲沿著Y軸方向的方式,而被作安裝 。又,塗布單元3B之雷射位移計3c,係以使前述配置方 向成爲沿著X軸方向的方式,而被作安裝。 同樣的,塗布單元3C之雷射位移計3c和塗布單元 3 D之雷射位移計3 c,亦係以使投光部3 c 1和受光部3 c2 之配置方向(亦即是包含雷射光之投光、受光路徑的光路 徑面)相互交叉、例如以90度而交叉(正交)的方式, 來作配置。更具體而言,塗布單元3C之雷射位移計3c, 係以使前述配置方向成爲沿著Y軸方向的方式,而被作 安裝。又,塗布單元3 D之雷射位移計3 c,係以使前述配 置方向成爲沿著X軸方向的方式,而被作安裝。 攝像部3 d,係爲用以進行塗布對象物W之定位的攝 像機,並對於被形成在塗布對象物W之被塗布面上的定 -11 - 201247327 位用ifi喊(對位記號)作攝像。進而’攝像部3 d,係亦 爲用以對於被塗布在塗布對象物W之被塗布面上的糊之 寬幅作測定之攝像機,並對於被塗布在塗布對象物W之 被塗布面上的糊,而從其之上方來作攝像。此攝像部3d ,係被與控制部8作電性連接,並將所攝像了的攝像畫像 輸入至控制部8中。 X軸移動裝置4A,係被設置在支持部5 A之側面(與 支持部5B相對向之側面)處,X軸移動裝置4B,係被設 置在支持部5B之側面(與支持部5A相對向之側面)處 軸移動裝置4A,係爲將2個塗布單元3A以及3B, 以能夠在X.軸方向上個別移動的方式來作支持,並使該 些之塗布單元3A以及3B在X軸方向上個別作移動的移 動驅動部。同樣的,X軸移動裝置4B,亦係爲將2個塗 布單元3C以及3D,以能夠在X軸方向上個別移動的方 式來作支持,並使該些之塗布單元3C以及3D在X軸方 向上個別作移動的移動驅動部。此些之X軸移動裝置4A 以及4B,係被與控制部8作電性連接,並藉由控制部8 而對於其之驅動作控制。另外,作爲各X軸移動裝置4A 以及4B,例如,係使用有將伺服馬達作爲驅動源的進送 螺桿式之移動裝置、或者是將線性馬達作爲驅動源的線性 馬達式之移動裝置等。 支持部5A,係爲柱,並支持X軸移動裝置4A,而經 由此來支持2個塗布單元3A以及3B。同樣的,支持部 5B’亦係爲柱,並支持X軸移動裝置4B,而經由此來支 -12- 201247327 持2個塗布單元3C以及3D。此些之支持部5A以及5B, 係分別被形成爲橫長之直方體形狀,其之延伸方向係被設 爲與X軸方向平行,並進而被設置在相對於平台2之載 置面而成爲平行之一對的Y軸移動裝置6A以及6B上。 一對之Y軸移動裝置6A以及6B,係在架台7之上 面,從X軸方向之兩側來挾持著平台2地而相互對向, 並沿著Y軸方向而被作設置。此些之Y軸移動裝置6A以 及6B ’係爲分別將各支持部5A以及5B,以能夠在Y軸 方向上移動的方式來作支持,並使該些之支持部5A以及 5B沿著Y軸方向而個別作移動的移動驅動部。各γ軸移 動裝置6A以及6B,係被與控制部8作電性連接,並藉由 控制部8而對於其之驅動作控制。另外,作爲各γ軸移 動裝置6A以及6B ’例如,係使用有將伺服馬達作爲驅動 源的進送螺桿式之移動裝置、或者是將線性馬達作爲驅動 源的線性馬達式之移動裝置等。 架台7,係被設置在地面上,並爲將平台2或γ軸移 動裝置6A、6B等支持於與地面相距特定之高度位置處的 架台。架台7之上面’係被形成爲平面,在此架台7之上 面處,係被載置有平台2或Y軸移動裝置6A、6B等。 控制部8 ’係具備有對於各部作集中性控制之微電腦 、和將各種資訊或各種程式等作記憶之記憶部(均未圖示 ),並被設置於架台7內(參考圖1)。各種資訊,係包 含有與糊塗布相關之塗布資訊,該塗布資訊,係爲關連於 特定之塗布圖案或描繪速度(塗布對象物W之被塗布面 -13- 201247327 和噴嘴3al之在水平方向上的相對移動速度)、間隙之設 定値(噴嘴3al之前端和平台2上的塗布對象物W之被 塗布面之間的分離距離之設定値)、糊之吐出量等的資訊 。此控制部8,係根據各種資訊或各種程式而對於各部進 行控制。 另外,於此,作爲塗布圖案,係設定爲具備有與X 軸方向相平行之邊和與Y軸方向相平行之邊的矩形狀之 圖案。又,於上述構成中,將塗布單元3A、3C之雷射位 移計3c,以使其之配置方向成爲沿著Y軸方向的方式來 安裝塗布單元3A、3C的原因,係在於爲了使雷射位移計 3c之光路徑面成爲沿著塗布圖案中之與Y軸方向相平行 之邊之故。又,將塗布單元3B、3D之雷射位移計3c,以 使其之配置方向成爲沿著X軸方向的方式來安裝塗布單 元3B、3D的原因,係在於爲了使雷射位移計3c之光路 徑面成爲沿著塗布圖案中之與X軸方向相平行之邊之故 〇 接著,針對雷射位移計3c作詳細說明。 雷射位移計3 c,係爲對於測定對象物之位移作測定 的測定器。亦即是,雷射位移計3 c,係爲當在測定範圍 內而測定對象物從原先所存在之位置移動至其他場所處時 ,對於該移動量進行測定者。例如,在使塗布對象物W 之被塗布面位置於測定範圍內的狀態下,若是使雷射位移 計3c在X軸方向或Y軸方向上作掃描移動,則係能夠對 於掃描移動軌跡上之被塗布面的起伏或凹凸等之高度變化 -14- 201247327 作測定。故而,只要以一面使雷射位移計3c在X軸方向 或Y軸方向上作掃描移動,一面將雷射位移計3 c之測定 値維持爲預先所設定之値的方式,來對於Z軸移動裝置 3 b作控制,則係能夠進行將噴嘴3 a之前端和被塗布面之 間的間隔保持於一定之所謂的間隙控制。又,若是在將雷 射位移計3 c於Z軸方向上而作了固定的狀態下,以橫切 過被作了線塗布之糊的方式來使雷射位移計3c進行掃描 移動,則由於由糊所導致之高度變化,係作爲測定値而被 表現出來,因此係能夠根據測定値之變化量來得出糊之塗 布高度》 另外,.當如圖3中所示一般,而測定相對於雷射位移 計3c之投光部3cl和受光部3c2之配置方向(亦即是相 對於光路徑面)而被平行地作了線塗布的糊p之塗布高度 的情況時,係在使雷射位移計3 C之光路徑面和線狀之糊 P的延伸方向相平行的狀態下,使雷射位移計3 c以橫切 過線狀之糊P的方式來作掃描。 藉由此,如圖4中所示一般,係能夠得到雷射位移計 3c之測定値(波形)Α1»另外,在圖4中,上圖係爲糊 P之剖面圖,下圖係爲雷射位移計3 c之測定値A 1。此測 定値A1,係展現有:在糊P之寬幅方向的兩端部處而測 定値極端地降低之異常値。此係因爲’在糊P之寬幅方向 的兩端部處之糊P的表面’由於係爲略垂直面’因此’從 投光部3 c 1而來之照射光,係幾乎不會被反射至上方向處 ,其結果,反射光係不會射入受光部3c2中,而成爲無法 -15- 201247327 測定之故。此兩端部以外之測定値A 1,係爲相當於在各 位置處之糊的高度之値。 此測定値A1之最大値,係作爲糊P之塗布高度Η而 被求出。對於此塗布高度Η而乘上糊Ρ之寬幅L,並進而 乘上特定之定數Κ,而算出糊Ρ之剖面積S(S = HxLxK )。另外,定數K,係根據塗布後之糊P的預測剖面形狀 (例如,半橢圓形狀)而作實驗性或理論性的設定。又, 糊Ρ之塗布寬幅L,係根據以攝像部3 d所攝像之畫像而 求取出來。 於此,作爲比較例,針對圖5中所示一般之針對相對 於雷射位移計3 c之投光部3 c 1和受光部3 c 2的配置方向 (亦即是光路徑面)而正交地作了線塗布之糊P的塗布高 度作測定之情況,來作說明。於此情況,係在使雷射位移 計3 c之光路徑面和線狀之糊P的延伸方向相正交之狀態 下,來以使雷射位移計3c橫切過線狀之糊P的方式而作 掃描。 藉由此,如圖6中所示一般,係能夠得到雷射位移計 3c之測定値(波形)A2。另外,在圖6中,上圖係爲糊 P之剖面圖,下圖係爲雷射位移計3 c之測定値A2。此測 定値A2,係在糊P之寬幅方向的兩端部和其之內側的近 旁處,而展現有異常値。在兩端部之內側近旁處,係被輸 出有較應得到之測定値而更大之値》 此種測定値A2之最大値,係作爲糊P之塗布高度Η 而被求出,但是,此時,所得到之塗布高度Η,係並不會 -16- 201247327 成爲正確之塗布高度。亦即是,由於在糊p之寬幅方向的 兩端部之內側近旁的位置處,異常値係展現爲最大値,並 且此異常値係被作爲塗布高度Η,因此,塗布高度Η係會 成爲較實際之塗布高度而更大之値。 故而,當對於糊Ρ之塗布高度Η作測定的情況時, 係如圖3中所示一般,將雷射位移計3c之投光部3c 1和 受光部3 c2之配置方向(亦即是光路徑面),設爲和線狀 之糊P的延伸方向相平行,並使雷射位移計3 c以橫切過 線狀之糊P的方式來作掃描。藉由此,由於在糊P之寬幅 方向的兩端部之內側近旁的位置處,係並不會產生異常値 ,因此,能夠防.止該異常値被作爲塗布高度Η,而能夠得 到正確之塗布高度Η。 接著,針對前述之糊塗布裝置1所進行的糊塗布動作 作說明。另外,糊塗布裝置1之控制部8,係根據各種資 訊以及各種程式而實行糊塗布處理。 如圖7中所示一般’控制部8,係對於各部作控制, 並進行糊塗布(步驟S1),接著,求取出被塗布在塗布 對象物W之被塗布面上的糊之剖面積(步驟S2),最後 ’進行良否判定(步驟S3 )。另外,於此,剖面積係僅 爲其中一例’只要能夠對於所塗布之糊的塗布量是否落在 適當之範圍內一事作判別即可,因此,亦可僅對於塗布高 度Η作測定’並根據該測定値來進行判定,或者是,亦 可對於塗布高度Η和塗布寬幅L作測定,並根據各値來 進行判定。 -17- 201247327 在步驟S1中,控制部8,係在各塗布單元3 A〜3D處 ,首先,在糊塗布之前,先藉由攝像部3d來對於平台2 上之塗布對象物W的定位用記號(例如,係存在有複數 個)作攝像。之後,控制部8 ’係藉由畫像辨識,來檢測 出藉由攝像部3d所攝像了的定位用記號,並在塗布對象 物W之被塗布面上,特定出將糊作塗布的塗布位置。 接著,控制部8,係對於各塗布單元3A〜3D、各X 軸移動裝置4A以及4B、乃至於各Y軸移動裝置6A以及 6B作控制,並一面使各塗布單元3A〜3D之各別的塗布 頭3a之噴嘴3al和平台2上之塗布對象物W沿著其之被 塗布面而作相對性移動,一面從各塗布頭3a之噴嘴3al 的前端而吐出糊,而在平台2上之塗布對象物w的被塗 布面上,同時描繪複數(例如4個)之特定之塗布圖案( 糊圖案)。另外,控制部8,係反覆進行此描繪,而在平 台2上之塗布對象物W的被塗布面上描繪特定數量之塗 布圖案。此特定數量,係因應於塗布對象物W之尺寸或 者是塗布圖案之尺寸而預先被設定。 於此描繪中,控制部8,係在各塗布單元3A〜3D處 ,而接收從雷射位移計3c所輸出之塗布對象物W的被塗 布面之位移的測定値。之後,控制部8,係根據所接收到 之測定値,而將塗布頭3a之噴嘴3al的前端和平台2上 之塗布對象物W的被塗布面之間的分離距離,維持爲被 記憶在記億部中之間隙資訊的設定値。如此這般,若是將 噴嘴3al之前端和塗布對象物W的被塗布面之間的分離 -18- 201247327 距離保持爲設定値,則其結果,係成爲能夠使被塗布在塗 布對象物w之被塗布面上的糊之塗布量成爲均一。 接著,在步驟S2中,控制部8,係針對被塗布在塗 布對象物W之被塗布面上的複數之塗布圖案的各個,而 在預先所設定之測定位置處,進行糊之塗布高度Η和糊 之塗布寬幅L的檢測。於此,糊之塗布高度Η的檢測, 係使用各塗布單元3 Α以及3 Β之各別的雷射位移計3 c來 進行。又,糊之塗布寬幅L的檢測,係使用各塗布單元 3A以及3B之各別的攝像部3d來對於被塗布在塗布對象 物W之被塗布面上的糊作攝像,而進行之。此時,對於 其他之塗布圖案,亦係能夠使用其他的塗布單元3C以及 3D,來與前述相同的而求取出糊的塗布高度Η以及糊的 塗布寬幅L。另外,各塗布單元3Α〜3D,係以不會對於 相互之動作造成妨礙地來動作的方式,而藉由控制部8來 作控制。 於此,前述之測定位置,例如,係如圖8中所示一般 ,當塗布圖案爲矩形框狀的情況時,係對於一條線而設定 3個場所,而對於四條線合計設定12個場所(參考圖8 中之粗線)。另外,圖8,係僅爲例示,測定位置以及測 定數量,係並不被限定於圖8的情況。又,矩形框狀之塗 布圖案,係爲具備相交叉之位置關係的二條直線之形狀的 塗布圖案之其中一種。具體而言,相對向之其中一組的邊 ,係與Υ軸方向相平行地而被作設置,相對向之另外一 組的邊,係與X軸方向相平行地而被作設置。另外,於 -19- 201247327 此例中,與Y軸方向相平行之邊(圖8中之第1線B1和 第2線B2),係相當於矩形狀之塗布圖案中的其中一方 之直線,與X軸方向相平行之邊(圖8中之第3線B3和 第4線B4 ),係相當於另外一方之直線。 在對於前述之矩形框狀的塗布圖案作測定的情況時, 係將塗布單元3 A以及3 B作爲1組,首先,藉由塗布單 元3A之雷射位移計3c來對於塗布圖案之第1線B1作3 個場所的測定。此時,雷射位移計3c之投光部3cl和受 光部3c2的配置方向(亦即是光路徑面)和第1線B1 ( 線狀之糊P )的延伸方向,係與圖3相同的,而爲平行。 控制部8,係藉由X軸移動裝置4A來使該平行狀態之雷 射位移計3c在X軸方向上移動,並使其以在正交方向上 而橫切過第1線B1的方式來作掃描。在3個場所的測定 位置之每一者處進行此掃描,並根據藉由此3次之掃描所 得到之3個的測定値,來將各別之最大値作爲各別之塗布 高度Η而求取出來。另外,在求出糊之塗布高度Η的情 況時,係經由控制部8,而選擇將配置方向(光路徑面) 設定爲與糊之延伸方向平行的雷射位移計3c,並使用之 〇 由此控制部8所進行之雷射位移計3 c的選擇,係可 藉由下述之任一者的方法來進行(但是,係並不被限定於 下述之任一者的方法)。例如,在控制部8之記億部中, 預先將線B 1〜B4和在塗布高度Η之測定中所使用的雷射 位移計3 c之間的關係(例如,像是「在第1線Β1之塗布 -20- 201247327 高度Η的測定中係使用塗布單元3A之雷射位移計3( 般的資訊)作記憶,並根據此資訊來讓控制部8對於 用之雷射位移計3 c作選擇。或者是,根據被記憶在 部8之記憶部中的相關於塗布圖案之資訊(像是「第 Β 1和第2線Β2,係在Υ軸方向上而爲平行,第3 ,1 和第4線Β4,係在X軸方向上而爲平行」一般之資 ,來讓控制部8判定出此次之對於塗布高度Η作測 線之方向,並選擇光路徑面成爲沿著測定對象之線的 位移計3 c。 接著,控制部8,係對於與第1線Β1相對向並與 線Β1相平行之第2線Β2.,而藉由塗布單元3Α之雷 移計3 c來對於3個場所作測定。此時,控制部8, 前述相同的,將雷射位移計3c之配置方向(亦即是 徑面)爲與第2線B2 (線狀之糊P )之延伸方向成 狀態的雷射位移計3c,藉由X軸移動裝置4A來使其 軸方向上移動,並以橫切過第2線B2的方式來作掃 在3個場所的測定位置之每一者處進行此掃描,並根 由此3次之掃描所得到之3個的測定値,來將各別之 値作爲各別之塗布高度Η而求取出來。201247327 VI. [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a paste application device and a paste application method for applying a paste to an object to be coated. [Prior Art] The paste application device is used to manufacture various devices such as liquid crystal display panels. In the paste application device, a coating head for applying a paste to an object to be coated is provided, and a paste is applied to a surface to be coated of the object to be coated while moving the coating head, and a specific paste pattern is formed on the object to be coated. . For example, in the production of a liquid crystal display panel, a sealant having a sealing property and an adhesive property is applied as a paste to a rectangular frame shape on a coated surface of a coated object such as a substrate. In such a paste application device, the cross-sectional area of the paste applied to the coated surface of the object to be coated in a linear pattern is taken out (for example, refer to Patent Document 1). In this measurement, the coating height of the paste was measured by a laser displacement meter. The laser displacement meter is a measuring instrument using a triangulation method, and the laser displacement meter is used as a measuring instrument for measuring the distance between the front end of the nozzle and the upper surface of the substrate. [Patent Document 1] [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei 7-275770 (Patent Document) - 5 - 201247327 [Problem to be Solved by the Invention] However, the above-described laser displacement meter is used with respect to a coating head. Fixed in a specific configuration direction. Further, the cross-sectional area of the paste applied as a linear shape is semi-elliptical, and the surface thereof is curved. Therefore, when measuring the coating height of the paste, depending on the relationship between the arrangement direction of the laser displacement meter and the extending direction of the paste, there is a case where the coating height cannot be measured with good precision. . In such a case, it is difficult to obtain a correct paste coating height, and it is judged that the defective product which has not been coated with the desired coating amount is good and used in the subsequent construction. As a result, the quality of the coated product is lowered. [Means for Solving the Problems] The present invention has been made in view of the above-described circumstances, and an object thereof is to provide a paste coating capable of improving the measurement accuracy of a coating height of a paste and improving the quality of a coated product. Device and paste coating method. The paste application device of the present embodiment includes a plurality of coating heads each having a nozzle that discharges a paste toward a coated surface of the object to be coated, and a plurality of laser displacement meters, respectively It is integrally disposed at a plurality of coating heads, and the displacement of the coated surface can be measured by laser light projection/receiving, and the light projecting path and the light receiving path of the laser light are different; and the moving drive unit is The object to be coated and the plurality of coating heads are relatively moved in a direction along the surface to be coated and in a direction intersecting the surface to be coated; and the control portion is such that the coating object and the coating head are coated along the coating surface In the direction of the surface, the relative movement is performed, and the coating pattern having the shape of the straight line having the intersecting positional relationship is drawn on the coated surface by the paste of -6-201247327 from the nozzle, and the coating head and the movement are applied. The part is