201237323 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明關於照明裝置,特別是關於作爲光源而具備 LED ( Light Emitting Diode)等之半導體發光元件,主要 作爲白熾燈泡之替代品使用的照明裝置。 【先前技術】 近年來爲防止地球暖化而進行省能源化,照明領域亦 進行硏究開發使用LED之燈件作爲習知白熾燈泡之替代 品。和習知白熾燈泡比較,使用LED之燈件具有高能源 效率。考慮擴大使用 LED之燈件之用途時,較好是要求 能直接利用習知白熾燈泡之燈座,而能和習知白熾燈泡同 等被使用。另外,白熾燈泡係由白熾燈泡前方至後方以大 略球面狀均等射出光,因此,使用LED之燈件係被要求 和白熾燈泡安裝於照明器具時同等之光照射。但是,LED 之射出光具由強烈之直進性,和習知白熾燈泡同等被使用 時,需要在無亮度不均之情況下予以擴大光之照射範圍( 配光)。 擴大光之配光的手段之一例如揭示於專利文獻1,係 於大略圓柱狀基體之外表面配設LED,覆蓋上述基體及上 述LED而設置透光性蓋部,而擴大配光之方法。但是, 需要製作大略圓柱狀之基體或者需要將LED配設於大略 圓柱狀之基體等而導致製造工程有可能變爲複雜。 擴大配光的手段亦有使用透鏡者。使用透鏡之擴大配 -5- 201237323 光的習知技術例如專利文獻2或專利文獻3之揭示。專利 文獻2揭示,於發光元件上部設置光束控制構件(透鏡) ,於光束控制構件在發光元件之對向面設置凹部及通氣溝 ,而防止亮度不均之產生,將光射出於平面上的透鏡之形 狀。另外,專利文獻3則揭示,使具備:相對於底面、反 射面、透鏡中心軸傾斜之角度的第1折射面;及由底面作 爲圓滑之曲面而在第1折射面延伸的第2折射面的透鏡, 設置於發光元件上部,而使光由側方射出的透鏡之形狀。 〔習知技術文獻〕 〔專利文獻〕 專利文獻1 :特開2008-103112號公報 專利文獻2:特開2009-211990號公報 專利文獻3 :特開2 0 0 4 - 1 3 3 3 9 1號公報 【發明內容】 (發明所欲解決之課題) 但是,專利文獻2揭示之透鏡,可將發光元件照射之 光均勻擴散至照射方向(前方),防止亮度不均之產生, 但是對於發光元件之照射方向,光幾乎未由側方及後方射 出。因此,使用專利文獻2揭示之透鏡的照明裝置,不適 合作爲可由側方及後方射出光的白熾燈泡之替代品使用。 專利文獻3揭示之透鏡,光可由側面方向射出,但是光幾 乎未由側方及後方射出。因此,不適合作爲白熾燈泡之替 -6- 201237323 代品使用。圖1 0表示單純組合專利文獻2及專利文獻3 時之光之射出模樣。由側方射出之光較多,由側方或後方 射出之光量較少,因此難以獲得白熾燈泡替代品必要之光 以大略球面狀均等射出之效果。 本發明目的在於提供,LED之安裝簡單,而且可防止 光射出之亮度不均,可以大略球面狀均等射出光之透鏡以 及使用其之照明裝置。 (用以解決課題的手段) 本發明之照明裝置,係具有:基板;設於該基板上面 側的發光體:及覆蓋發光體上方的透鏡;其特徵爲:透鏡 具有:和發光體之發光面呈對向的面;及在發光體之發光 面之對向面的相反側,朝透鏡內側凹陷之面:朝透鏡內側 凹陷之面,係具有:使由發光體之發光面之對向面射入透 鏡內之光,射出至透鏡上方之機能及反射至透鏡之側方或 下方之機能;在發光體之發光面之對向面之一部分設置凹 部;凹部之形狀設爲,藉由朝透鏡內側凹陷之面而使由凹 部射入透鏡內之光,相較於被射出至透鏡上方者,有更多 部分會被反射至透鏡之側方或下方的形狀。 