controlled, and the separation distance between the front end of the nozzle of the coating head and the coated surface is set to be set according to the laser displacement measurement corresponding to the coating head. In the case of the mobile drive unit, at least one of the plurality of laser displacement meters has a light path surface including the light projecting and the light receiving path as a line along one of the two of the application patterns. In a manner of arrangement, at least one of the plurality of laser positions is arranged such that the light path surface is along a straight line of the other two straight lines. The paste application device of the present embodiment is characterized in that the head is provided with a paste that is applied toward the coated surface of the object to be coated, and a laser displacement gauge is integrally provided at the coating head. And measuring the displacement of the coated surface by the projection/receiving of the laser light, and the light projecting path and the light receiving path are different; and moving the driving portion, the coating object and the coating head, along the coated surface a direction in which the coating surface intersects in a direction of relative movement; and a rotation driving portion, the laser displacement meter rotates in a direction along the coated surface; and a control portion to apply the coating object and the coating head along the coating The coating head and the moving driving portion are controlled by moving in the direction of the surface and drawing a coating pattern of two straight lines in a positional relationship on the coated surface by the paste discharged from the nozzle, and According to the measurement 位移 of the displacement meter, the moving drive unit is controlled between the two dynamic drive meters in such a manner that the distance between the front end of the nozzle and the coated surface is set to 値. The coating nozzle in the linear path of the system can be laser-driven and driven, and the system is equipped with a laser. The 201247327 control unit measures the coating height of the paste drawn on the coated surface. In any of the two straight lines of the coating pattern, the light path surface including the light projecting path and the light receiving path of the laser displacement meter is extended along the direction in which the paste applied in the coating pattern is linearly coated. The rotation drive unit and the movement drive unit are controlled such that the laser displacement meter in this state moves in a direction intersecting the extending direction of the paste applied in a straight line. In the paste application method of the present embodiment, the object to be coated and the coating head are relatively moved in the direction along the coated surface of the object to be coated, and the paste is discharged from the nozzle of the coating head. On the coated surface, a coating pattern having a shape of two straight lines intersecting each other is drawn, and at the time of drawing, a laser displacement meter integrally provided with the coating head is used to perform a laser displacement meter. The enthalpy is measured to maintain the separation distance between the front end of the nozzle and the surface to be coated as the set 値. The laser displacement meter measures the displacement of the coated surface by the projection and receiving of the laser light, and the light projecting path of the laser light. And the light-receiving path system is different from each other, and the paste coating method is characterized in that, when measuring the coating height of the paste drawn on the surface to be coated, no matter which of the two straight lines of the coating pattern is used, The laser displacement path of the laser displacement path including the light projecting path and the light receiving path along the extending direction of the paste coated in the coating pattern, and the laser displacement meter in this state, And the direction of linearly extending direction crossing the coating paste used for mobile, and for applying the paste for the height measurement. [Embodiment] -8-201247327 (First Embodiment) A first embodiment will be described with reference to Figs. 1 to 8 . As shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2, the paste application apparatus 1 of the first embodiment is provided with a platform 2 on which an application object W is placed, and an application target W on the stage 2, respectively. The plurality of coating units 3A to 3D for applying the paste, and the plurality of X-axis moving devices 4A and 4B for moving the respective coating units 3A to 3D in the X-axis direction, and the X-axis moving devices 4A and 4B are supported. The plurality of support portions 5A and 5B, and the Y-axis moving devices 6A and 6B that move the support portions 5A and 5B in the Y-axis direction, and the platform 2 or the Y-axis moving devices 6A, 6B and the like are supported. The gantry 7 and the control unit 8 for controlling each unit. The platform 2 is provided with a mounting surface on which the application object W is placed, and is fixedly placed on the upper surface of the gantry 7. The object to be coated W such as a glass substrate used in the manufacture of the liquid crystal display panel is placed on the platform 2 by its own weight. However, the present invention is not limited thereto. For example, a mechanism such as an electrostatic chuck or a suction chuck may be provided to hold the object to be coated W. Each of the coating units 3A to 3D is provided with a coating head 3a that discharges a paste having a sealing property and a sealing property, and a Z-axis that moves the coating head 3a in the Z-axis direction. The mobile device 3b and the laser displacement meter 3c for measuring the separation distance between the object to be measured and the object W to be measured by the light projection and the light receiving by the laser light, and the positioning imaging of the application object W Department 3 d. -9-201247327 The coating head 3a is constituted by a storage cylinder such as a syringe having a nozzle 3a for discharging the paste. The coating head 3a is connected to a gas supply unit (none of which is shown) through a gas supply pipe or the like. Further, the application head 3a discharges the paste accommodated in the inside of the syringe from the nozzle 3al by the gas supplied to the inside of the syringe. The Z-axis moving device 3b supports the coating head 3a, the laser displacement gauge 3c, and the imaging portion 3d, and is disposed at the X-axis moving device 4A or 4B. The Z-axis moving device 3b supports one coating head 3a and is disposed in the Z-axis direction orthogonal to the coated surface of the coating object W on the stage 2, that is, with respect to the stage 2 The coating head 3a is a moving device that moves closer to the far direction (Z-axis direction). The Z-axis moving device 3b is electrically connected to the control unit 8, and is controlled by the control unit 8 for its driving. Further, as the Z-axis moving device 3b, for example, a feed screw type moving device using a servo motor as a drive source or a linear motor type moving device using a linear motor as a drive source is used. The laser displacement meter 3 c is a distance measuring device using a triangulation method, and includes a light projecting unit 3cl such as a semiconductor laser that emits laser light, and a semiconductor position detecting element that receives laser light (reflected light). Light receiving unit 3c2 (refer to Fig. 2). The laser displacement meter 3c is electrically connected to the control unit 8, and the measured separation distance (measurement 値) is input to the control unit 8. The light projecting unit 3cl and the light receiving unit 3c2 are arranged as shown in Fig. 3 so as to lie on the same straight line in plan view. The laser beam is emitted from the light projecting unit 3cl toward the coated surface of the object to be coated w on the stage 2, and is reflected by the coated surface, and is received by the light receiving unit 3c2. The projection light path and the light receiving path of the laser light are different, and a plane including a light path for projecting light and receiving light is called a light path surface. Further, the direction in which the light projecting portion 3c1 and the light receiving portion 3c2 are arranged side by side on the same straight line, that is, the direction along the light path surface, is the arrangement direction. Here, the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3A and the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3B are arranged such that the light projecting unit 3cl and the light receiving unit 3c2 are arranged (that is, the light projecting and receiving paths including the laser light) The light path surfaces are arranged to intersect each other, for example, at 90 degrees (orthogonal). More specifically, the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3A is mounted so that the arrangement direction is along the Y-axis direction. Further, the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3B is attached so that the arrangement direction is along the X-axis direction. Similarly, the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3C and the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3D are also arranged such that the light projecting portion 3c1 and the light receiving portion 3c2 are arranged (that is, including laser light). The light projecting and the light path surface of the light receiving path are arranged to intersect each other, for example, at 90 degrees (orthogonal). More specifically, the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3C is mounted so that the arrangement direction is along the Y-axis direction. Further, the laser displacement gauge 3c of the coating unit 3D is attached so that the arrangement direction is along the X-axis direction. The imaging unit 3 d is a camera for positioning the application object W, and photographs the ifi shout (alignment mark) on the fixed surface 11 - 201247327 formed on the coated surface of the application object W. . Further, the image pickup unit 3d is a camera for measuring the width of the paste applied to the coated surface of the application object W, and is applied to the coated surface of the application object W. Paste, and take a picture from above. The imaging unit 3d is electrically connected to the control unit 8, and the captured imaging image is input to the control unit 8. The X-axis moving device 4A is provided on the side surface of the support portion 5 A (the side opposite to the support portion 5B), and the X-axis moving device 4B is provided on the side of the support portion 5B (opposite the support portion 5A) The side shifting device 4A supports the two coating units 3A and 3B so as to be individually movable in the X.axial direction, and the coating units 3A and 3B are in the X-axis direction. A mobile drive unit that moves individually. Similarly, the X-axis moving device 4B supports the two coating units 3C and 3D so as to be individually movable in the X-axis direction, and the coating units 3C and 3D are in the X-axis direction. A mobile drive unit that moves individually. The X-axis moving devices 4A and 4B are electrically connected to the control unit 8, and are controlled by the control unit 8. In addition, as the X-axis moving devices 4A and 4B, for example, a feed screw type moving device using a servo motor as a drive source or a linear motor type moving device using a linear motor as a drive source is used. The support portion 5A is a column and supports the X-axis moving device 4A, thereby supporting the two coating units 3A and 3B. Similarly, the support portion 5B' is also a column and supports the X-axis moving device 4B, and via this, -12-201247327 holds two coating units 3C and 3D. Each of the support portions 5A and 5B is formed in a rectangular parallelepiped shape, and the extending direction thereof is set to be parallel to the X-axis direction, and is further provided on the mounting surface with respect to the stage 2 Parallel one pair of Y-axis moving devices 6A and 6B. The pair of Y-axis moving devices 6A and 6B are placed on the upper surface of the gantry 7, and are placed opposite to each other from both sides in the X-axis direction while being opposed to each other, and are disposed along the Y-axis direction. The Y-axis moving devices 6A and 6B' are supported such that the respective support portions 5A and 5B are movable in the Y-axis direction, and the support portions 5A and 5B are along the Y-axis. A mobile drive unit that moves in the direction of the individual. Each of the γ-axis moving devices 6A and 6B is electrically connected to the control unit 8, and is controlled by the control unit 8. Further, as the γ-axis moving devices 6A and 6B', for example, a feed screw type moving device using a servo motor as a drive source or a linear motor type moving device using a linear motor as a drive source is used. The gantry 7 is placed on the ground and supports the platform 2 or the γ-axis moving devices 6A, 6B and the like at a specific height position from the ground. The upper surface of the gantry 7 is formed as a flat surface, and on the upper surface of the gantry 7, the platform 2 or the Y-axis moving devices 6A, 6B and the like are placed. The control unit 8' is provided with a microcomputer for collectively controlling each unit, and a memory unit (none of which is shown) for storing various information or various programs, and is provided in the gantry 7 (refer to Fig. 1). The various information includes coating information related to the application of the paste, and the coating information is related to a specific coating pattern or drawing speed (the coated surface of the coated object W - 201247327 and the nozzle 3al in the horizontal direction) The relative movement speed), the setting of the gap 値 (the setting of the separation distance between the front end of the nozzle 3a1 and the coated surface of the application object W on the stage 2), the discharge amount of the paste, and the like. The control unit 8 controls each unit based on various information or various programs. In addition, the coating pattern is set to have a rectangular pattern having a side parallel to the X-axis direction and a side parallel to the Y-axis direction. In the above configuration, the laser displacement gauges 3c of the coating units 3A and 3C are mounted such that the arrangement direction thereof is along the Y-axis direction to attach the coating units 3A and 3C. The light path surface of the displacement meter 3c is along the side parallel to the Y-axis direction in the coating pattern. Further, the reason why the coating units 3B and 3D are mounted so that the arrangement direction thereof becomes the X-axis direction is the light displacement of the laser displacement meter 3c. The path surface is along the side parallel to the X-axis direction in the coating pattern, and then the laser displacement meter 3c will be described in detail. The laser displacement gauge 3 c is a measuring device for measuring the displacement of the object to be measured. In other words, the laser displacement meter 3c is a measure for measuring the amount of movement when the object to be measured is moved from the previously existing position to another location within the measurement range. For example, when the laser beam displacement gauge 3c is scanned in the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction while the coated surface of the application target W is positioned within the measurement range, it is possible to scan the movement trajectory. The height change of the undulations or irregularities of the coated surface is measured in the range -14,273,374. Therefore, as long as the laser displacement meter 3c is scanned in the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction, the measurement of the laser displacement gauge 3c is maintained at a predetermined threshold, and the Z-axis is moved. By controlling the device 3b, it is possible to perform so-called gap control in which the interval between the front end of the nozzle 3a and the coated surface is kept constant. Further, in the state where the laser displacement meter 3c is fixed in the Z-axis direction, the laser displacement meter 3c is scanned and moved so as to cross the line-coated paste, because The height change caused by the paste is expressed as a measurement enthalpy, and therefore the coating height of the paste can be obtained according to the amount of change in the measurement 》. In addition, when measured as shown in Fig. 3, the measurement is relative to the ray. When the projection direction of the light-emitting portion 3c1 of the displacement meter 3c and the light-receiving portion 3c2 and the arrangement direction of the light-receiving portion 3c2 (that is, the light path surface) are applied in parallel to the coating height of the paste p, the laser displacement is performed. In a state where the light path surface of the 3 C is parallel to the extending direction of the linear paste P, the laser displacement meter 3 c is scanned so as to cross the line-shaped paste P. Thereby, as shown in FIG. 4, the measurement 値 (waveform) 雷 1 of the laser displacement meter 3c can be obtained. In addition, in FIG. 4, the upper drawing is a sectional view of the paste P, and the lower drawing is a ray. The measurement of the displacement meter 3 c is 値A 1 . This measurement 値A1 shows that the abnormality 値 which is extremely reduced in 値 is measured at both end portions in the width direction of the paste P. This is because the surface of the paste P at the both end portions in the width direction of the paste P is slightly vertical, so that the light emitted from the light projecting portion 3 c 1 is hardly reflected. As a result, the reflected light system does not enter the light receiving unit 3c2, and the measurement cannot be performed -15-201247327. The measurement 値A 1 other than the both end portions corresponds to the height of the paste at each position. The maximum enthalpy of the measurement 値A1 was determined as the coating height 糊 of the paste P. The coating height Η is multiplied by the width L of the paste, and further multiplied by a specific fixed number Κ to calculate the sectional area S of the paste (S = HxLxK ). Further, the fixed number K is experimentally or theoretically set depending on the predicted cross-sectional shape (e.g., semi-elliptical shape) of the paste P after application. Further, the coating width L of the paste is taken out based on the image captured by the image pickup unit 3d. Here, as a comparative example, the arrangement direction (that is, the optical path surface) of the light projecting portion 3 c 1 and the light receiving portion 3 c 2 with respect to the laser displacement meter 3 c is generally shown in FIG. The case where the coating height of the paste P coated by the line is measured is described. In this case, in a state where the light path surface of the laser displacement meter 3 c and the extending direction of the linear paste P are orthogonal to each other, the laser displacement meter 3c is transversely cut through the linear paste P. Scan for the way. Thereby, as shown in Fig. 6, the measurement 値 (waveform) A2 of the laser displacement meter 3c can be obtained. Further, in Fig. 6, the upper drawing is a cross-sectional view of the paste P, and the lower drawing is the measurement 値A2 of the laser displacement meter 3c. This measurement 値A2 is at the both ends of the width direction of the paste P and the vicinity of the inner side thereof, and exhibits an abnormal flaw. In the vicinity of the inner side of the both end portions, the measured 値 is obtained, which is larger, and the maximum 値 of the measurement 値A2 is obtained as the coating height 糊 of the paste P, but this is obtained. At the time, the coating