另外,本發明之照明裝置,係具有:基板;設於基板 上面側的發光體;及覆蓋發光體上方的透鏡;其特徵爲: 透鏡具有:和發光體之發光面呈對向的面;及在發光體之 發光面之對向面的相反側,朝透鏡內側凹陷之面;朝透鏡 內側凹陷之面,係具有:由朝透鏡內側凹陷之面之底部朝 -7- 201237323 頂部,而向透鏡上方變大之傾斜;在發光體之發光面之對 向面,設有朝透鏡內側凹陷之凹部。 本發明之透鏡,其特徵爲:具有:朝該透鏡內側凹陷 之面;及朝透鏡內側凹陷之面的相反側之面;朝透鏡內側 凹陷之面,係具有:由朝透鏡內側凹陷之面之底部朝頂部 ,而向透鏡上方變大之傾斜;在相反側之面,設有朝該透 鏡內側凹陷之凹部。 本發明之照明裝置,係具有:基板;設於基板上方向 的複數個半導體發光元件;及覆蓋半導體發光元件而設於 基板上方的透鏡;其特徵爲:透鏡由上部、側部、及底部 構成;底部具有透鏡之第1面;側部具有透鏡之第2面及 第3面;上部具有透鏡之第4面及第5面;第1面,係朝 透鏡內方凹陷之半球狀之曲面,以覆蓋半導體發光元件的 方式被設置;第2面之一端被連接於第1面之端,第2面 爲覆蓋第1面之側部的曲面;第3面之一端被連接於第2 面之另一端,第4面之一端被連接於第3面之另一端,第 4面爲朝透鏡內方凹陷之曲面;第5面被連接於第4面之 另一端,係對於基板呈大略平行之面;來自半導體發光元 件之光,係由第1面射入透鏡內;由第1面射入之光,係 朝向第2、第3、第4、第5面;第2面,係使由第1面射 入之光,朝照明裝置之上方向折射而由透鏡射出:第3面 ,係使由第1面射入之光,朝第4面而於透鏡內被反射, 使被第4面反射之光朝照明裝置之側方或下方折射而由透 鏡射出;第4面,係使由第1面射入之光,朝第3面而於 -8- 201237323 透鏡內被反射,使被第3面反射之光朝照明裝置之上方折 射而由透鏡射出;第5面,係使由第1面射入之光,朝照 明裝置之上方而由透鏡射出;第1面具有朝透鏡內方凹陷 之凹部;由半導體發光元件射入凹部之光,相較於第5面 係有更多部分被朝向第4面。 【實施方式】 本發明之照明裝置中,於1個基板上設置至少1個發 光體,保護發光體,具備具有透光性之蓋部,於發光體之 發光面之上方、而且於蓋部內部具有透鏡,於透鏡,在發 光面之對向面之大略中心具備大略圓錐狀之凹部,凹部底 面之大小係較發光面之面積小的透鏡爲其特徵。 作爲另一例,發光面之對向面爲曲面,於對向面之相 反側具有漏斗型之凹部爲其特徵。作爲再另一例,係於上 述漏斗型凹部底面,具備具有平坦部之透鏡爲其特徵。上 述透鏡,係於發光面之對向面,形成較發光面具有更小底 面的大略圓錐狀凹部,如此而抑制射出至蓋部表面之光之 亮度不均。另外,在發光面之相反側被形成的漏斗型凹部 ,可增加光之射出至後方。藉由將漏斗型凹部之底面設爲 平坦部,可增加光之射出至前方。組合彼等效果可獲得對 蓋部表面均勻射出光之透鏡。另外,於蓋部具有散射特性 則更能增加光之均勻性。本發明之照明裝置中,考慮作爲 白熾燈泡替代用途時,較好是具有和燈泡類似之形狀。