height obtained is not the same as the coating height of -16-201247327. In other words, since the abnormal lanthanum is exhibited as the maximum enthalpy at the position near the inner side of the both end portions in the wide direction of the paste p, and the abnormal lanthanum is used as the coating height Η, the coating height Η system becomes It is larger than the actual coating height. Therefore, when the coating height of the paste is measured, as shown in FIG. 3, the arrangement direction of the light projecting portion 3c 1 and the light receiving portion 3 c2 of the laser displacement gauge 3c (that is, light) is generally used. The path surface is set to be parallel to the extending direction of the linear paste P, and the laser displacement meter 3c is scanned so as to cross the line-shaped paste P. By this means, since the abnormal enthalpy is not generated at the position near the inner side of the both end portions in the width direction of the paste P, it is possible to prevent the abnormal 値 from being applied as the coating height 而 and to be correct. The coating height is Η. Next, the paste application operation by the paste application device 1 described above will be described. Further, the control unit 8 of the paste application device 1 performs a paste coating process in accordance with various kinds of information and various programs. As shown in Fig. 7, the general control unit 8 controls the respective portions and performs paste coating (step S1), and then extracts the cross-sectional area of the paste applied to the coated surface of the application object W (step S2), finally 'determine the good or bad (step S3). In addition, the cross-sectional area is merely an example of the fact that it is only necessary to determine whether or not the coating amount of the applied paste falls within an appropriate range. Therefore, it is also possible to measure only the coating height. The measurement is performed for the determination, or the coating height Η and the coating width L may be measured, and the determination may be made based on each enthalpy. -17-201247327 In the step S1, the control unit 8 is positioned in each of the application units 3A to 3D, first, before the paste application, the positioning of the application object W on the stage 2 by the imaging unit 3d. The mark (for example, there are plural numbers) is used for imaging. Then, the control unit 8' detects the positioning mark imaged by the imaging unit 3d by the image recognition, and specifies the application position at which the paste is applied on the coated surface of the application object W. Next, the control unit 8 controls each of the coating units 3A to 3D, the X-axis moving devices 4A and 4B, and the Y-axis moving devices 6A and 6B, and separates the respective coating units 3A to 3D. The nozzle 3a1 of the coating head 3a and the application object W on the stage 2 are relatively moved along the coated surface thereof, and the paste is discharged from the tip end of the nozzle 3a1 of each coating head 3a, and is coated on the stage 2. On the coated surface of the object w, a plurality of (for example, four) specific coating patterns (paste patterns) are simultaneously drawn. Further, the control unit 8 repeats the drawing, and draws a specific number of coating patterns on the coated surface of the application object W on the stage 2. This specific amount is set in advance depending on the size of the object to be coated W or the size of the coating pattern. In the drawing, the control unit 8 receives the measurement 値 of the displacement of the coated surface of the application object W output from the laser displacement meter 3c at each of the application units 3A to 3D. Thereafter, the control unit 8 maintains the separation distance between the tip end of the nozzle 3a of the coating head 3a and the coated surface of the application object W on the stage 2 based on the received measurement 値. The setting of the gap information in the billions. In this way, when the distance -18-201247327 between the front end of the nozzle 3a1 and the surface to be coated of the application object W is kept set to 値, the result is that the application target w can be applied. The coating amount of the paste on the coated surface became uniform. Then, in step S2, the control unit 8 applies the coating height of each of the coating patterns applied to the coated surface of the application target W to the measurement position set in advance. The coating of the paste is applied to the wide width L. Here, the detection of the coating height Η of the paste is carried out using the respective laser displacement meters 3 c of the respective coating units 3 Α and 3 。. In addition, the detection of the coating width L of the paste is carried out by imaging the paste applied to the coated surface of the coating object W using the respective image forming units 3d of the respective coating units 3A and 3B. In this case, for other coating patterns, the coating heights Η of the paste and the coating width L of the paste can be obtained in the same manner as described above by using the other coating units 3C and 3D. Further, each of the coating units 3A to 3D is controlled by the control unit 8 so as not to interfere with the mutual operation. Here, the measurement position described above is, for example, generally shown in FIG. 8. When the application pattern is a rectangular frame shape, three places are set for one line, and 12 places are set for the total of four lines ( Refer to the thick line in Figure 8.) In addition, Fig. 8 is merely an example, and the measurement position and the measured number are not limited to the case of Fig. 8. Further, the rectangular frame-shaped coating pattern is one of coating patterns having two straight lines in a positional relationship in which they intersect. Specifically, the side opposite to one of the groups is disposed in parallel with the direction of the x-axis, and the other pair of sides are disposed in parallel with the X-axis direction. Further, in the example of -19-201247327, the side parallel to the Y-axis direction (the first line B1 and the second line B2 in Fig. 8) is a straight line corresponding to one of the rectangular coating patterns. The side parallel to the X-axis direction (the third line B3 and the fourth line B4 in Fig. 8) corresponds to the other straight line. In the case of measuring the above-described rectangular frame-shaped coating pattern, the coating units 3 A and 3 B are set as one set. First, the first line of the coating pattern is applied by the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3A. B1 is used for the determination of 3 sites. At this time, the direction in which the light projecting portion 3cl of the laser displacement unit 3c and the light receiving portion 3c2 are arranged (that is, the light path surface) and the direction in which the first line B1 (the line paste P) extend are the same as those in FIG. And parallel. The control unit 8 moves the laser displacement meter 3c in the parallel state in the X-axis direction by the X-axis moving device 4A so as to cross the first line B1 in the orthogonal direction. Make a scan. This scan is performed at each of the measurement positions of the three places, and based on the three measurement ridges obtained by the three scans, the maximum 値 is taken as the respective coating height Η take out. Further, when the coating height Η of the paste is determined, the laser displacement meter 3c that sets the arrangement direction (light path surface) parallel to the direction in which the paste extends is selected via the control unit 8, and is used by the laser displacement meter 3c. The selection of the laser displacement gauge 3c by the control unit 8 can be performed by any of the following methods (however, it is not limited to the method described below). For example, in the unit of the control unit 8, the relationship between the lines B 1 to B4 and the laser displacement meter 3 c used for the measurement of the coating height 预先 is previously performed (for example, "in the first line" Β1 Coating -20- 201247327 In the measurement of high enthalpy, the laser displacement meter 3 (general information) of the coating unit 3A is used for memory, and based on this information, the control unit 8 is made for the laser displacement meter 3 c used. Alternatively, according to the information related to the coating pattern stored in the memory portion of the portion 8 (such as "the first 和 1 and the second Β 2, in the direction of the x-axis, parallel, 3, 1 and The fourth line Β4 is parallel to the general direction of the X-axis direction, and the control unit 8 determines the direction of the measurement line for the coating height ,, and selects the light path surface to be the line along the measurement target. The displacement unit 3 c. Next, the control unit 8 is for the second line Β2 which is opposite to the first line Β1 and parallel to the line Β1, and the scatterer 3 c of the coating unit 3 来 for 3 The position is measured. At this time, the control unit 8 has the same arrangement direction of the laser displacement meter 3c (that is, the diameter surface). The laser displacement meter 3c in a state in which the second line B2 (linear paste P) extends is moved in the axial direction by the X-axis moving device 4A, and crosses the second line B2. In this way, the scan is performed at each of the measurement positions of the three places, and the three measurement ridges obtained by the three scans are used as the respective coating heights. Ask for it.