作 爲實施形態之一例,係使用LED模組作爲發光體,在搭 201237323 載著LED模組的基板背面具有空洞之框體 白熾燈泡之燈座連接用的燈頭之構造。於框 納驅動LED模組之電路。 以下參照圖面說明實施例1〜5。基本構 之—面設置發光體、亦即LED模組2。以下 〜5’係以基板4爲基準,以設有LED模組 向爲前方(上方),另一面之方向爲後方( 方及下方以外之方向爲側方。燈泡構成 globe )側及燈座(iamp base )側時,燈罩 座側爲下方。 (實施例1 ) 本實施例說明防止亮度不均、而且擴大 〇 圖1(a)表示本發明實施例1之由發光 斷面圖》於基板4之一面搭載著LED模組: 之發光面3係朝向基板4之相反方向之前方 鏡1 ’係以透鏡1之大部分置於L E D模組2 前方(上方)的方式被設置。基板4係用於 組2。LED模組2 ’係由電路被供給電力, LED模組2之前方(上方)照射光。發光面 會射入透鏡1。 透鏡1係以覆蓋LED模組2的方式設 中,透鏡1係由以下構成:平坦部a (第5 *具有和習知 體之空洞部收 :成係於基板4 ,於實施例1 2之一面之方 下方),以前 專燈罩(1 a m p 側爲上方,燈 配光之透鏡例 部側方看到之 ,LED模組2 (上方)。透 之發光面3之 搭載LED模 白發光面3對 3所照射之光 置。本實施例 面),凹部b -10- 201237323 (第4面),折射面c(第3面),曲面d(第2面), 曲面e(第1面),凹部f,及握把部6。於透鏡1,曲面 e爲LED模組2之對向面。LED模組2被曲面e及基板4 包圍。曲面e構成爲,覆蓋被配置於平面之基板4之一面 的LED模組2的半球狀。於曲面e,形成圓錐狀之凹部f 。將由LED模組2之發光面3照射之光之中之代表性光 線設爲光軸5時,凹部f係形成於光軸5與曲面e之交叉 部分。於曲面e,將最遠離基板4之處設爲曲面部el。本 實施例中’光軸5通過曲面部el,因此凹部f被設於曲面 部el。凹部f係以朝透鏡1內側凹陷的方式設置。凹部f 爲圓錐狀之凹陷。來自LED模組2之發光面3之光,係 朝向曲面e及凹部f,由曲面e及凹部f射入透鏡1內。 透鏡1之光之射出面係由平坦部a、凹部b、折射面c及 曲面d構成》平坦部a及凹部b位於透鏡1之上部,折射 面c及曲面d位於透鏡1之側部。凹部b具有:由平坦部 a朝凹部b與折射面c之相接部分,朝透鏡之上方向變大 之傾斜。由平坦部a、凹部b '折射面c形成大略漏斗型 。折射面c位於凹部b之側方至後方。平坦部a被設於由 凹部b包圍之底面。凹部b具有:使由曲面e或凹部f射 入透鏡1內之光,朝向相當於透鏡1之側方或後方的折射 面c之方向及作爲反射面之機能,及使被折射面c反射之 光透過而射出至透1¾ 1之III方之機能。平坦部a具有:使 由曲面e或凹部f射入透鏡1內之光,朝向照明裝置前方 及透過之機能。藉由平坦部a,可增加朝照明裝置前方之 -11 - 201237323 光之射出量。折射面C具有:折射被凹部b反射 由透鏡1射出至照明裝置之側方或後方之機能, 面e射入之光朝向凹部b之方向及反射之機能。 有:折射由曲面e射入透鏡1內之光,使由透鏡 機能。光係由曲面d射出至照明裝置之前方至後 。藉由在曲面e形成圓錐狀凹部f,可增加接觸I 光量。接觸凹部b之光量之增加,可以增加來自 光之反射量,可使光照射至燈泡之前方、側方、 防止•亮度不均。由凹部f射入之光會被凹部b反 純僅設置曲面e之情況比較,可增加由照明裝置 後方之光之射出。藉由增加由照明裝置之側方朝 之射出,可達成減少照明裝置全體之亮度不均之: 光軸5和圓錐狀凹部f之構成角度61,在 接觸凹部b時較好是10〜50度前後。例如01 48度時,較好是設定平坦部a之長度爲0.6mm, 大小成爲半徑6mmxl2mm之橢圓形狀之1/4所 弧。但是,0 1之角度或平坦部a之大小變化時 之大小亦變化。另外,將曲面e之凹部f之開口 錐狀凹部f之底面時,較好是凹部f之底面之大/」 發光面3之大小X2。藉由設爲X|小於X2,可也 凹部f被凹部b反射之光,及經由曲面e被凹部 光之2種類,可擴大由側方朝後方之射出光,防 均。Χι與X2之大小比率,在考慮光之接觸凹部 是1 : 2前後。例如X,爲3.4mm時,X2之大小ί 之光,使 及使由曲 曲面d具 1射出之 方之範圍 3部b之 凹部b之 後方,可 射,和單 之側方朝 後方之光 次果。 考慮光之 之角度爲 凹部b之 構成之圓 ,凹部b 部稱爲圓 、Xi小於 形成經由 b反射之 止亮度不 b時較好 句 8 m m 〇 -12- 201237323 01之角度爲48度時,平坦部a之長度爲0.6mm,凹部b 之大小爲半徑6x12mm之橢圓形狀之1/4所構成之圓弧 ,凹部b與折射面c構成之角度爲55度,曲面d與曲面e 之垂直底面爲1mm,曲面d爲半徑9mmxl2mm之橢圓形 狀之一部分之圓弧,曲面e爲半徑3 mmx 8mm之橢圓形狀 之一部分之圓弧,透鏡1中心部之厚度爲0.5 mm爲較好。 但是,調整凹部b之曲率,調整光朝向後方之射出量時可 爲其他之比率。 透鏡1之外型係將大略漏斗型及大略半球型(碗型) 之個別之面積小的部分呈對向予以組合之形狀。透鏡1由 側面看爲大略漏沙計時器之形狀。大略漏斗型之外周側面 即爲本實施例中所謂折射面C,大略漏斗型之內周側面即 爲本實施例中所謂凹面b,大略漏斗型之內周側面包圍之 部分即爲本實施例中所謂底面a。大略半球型之外周側面 即爲本實施例中所謂曲面d,大略半球型之圓錐台內周側 面即爲本實施例中所謂曲面e,於曲面e之一部分設置凹 部。設於曲面e之一部分的凹部即爲本實施例中所謂凹部 f。本實施例中凹部f之形狀爲圓錐狀。曲面d之一端連接 於曲面e之端’折射面c之一端連接於曲面d之另一端。 凹面b之一端連接於折射面c之另一端。底面a連接於凹 面b之另一端。本實施例中以大略漏斗型、大略半球型表 現,但不限定於此’只要是能達成各面之機能之形狀即可 ,透鏡1之外型不限定於此。 透鏡1係藉由曲面e覆蓋LED模組2而被設計。來自 -13- 201237323 LED模組2之發光面3之光,被射入曲面e或凹部f 入曲面e之光則依據曲面e之曲率及透鏡1之折射率 折射。直進性強的LED模組2之光,藉由曲面e而擴 前方之配光。另外,射入凹部f之光亦被折射。通過 e之光,將到達平坦面a、曲面b、折射面c、曲面d 過凹部f之光,將到達曲面b。到達平坦面a之光會 射出至前方。到達曲面b之光之中,一部分之光會由 b射出至前方,其他之光則再度反射至透鏡1內。由 e或曲面b到達折射面C或曲面d之光會被折射,而 射出至前方或側方或後方。