之後,控制部8,係對於與第1線Β1相正交之 線Β3,而藉由塗布單元3Β之雷射位移計3c來對於 場所作測定。此時,雷射位移計3 c之配置方向(亦 光路徑面),係與第3線B 3 (線狀之糊P)之延伸 平行。控制部8,係藉由Y軸移動裝置6A以及6B j — 所使 控制 1線 % B3 訊) 定的 雷射 第1 射位 係與 光路 平行 在X 描。 據藉 最大 第3 3個 即是 方向 來使 -21 - 201247327 該平行狀態之雷射位移計3c在Y軸方向上移動,並使其 以在正交方向上而橫切過第3線Β3的方式來作掃描。在 3個場所的測定位置之每一者處進行此掃描,並根據藉由 此3次之掃描所得到之3個的測定値,來將各別之最大値 作爲各別之塗布高度Η而求取出來。 最後,控制部8,係對於與第3線Β3相對向之第4 線Β4,而藉由塗布單元3Β之雷射位移計3c來對於3個 場所作測定。此時,控制部8,係將雷射位移計3 c之配 置方向(亦即是光路徑面)爲與第4線B4(線狀之糊P )之延伸方向成平行狀態的雷射位移計3c,藉由Y軸移 動裝置6A以及6B來使其在Y軸方向上移動,並以橫切 過第4線B4的方式來作掃描。在3個場所的測定位置之 每一者處進行此掃描,並根據藉由此3次之掃描所得到之 3個的測定値,來將各別之最大値作爲各別之塗布高度Η 而求取出來。 如此這般,控制部8,係在每一條線而求取出3個的 塗布高度Η,亦即是求取出合計12個的塗布高度Η。進 而,控制部8,係在每一測定位置處,將該糊之塗布高度 Η,和從攝像畫像所求取出之糊的塗布寬幅L作乘算,並 進而將該値與特定之定數Κ作乘算,而計算出糊之剖面 積S ( S = HxLxK)。另外,定數K,係如同前述一般,爲 根據塗布後之糊的預測剖面形狀(例如,半橢圓形狀)而 作實驗性或理論性的設定者。另外,於此,關於塗布寬幅 L,係根據在各塗布線Β 1〜Β 4之各測定位置處的雷射位 -22- 201247327 移計3 c之掃描後所接續進行攝像之由攝像部3 d所得到的 該測定位置之攝像畫像,而計算出來。控制部8,係根據 攝像部3 d之攝像畫像,而使用周知之畫像處理技術來將 被塗布爲線狀之糊的寬幅方向之兩端部檢測出來。之後, 將所檢測出之兩端部間的距離,作爲糊之塗布寬幅L而求 取出來。 接著,在步驟S3中,控制部8,係進行判斷在前述 之步驟S2中所求取出的每一測定位置處之糊的剖面積是 否落於各別之特定的容許範圍內之良否判定。當判斷12 個的全部之糊的剖面積均落於特定之容許範圍內的情況時 ,完成塗布之塗布對象物W係.被搬送至下一工程處並被 使用。另一方面,若是判斷出1 2個中只要有1個糊的剖 面積並未落於特定之容許範圍內,則完成塗布之塗布對象 物W係並不會被搬送至下一工程處,而係被除去。 在此種糊塗布工程中,不論是對於矩形框狀之塗布圖 案的4條線B1〜B4之何者,4個的塗布單元3A〜3D之 其中一者的雷射位移計3 c之配置方向(亦即是光路徑面 )均係成爲與構成該線B 1〜B4之糊的延伸方向相平行。 因此,係能夠使該平行狀態之雷射位移計3c在與糊之延 伸方向相正交的方向上移動,並對於糊之塗布高度作測定 。藉由此,係一面維持雷射位移計3c之光路徑面和直線 狀之糊的延伸方向之間的平行關係,一面對於糊之塗布高 度作測定。故而,能夠對於如圖5中所示一般之在雷射位 移計3c之配置方向爲與糊之延伸方向相正交之狀態下來 -23- 201247327 進行測定時之起因於雷射光被糊之彎曲面所散射等而導致 的輸出有相較於應得到之測定値而成爲極端大之測定値一 般的測定異常作抑制,糊之塗布高度的測定精確度係提昇 ,而成爲能夠得到正確之塗布高度。故而,係能夠正確地 進行關於糊之剖面積是否落於容許範圍內一事作判斷的良 否判定。 另外,當塗布圖案爲像是矩形框狀之塗布圖案一般的 具備有相正交之位置關係的二條直線之塗布圖案的情況時 ,係將塗布單元3A〜3D之至少2個雷射位移計3c,以使 投光部3cl和受光部3c2之配置方向(亦即是光路徑面) 成爲與前述之二條直線的其中一方之直線相平行之狀態以 及與另外一方之直線相平行之狀態的方式,來作配置。藉 由此配置,係成爲能夠進行前述之測定方法。 如同以上所說明一般,若依據第1實施型態,則塗布 單元3A〜3D之至少2個的雷射位移計3c,係以使投光部 3cl和受光部3 c2之配置方向(亦即是包含有雷射光之投 、受光之光路徑的光路徑面)相互交叉的方式,來作配置 。更具體而言,2個雷射位移計3c中之其中一方的雷射 位移計3c,係以使光路徑面成爲和矩形狀之塗布圖案中 的相正交之二條直線中的其中一方之直線相平行的方式來 作配置,另外一方的雷射位移計3 c,係以使光路徑面成 爲和另外一方之直線相平行的方式來作配置。藉由此,就 算是當在塗布對象物W之被塗布面上,而將糊塗布爲具 備有成爲相交叉(正交)之位置關係的二條直線之形狀( -24- 201247327 矩形狀)之塗布圖案的情況時,亦成爲不論是對於該塗布 圖案之二條直線的何者之直線,均能夠在使光路徑面沿著 糊之延伸方向的狀態(例如平行延伸的狀態)下,來使雷 射位移計3 c在與糊之延伸方向相交叉的方向(例如,相 正交之方向)上作移動,並對於糊之塗布高度作測定。 藉由此,如同使用圖5以及圖6所說明一般,係能夠 防止由於使雷射位移計3c之光路徑面的配置方向成爲和 糊之延伸方向相正交之狀態所導致的測定異常。藉由此, 不論是矩形狀之塗布圖案中的沿著成爲相正交的位置關係 之何一方向所塗布的糊,均能夠對於糊之塗布高度來以良 好精確度作測定,並成爲能夠得到正確的塗布高度。其結 果,由於係成爲能夠正確地得到使用所測定出之塗布高度 而算出的糊之剖面積,因此,對於糊之剖面積是否落於容 許範圍內一事的良否判定係成爲正確。故而,係成爲不會 有將糊之剖面積落於容許範圍外的不良品使用在下一工程 之製造中的情況,其結果,係能夠將塗布製品之品質提昇 〇 又,間隙控制用之雷射位移計3c,係被流用於糊之 塗布高度的測定中。藉由此,係不需要爲了測定糊之塗布 高度而設置新的雷射位移計3 c,而能夠對於裝置之複雜 化或者是高價化等作抑制。同樣的,定位用之攝像部3 d ,亦係被流用於糊之寬幅的檢測中。藉由此,係不需要爲 了測定糊之寬幅而設置新的攝像部3 d,而能夠對於裝置 之複雜化或者是高價化等作抑制。 -25- 201247327 基於上述理由,由於係能夠使用間隙控制用之雷射位 移計3c,而不論是對於具備有相交叉(正交)之位置關 係的二條直線之形狀的塗布圖案中之何者的方向,均成爲 能夠對於糊之塗布高度來以良好精確度作測定,因此,係 能夠正確地進行經由糊所形成之塗布圖案的良否判定。 (第2實施形態) 參考圖9,針對本發明之第2實施型態作說明。 第2實施型態,基本上係與第1實施型態相同。在第 2實施型態中,係針對與第1實施型態之相異點作說明, 且針對與在第1實施型態中所說明之部分相同的部份,藉 由相同之符號來作展示,並省略其說明。 在第2實施型態之糊塗布裝置1中,各塗布單元3A 〜3D,係如圖9中所示一般,各別具備有使雷射位移計 3c以沿著塗布對象物W之被塗布面的方向(換言之,與 被塗布面相正交之軸)作爲中心來旋轉的旋轉驅動部3e 。此旋轉驅動部3 e,係被與控制部8作電性連接,並藉 由控制部8而對於其之驅動作控制。雷射位移計3 c,係 構成爲能夠藉由旋轉驅動部3e來在沿著塗布對象物W之 方向上作旋轉。 在第1實施型態之步驟s 2中(參考圖7 ),控制部8 ,係對於1個的塗布圖案,而在預先所設定了的測定位置 處,使用塗布單元3A之雷射位移計3c,來對於被塗布在 塗布對象物 W之被塗布面上的糊之塗布高度作測定。進 -26- 201247327 而,係使用塗布單元3 A之攝像部3 d,來在相同之測定位 置處而對於被塗布在塗布對象物W之被塗布面上的糊作 攝像,並檢測且求出其之塗布寬幅。 此時,對於其他之塗布圖案,亦係能夠使用其他的塗 布單元3B〜3D,來與前述相同的而求取出糊的塗布高度 以及糊的塗布寬幅》塗布單元3A以及塗布單元3B,若是 其之使雷射位移計3 c作移動之方向爲相同,則係能夠同 時地進行測定,同樣的,塗布單元3 C以及塗布單元3 D, 若是其之使雷射位移計3 c作移動之方向爲相同,則亦能 夠同時地進行測定。另外,各塗布單元3 A〜3 D,係以不 會對於相互之動作造成妨礙地來動作的方式,而藉由控制 部8來作控制。 於此,前述之測定位置,例如,係與第1實施型態相 同的,當塗布圖案爲矩形框狀的情況時,係對於一條線而 設定3個場所,而對於四條線合計設定12個場所(參考 圖8中之粗線)。另外,圖8,係僅爲例示,測定位置以 及測定數量,係並不被限定於圖8的情況。又,矩形框狀 之塗布圖案,係爲具備相交叉之位置關係的二條直線之形 狀的塗布圖案之其中一種。 在對於前述之矩形框狀的塗布圖案作測定的情況時, 係藉由塗布單元3A之雷射位移計3c來對於塗布圖案之第 1線B1作3個場所的測定。此時’控制部8,係藉由旋轉 驅動部3 e,來使雷射位移計3 c作旋轉,直到投光部3 c 1 和受光部3c2的配置方向(亦即是包含雷射光之投、受光 -27- 201247327 的光路徑之光路徑面)和第1線B1 (線狀之糊P)的延 伸方向成爲平行爲止》更具體而言’控制部8 ’係根據被 記億在記憶部中之塗布圖案的資訊和測定位置的資訊,來 判斷出在此次之測定位置處的糊之延伸設置方向(爲X 軸方向或是爲Y軸方向),並以使雷射位移計3C之光路 徑面成爲與所判斷出之方向(於此情況,係爲 Y軸方向 )成爲平行的方式,來對於旋轉驅動部3e作控制。而後 ,控制部8,係藉由X軸移動裝置4A來使該平行狀態之 雷射位移計3c在X軸方向上移動,並使其以橫切過第1 線B 1的方式來作掃描。在3個場所的測定位置之每一者 處進行此掃描,並根據藉由此3次之掃描所得到之3個的 測定値,來將各別之最大値作爲各別之塗布高度Η而求 取出來。 接著,控制部8,係對於與第1線Β1相對向之第2 線Β2,而藉由塗布單元3Α之雷射位移計3c來在3個場 所之測定位置處作測定。此時,控制部8,係與前述相同 的,藉由旋轉驅動部3 e,來使雷射位移計3 c作旋轉,直 到投光部3 c 1和受光部3 c2的配置方向(亦即是光路徑面 )和第2線B 2 (線狀之糊P )的延伸方向成爲平行爲止 。但是,於此情況’由於第1線B1和第2線B2係爲平 行,因此,係並不需要改變雷射位移計3 c之光路徑面的 方向。而後,控制部8,係藉由X軸移動裝置4 A來使該 平行狀態之雷射位移計3 c在X軸方向上移動,並使其以 橫切過第2線B2的方式來作掃描。在3個場所的測定位 -28- 201247327 置之每一者處進行此掃描,並根據藉由此3次之掃描所得 到之3個的測定値,來將各別之最大値作爲各別之塗布高 度Η而求取出來。 之後,控制部8,係對於與第2線Β2相正交之第3 線Β3,而藉由塗布單元3Α之雷射位移計3c來對於3個 場所之測定位置作測定。此時,控制部8,係藉由旋轉驅 動部3e,來使雷射位移計3c.作旋轉,直到其之配置方向 (亦即是光路徑面)和第3線B3 (線狀之糊P )的延伸 方向成爲平行爲止。於此情況,第2線B2和第3線B3 之延伸設置方向,由於係成爲作了 90°旋轉之位置關係, 因此,控制部8,係以使雷射位移計3 c朝向右方或者是 左方而作90°旋轉的方式,來控制旋轉驅動部3e »而後, 控制部8,係藉由Y軸移動裝置6A以及6B來使該平行 狀態之雷射位移計3 c在Y軸方向上移動,並使其以橫切 過第3線B3的方式來作掃描。在3個場所的測定位置之 每一者處進行此掃描,並根據藉由此3次之掃描所得到之 3個的測定値,來將各別之最大値作爲各別之塗布高度Η 而求取出來。 最後,控制部8,係對於與第3線Β 3相對向之第4 線Β4,而藉由塗布單元3Α之雷射位移計3c來對於3個 場所之測定位置作測定。此時,控制部8,係藉由旋轉驅 動部3e,來使雷射位移計3c作旋轉,直到其之配置方向 (亦即是光路徑面)和第4線B4 (線狀之糊P )的延伸 方向成爲平行爲止。但是,於此情況,由於第3線B 3和 -29- 201247327 第4線B 4係爲平行,因此,係並不需要改變雷射位移計 3c之光路徑面的朝向。而後,控制部8,係藉由γ軸移動 裝置6A以及6B來使該平行狀態之雷射位移計3c在Y軸 方向上移動,並使其以橫切過第4線B4的方式來作掃描 。在3個場所的測定位置之每一者處進行此掃描,並根據 藉由此3次之掃描所得到之3個的測定値,來將各別之最 大値作爲各別之塗布高度Η而求取出來。 如此這般,控制部8,係在每一條線而求取出3個的 塗布高度Η,亦即是求取出合計12個的塗布高度Η。進 而,控制部8,係將該糊之塗布高度Η,和從攝像畫像所 求取出之糊的塗布寬幅L作乘算,並進而將該値與特定之 常數Κ作乘算,而計算出糊之剖面積S(S = HxLxK)。 另外,定數K,係與第1實施型態相同的,爲根據塗布後 之糊的預測剖面形狀(例如,半橢圓形狀)而作實驗性或 理論性的設定者。 在此種測定工程中,不論是對於矩形框狀之塗布圖案 的4條線B1〜B4之何者,均係將雷射位移計3c之配置 方向(亦即是光路徑面)設爲與塗布對象物W之被塗布 面上的直線狀之糊P的延伸方向相平行。而後,使該光路 徑面成爲平行狀態之雷射位移計3 c在與糊P之延伸方向 相正交的方向上移動,而能夠對於該糊P之塗布高度作測 定》藉由此,係一面維持雷射位移計3 c之光路徑面和直 線狀之糊P的延伸方向之間的平行,一面對於糊P之塗布 高度作測定。故而,與第1實施型態相同的,係對於雷射 -30- 201247327 光被糊之彎曲面所亂射的情況作抑制,糊之塗布高度的測 定精確度係提昇,而成爲能夠得到正確的塗布高度。故而 ,係能夠正確地進行關於糊之剖面積是否落於容許範圍內 一事作判斷的良否判定。 另外’當塗布圖案爲如同矩形框狀之塗布圖案一般之 具有相正交之位置關係的二條直線之塗布圖案的情況時, 係只要構成爲能夠使塗布單元3A〜3D之至少1個的雷射 位移計3c在沿著塗布對象物W之被塗布面的方向上作旋 轉即可。藉由此,係成爲能夠使用4個的塗布單元3A〜 3D中之將雷射位移計3c可旋轉地作了設置的塗布單元, 來針對4個的塗布單元3A〜3D所分別作了塗布的塗布圖 案而進行前述之測定方法。 如同以上所說明一般,若依據第2實施型態,則係能 夠得到與第1實施型態相同的效果。更詳細而言,就算是 當在塗布對象物W之被塗布面上,而將糊塗布爲具備有 成爲相交叉之位置關係的二條直線之形狀之塗布圖案的情 況時,亦成爲不論是對於該塗布圖案之二條直線的何者之 直線,均能夠在使光路徑面沿著糊之延伸方向的狀態(例 如平行延伸的狀態)下,來使雷射位移計3c在與糊之延 伸方向相交叉的方向(例如,相正交之方向)上作移動, 並對於糊之塗布高度作測定。藉由此,由於糊之塗布高度 的測定精確度係提昇,並成爲能夠得到正確之塗布高度, 因此,對於糊之剖面積是否落在容許範圍內一事之良否判 定,係成爲正確。故而,係成爲不會有將糊之剖面積落於 -31 - 201247327 容許範圍外的不良品使用在下一工程之製造中的情況,其 結果,係能夠將塗布製品之品質提昇。 (其他實施形態) 本發明之前述實施型態,係僅爲例示,本發明之範圍 係並不被限定於此。前述之實施型態,係可作各種之變更 ,例如,係可從前述之實施型態中所展示的所有構成要素 中,而削除數個構成要素,進而,亦可將相異之實施型態 的構成要素適宜作組合。 在前述之實施型態中,係對於矩型框狀之塗布圖案的 每一條線,而進行3個場所之測定位置處的測定,但是, 係並不被限定於此》例如,亦可設爲下述之構成:亦即是 ,在圖8中,首先,係使雷射位移計3c從第1線B1側起 朝向第2線B 2側作掃描。在此掃描中,先於第1線B1 之第1測定位置(第1線B1處之最左邊的粗線)處進行 測定,接著,在第2線B2之第1測定位置(第2線B2 處之最左邊的粗線)處進行測定。接著,使掃描方向折返 ,並於第2線B2之第2測定位置(第2線B2處之中央 的粗線)處進行測定,並維持該掃描方向地,在第1線 B1之第2測定位置(第1線B1處之中央的粗線)處進行 測定。之後,再度使掃描方向折返,並於第1線B1之第 3測定位置(第1線B1處之最右邊的粗線)處進行測定 ,並維持該掃描方向地,在第2線B2之第3測定位置( 第2線B2處之最右邊的粗線)處進行測定。於此情況, -32- 201247327 塗布單元3A之雷射位移計3c,係成爲連續橫切過第1線 B1以及第2線B2並往返。此測定方法,在塗布圖案之尺 寸較小的情況時,係爲有效。另外,在第3線B 3以及第 4線B4處,亦能夠使用使塗布單元3B之雷射位移計3c 連續橫切過第3線B3以及第4線B4並往返的與前述相 同之測定方法。 又’在前述之實施型態中’雖係在第1線B 1之測定 結束後’進行第2線B 2之測定’但是,係並不被限定於 此’例如,亦可在第1線B1之測定結束後,進行第3線 B3之測定’或者是亦可進行第4線B4之測定。又,測定 開始線’係並不被限定於第1線B 1,而亦可爲其他線。 又’在前述實施型態中,當進行糊之塗布或者是糊的 塗布筒度之測定時,係使塗布頭3a或者是雷射位移計3c 在X軸方向或者是Y軸方向上移動,而使塗布頭3a或者 是雷射位移計3 c與塗布對象物w作相對性移動,但是, 係並不被限定於此。例如,亦可設爲使搭載有塗布對象物 W之平台2在X軸方向或者是γ軸方向上移動,並使塗 布頭3a或者是雷射位移計3e與塗布對象物w作相對性 移動,又或是,亦可將該些作組合,來使塗布頭3a或者 是雷射位移計3c與塗布對象物w作相對性移動。亦即是 ,只要是設爲能夠使塗布頭3a或者是雷射位移計3e與塗 布對象物W作相對性移動即可,關於相對性動作之驅動 方法,係並不被作限定。 又,在前述之實施型態中’雖係以矩形狀之塗布圖案 -33- 201247327 作爲具備有相交叉之二條直線的塗布圖案爲 ’但是,係並不被限定於此,例如,亦可爲 四角形(菱形或梯形等)的塗布圖案,或者 角形等之四角形以外的多角形之塗布圖案。 案中,當如同三角形等一般之具有延伸方向 向)相異之3個以上的直線部分的情況時, 於各個直線部分而至少存在有1個的光路徑 雷射位移計3c的方式,來對於複數之塗布gj 射位移計3 c即可。 又,在前述之實施型態中,雖係對於1 置2個塗布單元,但是,係並不被限定於此 置1個或者是設置3個以上的塗布單元。例 對象物W之被塗布面上描繪具備有相交叉 塗布圖案之情況下,而對於1個支持部設置 的情況時,係亦可將對於二條直線中之其中 使光路徑面成爲平行之雷射位移計3 c、和 的直線而使光路徑面成爲平行之雷射位移 個塗布單元而交互地作配置。或者是,亦可 單元,而分成某一側之一半的3個和相反側 地作配置。 又,在前述之實施型態中,係在1個的 個的塗布單元間,而以使雷射位移計3c之 向成90°相異地來作配置,但是,係並不被 可設爲在2個的支持部間,而使塗布單元 例來作了說明 矩形狀以外之 是三角形或五 在此種塗布圖 (延伸設置方 係只要以相對 面成爲平行之 頁3 a而配置雷 個支持部而設 ,亦可設爲設 如,當在塗布 之二條直線的 6個塗布單元 —方的直線而 對於另外一方 卜3c,對於6 對於6個塗布 之一半的3個 支持部上之2 光路徑面的方 限定於此,亦 之雷射位移計 -34- 201247327 3c的光路徑面之方向成爲相異。亦即是,只要在糊塗布 裝置1所具備的複數之塗布單元中,相對於描繪在塗布對 象物W之被塗布面上的塗布圖案所具備之延伸設置方向 互爲相異的直線部之各者,而使光路徑面與該直線部成爲 平行之雷射位移計3 c至少各存在有1個即可。 又’在前述之第2實施型態中,針對以使雷射位移計 3c之光路徑面成爲與糊之延伸方向(延伸設置方向)成 爲平行的方式來使雷射位移計3c作旋轉之控制,亦可藉 由在每一測定場所處而預先設定雷射位移計3c之旋轉角 度,並根據所設定之旋轉角度來對於旋轉驅動部3e作控 制,而進行之。 又’在前述之實施型態中,在對於被描繪在被塗布面 上之糊的塗布高度進行測定時,係使雷射位移計3 c在X 軸方向或者是Y軸方向上自動地作移動,但是,係並不 被限定於此,例如,亦可讓操作者藉由手動來使雷射位移 計3c在X軸方向或者是Y軸方向上移動。 又,在前述之實施型態中,雖係將沿著塗布對象物W 之被塗布面的方向,設爲沿著X軸方向以及Y軸方向之 方向,亦即是設爲沿著水平方向之方向,但是,係並不被 限定於此。例如’沿著塗布對象物W之被塗布面的方向 ,係亦可爲沿著Z軸方向與X軸方向或者是Y軸方向之 方向,亦即是沿著垂直方向之方向。又,雖係將與塗布對 象物W之被塗布面相交叉的方向,設爲相對於被塗布面 而作正交的方向’但是,係並不被限定於此。例如,亦可 -35- 201247327 爲相對於被塗布面而作傾斜之方向。 【圖式簡單說明】 [圖1]對於第1實施型態之糊塗布裝置的槪略構成作 展示之正面圖。 [圖2]對於圖1中所示之糊塗布裝置的槪略構成作展 示之平面圖。 [圖3]用以對於藉由圖1以及圖2中所示之糊塗布裝 置所具備的雷射位移計而進行之糊的塗布高度之測定方法 作說明的說明圖。 [圖4]用以對於由圖3中所示之測定所得到的糊之塗 布高度的測定値作說明之說明圖。 [圖5 ]用以對於比較例之糊之塗布高度的測定作說明 之說明圖。 [圖6]用以對於由圖5中所示之測定所得到的糊之塗 布高度的測定値作說明之說明圖。 [圖7]用以對於圖1以及圖2中所示之糊塗布裝置所 進行的糊塗布動作之流程作展示的流程圖。 [圖8]用以對於圖7所示之糊塗布動作中的糊之塗布 高度的測定位置作說明之說明圖。 [圖9]對於第2實施型態之糊塗布裝置所具備的雷射 位移計之槪略構成作展示的平面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 -36- 201247327 1 :糊塗布裝置 2 :平台 3A :塗布單元 3B :塗布單元 3C :塗布單元 3D :塗布單元 3a :塗布頭 3b : Z軸移動裝置 3 c :雷射位移計 3 d :攝像部 3e :旋轉驅動部 3 a 1 :噴嘴 3cl :投光部 3c2 :受光部 4A : X軸移動裝置 4B : X軸移動裝置 5A :支持部 5 B :支持部 6A : Y軸移動裝置 6B : Y軸移動裝置 7 :架台 8 :控制部 A 1 :測定値 A2 :測定値 -37- 201247327 B1 :第1線 B2 :第2線 B3 :第3線 B4 :第4線 Η :塗布高度 L :寬幅 Ρ :糊 W :塗布對象物Thereafter, the control unit 8 measures the position of the line by the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3 with respect to the line 正交3 orthogonal to the first line Β1. At this time, the arrangement direction (also the light path surface) of the laser displacement meter 3 c is parallel to the extension of the third line B 3 (linear paste P). The control unit 8 controls the 1st line B3 by the Y-axis moving devices 6A and 6Bj to control the 1st shooting position parallel to the optical path in X. According to the maximum 33rd direction, the parallel displacement laser displacement meter 3c is moved in the Y-axis direction and is transversely cut through the third line Β3 in the orthogonal direction. Way to scan. This scan is performed at each of the measurement positions of the three places, and based on the three measurement ridges obtained by the three scans, the maximum 値 is taken as the respective coating height Η take out. Finally, the control unit 8 measures the three places by the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3 with respect to the fourth line 相对4 facing the third line Β3. At this time, the control unit 8 sets the arrangement direction of the laser displacement meter 3 c (that is, the optical path surface) to a laser displacement meter in a state parallel to the extending direction of the fourth line B4 (linear paste P). 3c is moved in the Y-axis direction by the Y-axis moving devices 6A and 6B, and scanned in such a manner as to cross the fourth line B4. This scan is performed at each of the measurement positions of the three places, and the respective maximum 値 is taken as the respective coating height 根据 based on the three measurement 値 obtained by the three scans. take out. In this manner, the control unit 8 extracts three coating heights 每一 for each line, that is, a total coating height Η of 12 pieces. Further, the control unit 8 multiplies the coating height Η of the paste at each measurement position, and the coating width L of the paste taken out from the image of the image, and further determines the 値 and the specific number. Calculate the cross-sectional area S ( S = HxLxK) of the paste. Further, the fixed number K is an experimental or theoretical setting according to the predicted cross-sectional shape (e.g., semi-elliptical shape) of the paste after application as described above. In addition, the coating width L is based on the scanning position of the laser beam -22-201247327 at each measurement position of each of the coating lines Β 1 to Β 4 The image of the measurement position obtained at 3 d was calculated and calculated. The control unit 8 detects the both end portions in the wide direction of the paste applied in a line shape using a known image processing technique based on the imaged image of the image pickup unit 3d. Thereafter, the distance between the detected both end portions was taken out as a coating width L of the paste. Next, in step S3, the control unit 8 determines whether or not the cross-sectional area of the paste at each measurement position extracted in the above-described step S2 falls within the respective specific allowable range. When it is determined that the cross-sectional areas of all of the 12 pastes fall within a specific allowable range, the coated object to be coated W is transported to the next construction site and used. On the other hand, if it is determined that the cross-sectional area of one of the two pastes does not fall within the specific allowable range, the coated object W that has been applied is not transported to the next project. The system is removed. In the paste coating process, regardless of which of the four lines B1 to B4 of the rectangular frame-shaped application pattern, the arrangement direction of the laser displacement meter 3 c of one of the four coating units 3A to 3D ( That is, the light path surface is parallel to the extending direction of the paste constituting the lines B1 to B4. Therefore, it is possible to move the laser displacement meter 3c in the parallel state in a direction orthogonal to the direction in which the paste extends, and measure the coating height of the paste. Thereby, the coating height of the paste is measured while maintaining the parallel relationship between the light path surface of the laser displacement meter 3c and the extending direction of the linear paste. Therefore, it is possible to cause the curved surface of the laser light to be immersed when the direction in which the arrangement direction of the laser displacement meter 3c is orthogonal to the direction in which the paste extends is -23-201247327 as shown in FIG. The output due to scattering or the like is extremely large compared to the measurement 应 which is to be obtained, and the measurement abnormality is generally suppressed. The measurement accuracy of the coating height of the paste is improved, and the coating height can be obtained accurately. Therefore, it is possible to correctly judge whether or not the cross-sectional area of the paste falls within the allowable range. Further, when the application pattern is a coating pattern of two straight lines having a positional relationship orthogonal to each other in a rectangular frame-like application pattern, at least two laser displacement meters 3c of the coating units 3A to 3D are used. In a state in which the arrangement direction of the light projecting unit 3cl and the light receiving unit 3c2 (that is, the light path surface) is parallel to a straight line of one of the two straight lines and a state parallel to the other straight line, For configuration. By this arrangement, it is possible to carry out the aforementioned measurement method. As described above, according to the first embodiment, at least two laser displacement meters 3c of the application units 3A to 3D are arranged such that the light projecting unit 3cl and the light receiving unit 3 c2 are arranged (that is, The arrangement includes the manner in which the light path surface of the light path and the light path of the light are crossed. More specifically, the laser displacement meter 3c of one of the two laser displacement meters 3c is a line in which one of the two straight lines orthogonal to the coating pattern in the rectangular coating pattern is formed. In the parallel arrangement, the other laser displacement meter 3 c is arranged such that the light path surface is parallel to the other line. In this case, even when the coated object W is coated on the surface to be coated, the paste is applied to have a shape of two straight lines (-24-201247327 rectangular shape) having a positional relationship of intersecting (orthogonal). In the case of a pattern, it is also possible to make the laser displacement in a state in which the light path surface extends along the extending direction of the paste (for example, a state in which the light is extended in parallel) regardless of which of the two straight lines of the coating pattern. The gauge 3 c is moved in a direction intersecting the direction in which the paste extends (for example, a direction orthogonal to each other), and the coating height of the paste is measured. As a result, as described with reference to Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, it is possible to prevent measurement abnormality caused by the state in which the arrangement direction of the light path surface of the laser displacement gauge 3c is orthogonal to the direction in which the paste extends. Thereby, regardless of the direction in which the rectangular coating pattern is applied in a direction which is orthogonal to the positional relationship, it is possible to measure the coating height of the paste with good precision and to obtain The correct coating height. As a result, since the cross-sectional area of the paste calculated by using the measured coating height can be accurately obtained, it is determined whether or not the cross-sectional area of the paste falls within the allowable range. Therefore, it is a case where a defective product in which the cross-sectional area of the paste falls outside the allowable range is not used in the production of the next project, and as a result, the quality of the coated product can be improved, and the laser for gap control can be used. The displacement meter 3c is used for the measurement of the coating height of the paste. As a result, it is not necessary to provide a new laser displacement gauge 3c for measuring the coating height of the paste, and it is possible to suppress the complexity or high cost of the apparatus. Similarly, the imaging unit 3d for positioning is also used for the detection of the wide width of the paste. Therefore, it is not necessary to provide a new image pickup unit 3d for measuring the width of the paste, and it is possible to suppress the complication or increase in cost of the apparatus. -25-201247327 For the above reasons, it is possible to use the laser displacement displacement meter 3c for gap control, regardless of the direction of the application pattern of the shape of two straight lines having the positional relationship of the intersecting (orthogonal) Both of them can be measured with good accuracy with respect to the coating height of the paste, and therefore, it is possible to accurately judge the quality of the coating pattern formed by the paste. (Second Embodiment) A second embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to Fig. 9 . The second embodiment is basically the same as the first embodiment. In the second embodiment, the differences from the first embodiment will be described, and the same portions as those described in the first embodiment will be shown by the same symbols. And omit its description. In the paste application device 1 of the second embodiment, each of the application units 3A to 3D is provided with a laser displacement gauge 3c along the coated surface along the application object W, as shown in Fig. 9 . The direction of rotation (in other words, the axis orthogonal to the surface to be coated) is the rotation drive unit 3e that rotates as a center. The rotary drive unit 3e is electrically connected to the control unit 8, and is controlled by the control unit 8. The laser displacement meter 3c is configured to be rotatable in the direction along the object W to be coated by the rotation driving unit 3e. In the step s 2 of the first embodiment (refer to FIG. 7), the control unit 8 uses the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3A at the measurement position set in advance for one application pattern. The coating height of the paste applied to the coated surface of the object to be coated W was measured. In the imaging unit 3 d of the coating unit 3 A, the paste applied to the coated surface of the application object W is imaged at the same measurement position, and is detected and obtained. Its coating width. In this case, the other coating means 3B to 3D can be used, and the coating height of the paste and the coating width of the paste