曲面e之設置係爲擴大 LED模組2之光之配向。凹部b係爲使光透過前方、 至透鏡1內而設。平坦面a係爲使光透過透鏡1之前 設。折射面c係爲使光朝向透鏡1之側方或後方而設 面d係爲使光朝向前方或側方而設置。 透鏡1可利用旋盤、射出成形、光造形及鑄造等 習知技術來製造。透鏡1係由PMMA (聚甲基丙烯酸 )或PC (聚碳酸酯)等製作。但只要是透光性材料 ,不限定於彼等材料,透鏡等之光損較少的材料因爲 源而較好。另外,亦可使用複數材料。於透鏡1內部 由PMMA (聚甲基丙烯酸甲基)或PC (聚碳酸酯) 成之約lOOOnm大小之微粒子,而具有散射特性亦可 透鏡1具有散射特性,則因爲散射會增大光損,但是 實現更能降低亮度不均之特性之光。 透鏡1之折射率較好是通常之透明構件具有的 。射 進行 大朝 曲面 。通 將光 曲面 曲面 將光 來自 反射 方而 。曲 多數 甲基 即可 省能 混合 等構 。於 可以 1.54 -14- 201237323 前後,依據使用之材料,可具有較其爲高或低之折射率》 透鏡1內之光之折射或反射角度會受折射率之影響,因而 需要依據透鏡1使用之材料之折射率來變更形狀》 圖1 (b)表示透鏡1之等角投影圖。作爲將透鏡1安 裝於基板4之手段之一例,可於基板4設置至少2處之孔 ,在由透鏡1底面延伸之圓柱狀部分形成握把部6,而防 止透鏡之鬆脫的安裝方法。爲防止透鏡1之上下方向之偏 移,較好是針對和圓柱狀部分之基板4相接的部分之基板 4,在上側及下側之兩側形成握把部6 (於圖1 ( a )僅圖 示下部之握把部6)。另外,不形成握把部6,藉由調整 透鏡之圓柱狀部分之粗細,及基板之孔之大小之嵌合,而 將透鏡1安裝於基板4亦可。 圖2表示本發明實施例1之光線模樣之表示圖。來自 LED模組2之發光面3之光,係由曲面e或凹部f射入透 鏡1內,由平坦部a、凹面b、折射面c、曲面d射出至透 鏡1外。 圖3表示安裝之另一例,表示將透鏡100安裝於基板 4之方法。透鏡1與透鏡1〇〇之基本構成相同,具有由透 鏡1 00之底面沿著基板4之上面以平坦形狀延伸的構件 106’將構件106兩端嵌入基板4之兩端而固定。透鏡100 之固定’可使用矽酮等之接著劑。和上述安裝例同樣,形 成握把部6而進行鬆脫防止亦可。依據本實施例之方法, 和在LED模組2附近之基板4設置孔的圖1之情況下比 較,發熱體之LED模組2附近之基板4之面積變大,具 -15- 201237323 有來自LED模組2之熱容易透過基板4排出之效果。 圖4表示安裝之另一例,表示將透鏡2 00安裝於基板 4之方法。透鏡1與透鏡200之基本構成相同,在透鏡1 之底部形成至少2個以上之突出部分7,藉由按壓板20將 突出部分7按壓至基板4上,藉由螺栓21將基板4與按 壓板20予以栓緊,使透鏡200固定於基板4。本實施例中 ,係藉由螺栓21進行基板4與透鏡200之安裝,不使用 矽酮樹脂進行接著,具有防止熱引起之接著劑之隨時間劣 化之效果。 考慮散熱性,基板4之材質較好是使用熱傳導率高之 構件。例如較好是使用鋁或鋁合金、銅等之金屬材料,但 只要是熱傳導率高之構件即可,可使用其他材料。 圖5表示本發明之透鏡作爲白熾燈泡之替代品照明裝 置使用時之斷面圖。