can be obtained in the same manner as described above, and the coating unit 3A and the coating unit 3B can be used. When the laser displacement gauge 3c is moved in the same direction, the measurement can be performed simultaneously. Similarly, the coating unit 3 C and the coating unit 3 D are in the direction in which the laser displacement gauge 3 c is moved. If they are the same, the measurement can be performed simultaneously. Further, each of the coating units 3 A to 3 D is controlled by the control unit 8 so as not to interfere with the mutual operation. Here, the measurement position is, for example, the same as in the first embodiment. When the application pattern is a rectangular frame shape, three places are set for one line, and 12 places are set for the total of four lines. (Refer to the thick line in Figure 8). In addition, Fig. 8 is merely an example, and the measurement position and the number of measurements are not limited to the case of Fig. 8. Further, the rectangular frame-shaped application pattern is one of two application patterns having two straight lines in a positional relationship in which they intersect. In the case of measuring the above-described rectangular frame-shaped coating pattern, the first line B1 of the coating pattern is measured at three places by the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3A. At this time, the control unit 8 rotates the laser displacement unit 3 c by the rotation driving unit 3 e until the arrangement direction of the light projecting unit 3 c 1 and the light receiving unit 3c2 (that is, the projection of the laser light). The light path surface of the light path of the light -27-201247327 is parallel to the extending direction of the first line B1 (the line paste P). More specifically, the 'control unit 8' is based on the memory. The information of the coating pattern and the information of the measurement position are used to determine the extending direction of the paste at the measurement position (in the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction), and to make the laser displacement meter 3C The light path surface is controlled so as to be parallel to the determined direction (in this case, the Y-axis direction), and the rotation drive unit 3e is controlled. Then, the control unit 8 moves the laser displacement gauge 3c in the parallel state in the X-axis direction by the X-axis moving device 4A, and scans it so as to cross the first line B1. This scan is performed at each of the measurement positions of the three places, and based on the three measurement ridges obtained by the three scans, the maximum 値 is taken as the respective coating height Η take out. Next, the control unit 8 measures the position of the three fields by the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3 with respect to the second line Β2 facing the first line Β1. At this time, the control unit 8 rotates the laser displacement unit 3 e by the rotation driving unit 3 e until the arrangement direction of the light projecting unit 3 c 1 and the light receiving unit 3 c2 (that is, It is the light path surface) and the extending direction of the second line B 2 (linear paste P) is parallel. However, in this case, since the first line B1 and the second line B2 are parallel, it is not necessary to change the direction of the light path surface of the laser displacement meter 3c. Then, the control unit 8 moves the laser displacement gauge 3c in the parallel state in the X-axis direction by the X-axis moving device 4A, and scans it so as to cross the second line B2. . This scan is performed at each of the three locations of measurement positions -28-201247327, and the respective maximum 値 is taken as the individual according to the three measurement 得到 obtained by the three scans. The coating height is high and it is taken out. Thereafter, the control unit 8 measures the measurement positions of the three places by the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3 with respect to the third line Β3 orthogonal to the second line Β2. At this time, the control unit 8 rotates the laser displacement unit 3c by the rotation driving unit 3e until the arrangement direction (that is, the light path surface) and the third line B3 (linear paste P). The direction of extension is parallel. In this case, since the extending direction of the second line B2 and the third line B3 is in a positional relationship of 90° rotation, the control unit 8 is such that the laser displacement meter 3 c is directed to the right or The left side is rotated by 90° to control the rotation driving unit 3e », and then the control unit 8 causes the parallel state laser displacement meter 3 c to be in the Y-axis direction by the Y-axis moving devices 6A and 6B. Move and scan it by crossing the third line B3. This scan is performed at each of the measurement positions of the three places, and the respective maximum 値 is taken as the respective coating height 根据 based on the three measurement 値 obtained by the three scans. take out. Finally, the control unit 8 measures the measurement positions of the three places by the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3 with respect to the fourth line 相对4 facing the third line Β3. At this time, the control unit 8 rotates the laser displacement unit 3c by the rotation driving unit 3e until its arrangement direction (that is, the light path surface) and the fourth line B4 (linear paste P). The direction of extension becomes parallel. However, in this case, since the third line B 3 and the -29-201247327 fourth line B 4 are parallel, it is not necessary to change the orientation of the light path surface of the laser displacement meter 3c. Then, the control unit 8 moves the laser displacement meter 3c in the parallel state in the Y-axis direction by the γ-axis moving devices 6A and 6B, and scans it so as to cross the fourth line B4. . This scan is performed at each of the measurement positions of the three places, and based on the three measurement ridges obtained by the three scans, the maximum 値 is taken as the respective coating height Η take out. In this manner, the control unit 8 extracts three coating heights 每一 for each line, that is, a total coating height Η of 12 pieces. Further, the control unit 8 multiplies the coating height L of the paste and the coating width L of the paste taken out from the image of the image, and further calculates the 値 and the specific constant 乘, and calculates The cross-sectional area of the paste S (S = HxLxK). Further, the fixed number K is the same as that of the first embodiment, and is experimentally or theoretically set according to the predicted cross-sectional shape (for example, a semi-elliptical shape) of the paste after application. In the measurement project, regardless of the four lines B1 to B4 of the rectangular frame-shaped application pattern, the arrangement direction of the laser displacement meter 3c (that is, the light path surface) is set to be coated. The extending direction of the linear paste P on the coated surface of the object W is parallel. Then, the laser displacement meter 3 c in which the light path surface is in a parallel state is moved in a direction orthogonal to the extending direction of the paste P, and the coating height of the paste P can be measured. The coating height of the paste P was measured while maintaining the parallel between the light path surface of the laser displacement meter 3 c and the extending direction of the linear paste P. Therefore, in the same manner as in the first embodiment, it is suppressed that the laser light is scattered by the curved surface of the paste, and the measurement accuracy of the coating height of the paste is improved, and the correctness can be obtained. Coating height. Therefore, it is possible to correctly judge whether or not the cross-sectional area of the paste falls within the allowable range. Further, when the coating pattern is a coating pattern of two straight lines having a positional relationship orthogonal to each other in a rectangular frame-like coating pattern, it is only necessary to configure at least one of the coating units 3A to 3D. The displacement meter 3c may be rotated in the direction along the coated surface of the application object W. By this, it is possible to coat the four coating units 3A to 3D by using the coating unit in which the laser displacement meters 3c are rotatably provided among the four coating units 3A to 3D. The above measurement method is carried out by applying a pattern. As described above, according to the second embodiment, the same effects as those of the first embodiment can be obtained. More specifically, even when the paste is applied to the coated surface of the application object W and the paste is applied to the coating pattern having the shape of two straight lines which are in a positional relationship of intersection, it is also true that The straight line of the two straight lines of the application pattern can cause the laser displacement meter 3c to cross the direction in which the paste extends in a state in which the light path surface is along the direction in which the paste extends (for example, in a state of being parallelly extended). The direction (for example, the direction orthogonal to each other) is moved, and the coating height of the paste is measured. As a result, the measurement accuracy of the coating height of the paste is improved, and the correct coating height can be obtained. Therefore, it is correct whether or not the cross-sectional area of the paste falls within the allowable range. Therefore, it is not the case that defective products having a cross-sectional area of the paste falling within the allowable range of -31 - 201247327 are used in the production of the next project, and as a result, the quality of the coated product can be improved. (Other Embodiments) The foregoing embodiments of the present invention are merely illustrative, and the scope of the present invention is not limited thereto. The foregoing embodiments can be variously modified. For example, several constituent elements can be deleted from all the constituent elements shown in the foregoing embodiments, and further, different implementation forms can be used. The constituent elements are suitable for combination. In the above-described embodiment, the measurement at the measurement position of the three places is performed for each line of the rectangular frame-shaped application pattern, but the measurement is not limited thereto. For example, it may be set as In the following description, in FIG. 8, first, the laser displacement meter 3c is scanned from the first line B1 side toward the second line B2 side. In this scanning, the measurement is performed at the first measurement position of the first line B1 (the thick line on the leftmost line at the first line B1), and then at the first measurement position of the second line B2 (the second line B2). The measurement is performed at the leftmost thick line). Next, the scanning direction is folded back, and the measurement is performed at the second measurement position (the thick line at the center of the second line B2) of the second line B2, and the scanning direction is maintained, and the second measurement is performed on the first line B1. The measurement was performed at the position (thick line at the center of the first line B1). Thereafter, the scanning direction is again folded back, and the measurement is performed at the third measurement position of the first line B1 (the thick line on the rightmost line of the first line B1), and the scanning direction is maintained, and the second line B2 is 3 The measurement position (the thick line on the rightmost line at the second line B2) was measured. In this case, the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3A is continuously cross-cutting through the first line B1 and the second line B2 and reciprocating. This measurement method is effective when the size of the coating pattern is small. Further, in the third line B 3 and the fourth line B4, the same measurement method as described above in which the laser displacement meter 3c of the coating unit 3B is continuously cross-cut across the third line B3 and the fourth line B4 can be used. . In the above-described embodiment, the measurement of the second line B 2 is performed after the measurement of the first line B 1 is completed. However, the second line B 2 is not limited thereto. For example, the first line may be used. After the measurement of B1 is completed, the measurement of the third line B3 is performed or the measurement of the fourth line B4 can be performed. Further, the measurement start line ' is not limited to the first line B 1, but may be other lines. Further, in the foregoing embodiment, when the coating of the paste or the measurement of the coating degree of the paste is performed, the coating head 3a or the laser displacement gauge 3c is moved in the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction, and The coating head 3a or the laser displacement gauge 3c is relatively moved with the object to be coated w, but is not limited thereto. For example, the stage 2 on which the object to be coated W is mounted may be moved in the X-axis direction or the γ-axis direction, and the coating head 3a or the laser displacement gauge 3e may be moved relative to the object to be coated w. Alternatively, the coating head 3a or the laser displacement gauge 3c may be moved relative to the object to be coated w in combination. In other words, the coating head 3a or the laser displacement gauge 3e can be moved relative to the object to be coated W, and the driving method for the relative operation is not limited. Further, in the above-described embodiment, the application pattern of the rectangular shape-33-201247327 is a coating pattern having two straight lines intersecting each other, but the present invention is not limited thereto, and may be, for example, A coating pattern of a quadrangular shape (diamond or trapezoidal or the like) or a polygonal coating pattern other than a square shape such as an angular shape. In the case of three or more straight line portions having different extending directions, such as a triangle, etc., at least one light path laser displacement meter 3c exists in each straight line portion. The multi-coated gj can be used to measure the displacement of 3 c. Further, in the above-described embodiment, two coating units are provided for one, but the coating unit is not limited thereto or three or more coating units are provided. In the case where the coated surface of the example object W is provided with the intersecting coating pattern, and the one surface is provided, it is also possible to make the light path surface parallel to the two of the two straight lines. The displacement gauges 3 c and the straight lines are arranged such that the light path faces are parallel laser beams and the coating units are alternately arranged. Alternatively, the unit may be divided into three and one of the opposite sides of one side and the opposite side. Further, in the above-described embodiment, the arrangement of the laser displacement gauges 3c is made 90° apart between the coating units of one, but it is not possible to Between the two supporting portions, the coating unit is exemplified by a rectangular shape or a triangular shape or a fifth. In this application drawing, the support portion is arranged such that the opposite surface is parallel to the page 3 a. In addition, it is also possible to set, for example, a straight line of six coating units on the two straight lines coated, and a light path on the other side, 3c, and 6 light paths on the three support portions of six of the six coatings. The surface of the surface is limited to this, and the direction of the light path surface of the laser displacement meter-34-201247327 3c is different, that is, as long as the coating unit of the paste coating apparatus 1 is plural, At least each of the linear portions having mutually different extending directions of the application pattern on the coated surface of the application object W, and at least each of the laser displacement surfaces 3 c having the optical path surface and the linear portion in parallel There is one. There is 'in the foregoing In the second embodiment, the laser displacement path 3c is rotated so that the light path surface of the laser displacement meter 3c is parallel to the extending direction (extension direction) of the paste. The rotation angle of the laser displacement meter 3c is set in advance at each measurement site, and is controlled by the rotation driving unit 3e according to the set rotation angle. In the foregoing embodiment, When the coating height of the paste drawn on the surface to be coated is measured, the laser displacement meter 3 c is automatically moved in the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction, but is not limited thereto. For example, the operator may manually move the laser displacement gauge 3c in the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction. Further, in the above-described embodiment, the object to be coated W is along the object to be coated. The direction of the coated surface is a direction along the X-axis direction and the Y-axis direction, that is, a direction along the horizontal direction. However, the direction is not limited thereto. For example, 'the object to be coated W is The direction of the coated surface can also be The direction along the Z-axis direction and the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction, that is, the direction along the vertical direction. Further, the direction intersecting the coated surface of the application object W is set to be relative to the The direction in which the surfaces are coated is orthogonal to each other. However, it is not limited thereto. For example, -35-201247327 may be a direction inclined with respect to the surface to be coated. [Simplified illustration] [Fig. 1] The schematic view of the paste coating apparatus of the first embodiment is shown in front view. [Fig. 2] A plan view showing the outline of the paste coating apparatus shown in Fig. 1. [Fig. 3] A method of measuring the coating height of the paste by the laser displacement meter provided in the paste application device shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 will be described. Fig. 4 is an explanatory view for explaining the measurement of the coating height of the paste obtained by the measurement shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 5 is an explanatory view for explaining measurement of the coating height of the paste of the comparative example. Fig. 6 is an explanatory view for explaining the measurement of the coating height of the paste obtained by the measurement shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 7 is a flow chart showing the flow of the paste application operation performed on the paste application device shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 8 is an explanatory view for explaining a measurement position of a coating height of a paste in the paste application operation shown in Fig. 7; Fig. 9 is a plan view showing a schematic configuration of a laser displacement meter provided in the paste application device of the second embodiment. [Description of main component symbols] -36- 201247327 1 : Paste coating device 2: Platform 3A: Coating unit 3B: Coating unit 3C: Coating unit 3D: Coating unit 3a: Coating head 3b: Z-axis moving device 3 c: Laser displacement 3d: imaging unit 3e: rotation drive unit 3 a 1 : nozzle 3cl : light projecting unit 3c2 : light receiving unit 4A : X-axis moving device 4B : X-axis moving device 5A : support portion 5 B : support portion 6A : Y-axis Mobile device 6B: Y-axis moving device 7: Rack 8: Control unit A 1 : Measurement 値 A2 : Measurement 値 -37 - 201247327 B1 : 1st line B2 : 2nd line B3 : 3rd line B4 : 4th line Η : Coating height L: wide width Ρ : paste W : coating object