基本構成爲,在基板4搭載LED模 組2,在LED模組2之上部設置透鏡1,具有覆蓋基板4 之透光性蓋部1 3,在基板4之LED模組2搭載面之背側 具有空洞之框體10,於框體10內部具備電路11,具備和 習知白熾燈泡之插座連接用的燈頭1 2之構成。並非僅模 擬白熾燈泡之形狀,而是在不產生亮度不均之情況下擴大 透鏡1之配光,使配光接近白熾燈泡,而實現白熾燈泡之 替代。 透光性蓋部1 3被連結於LED基板4或框體10。蓋部 13之材料可爲PMMA (聚甲基丙烯酸甲基)或pC (聚碳 酸酯)等樹脂,亦可使用玻璃。蓋部13可爲透明或有色 -16- 201237323 #之任一,欲增加透鏡射出之光之均勻性時,較好是混合 二氧化矽或聚碳酸酯等約l〇〇〇nm大小之微粒子,而具有 散射特性。於蓋部13之材質使用玻璃時,在蓋部內面塗 布Si〇2等微粒子,可以具有散射特性。欲呈現蠟燭般閃 耀感時’透光性蓋部1 3可以不具有散射性。 框體10兼具有電路11之收納及LED模組2產生之 熱之散熱機能,因此較好是使用熱傳導性高的材料例如鋁 或銘合金、銅等之金屬材料,但亦可使用其他材料。另外 ’框體10之空洞部可塡充矽酮等樹脂。 電路11具有轉換交流電源成爲直流電源而驅動LED 模組2之任務。電路i〗可由變壓器、電容器等構成,但 可依據利用之LED模組2之規格而變化電路U之構成。 於該形態說明安裝於白熾燈泡用插座之照明裝置之例 ’但上述透鏡不限定於白熾燈泡之使用,亦適用於其他形 態之照明裝置,於申請專利範圍記載之範圍可做各種變更 實施。 上述實施形態中,使用表面安裝型LED模組2作爲 光源,但不限定於此,亦可使用其他形態之LED或其他 發光元件例如有機EL、無機EL等。 (實施例2) 本實施例2中說明實施例1之另一方式。圖6表示本 發明實施例2之由發光部側方看到之斷面圖。透鏡之材質 或製法係和第1實施例同樣。平坦部a、凹面b、折射面c -17· 201237323 、曲面d、曲面e之構成係和第1實施例之透鏡1同樣。 透鏡3 00和透鏡1之不同構成在於,在LED模組2之發 光面3之對向面所設置的圓錐台形之凹部g。凹部g具有 側面部g 1及底面部g2。凹部g係隨著由發光面側至前方 而使斷面積變小的圓錐台形。在發光面3之對向面,設置 平坦部之底面部g2,使平坦部之g2與a互相面對而增加 由g2至a之光量。凹部g,係在對於光軸5之垂直方向具 有平坦部,但亦可爲其他形狀之例如放射線般之半球狀。 半球狀時藉由光之折射可以更均勻彎曲。另外,以不使光 朝前方之射出量成爲過多的方式,設定凹部g之底面部g2 之大小X3,成爲小於發光面3之大小X4乃較好者。χ3與 Χ4之大小之比率,在考慮光之接觸凹面b時,較好是設爲 2: 3前後。但是,藉由凹面b之曲面之調整,來控制對後 方之射出光時,可爲其他比率。 (實施例3) 本實施例3中說明實施例1之另一方式。圖7(a)表 示本發明實施例3之由發光部側方看到之斷面圖。透鏡之 材質或製法係和第1實施例同樣。平坦部a、凹面b、折 射面c、曲面d、曲面e之構成係和第1實施例之透鏡1 同樣。透鏡400和透鏡100之不同構成在於,在LED模 組2之對向面設置圓錐形狀之凹部f,另外,存在複數個 圓錐狀之凹部h。藉由複數個圓錐狀之凹部h之設置,於 凹部h產生折射,可增加光照射至漏斗型凹面b之均句度 -18- 201237323 ,結果可使光之配光之均勻性更良好。圖7(b)表示透鏡 4 0 0之等角投影圖。複數個圓錐狀之凹部h配置於同心圓 形狀。欲擴大光之均勻性,複數個圓錐狀之凹部h之配置 ,在以光軸5爲中心線看時,較好是對稱。如圖7 ( a )所 示圓錐狀凹部f,亦可和實施例2同樣由圓錐台形或放射 線般之半球狀之形狀構成。另外,複數個圓錐狀之凹部h ,於圖7呈現圓錐狀,但亦可爲其他形狀之例如富士山形 之形狀,或放射線般之半球狀之形狀。 (實施例4) 本實施例4中說明實施例1之另一方式。圖8表示本 發明實施例4之由發光部側方看到之斷面圖。透鏡之材質 或製法係和第1實施例同樣。搭載LED模組2之基板15 0 之端,係在搭載LED模組之面之更低位置被折彎,此爲 其特徵。於平面狀基板4,來自LED模組2之光係於基板 4之端被散射,朝後方之射出光量會減少,但是使用基板 150時,朝後方之光未被遮斷,可增加光朝向後方之射出 量。基板150之材質較好是使用鋁或鋁合金等熱傳導率高 、且容易加工之材料。接合基板150與框體151之端時, 熱傳導率變好。 (實施例5) 本實施例5中說明實施例1之另一方式。圖9表示本 發明實施例5作爲白熾燈泡替代品使用時由側方看到之斷 -19- 201237323 面圖。於實施例1將透鏡固定於基板 將透鏡5 00固定於蓋部50。藉由分離 間之距離,可防止發熱引起之透鏡500 實施例1比較,光之射出位置爲上部, 之射出量。 透鏡500之材質或製法係和第1 500對蓋部50之固定,較好是使用透明 鏡500之影子投影至蓋部50爲較好。 使用矽酮、丙烯基、脂環式環氧樹脂、 可使用其他接著劑。透鏡500,可利用 數習知技術,和蓋部50形成爲一體予 時,透鏡5 00與蓋部50之材質較好是 同材料。 (發明效果) 依據本發明之照明裝置,係具有: 上面側的發光體;及覆蓋發光體上方的 和發光體之發光面呈對向的面;及在發 向面的相反側,朝透鏡內側凹陷之面: 面,係具有:使由發光體之發光面之對 光,射出至透鏡上方之機能及反射至透 機能;在發光體之發光面之對向面之一 部之形狀設爲,藉由朝透鏡內側凹陷之 透鏡內之光,相較於被射出至透鏡上方 4,但本實施例中, LED模組2與透鏡 之劣化。另外,和 可增加光朝向後方 實施例同樣。透鏡 丨接著劑,以防止透 透明接著劑之例可 尿烷等接著劑,亦 光造形或鑄造等多 以製造,形成一體 :同樣,但亦可爲不 基板;設於該基板 透鏡;透鏡具有: 光體之發光面之對 朝透鏡內側凹陷之 向面射入透鏡內之 鏡之側方或下方之 部分設置凹部;凹 面而使由凹部射入 者,有更多部分會 -20- 201237323 被反射至透鏡之側方或下方的形狀,如此則,可以實現 LED之安裝簡單,而且可防止亮度不均,可以大略球面狀 均等射出光之照明裝置。 另外,依據本發明之照明裝置,係具有:基板;設於 基板上面側的發光體;及覆蓋發光體上方的透鏡;透鏡具 有:和發光體之發光面呈對向的面;及在發光體之發光面 之對向面的相反側,朝透鏡內側凹陷之面;朝透鏡內側凹 陷之面,係具有:由朝透鏡內側凹陷之面之底部朝頂部, 而向透鏡上方變大之傾斜;在發光體之發光面之對向面, 設有朝透鏡內側凹陷之凹部,如此則,可以實現LED之 安裝簡單,而且可防止亮度不均,可以大略球面狀均等射 出光之照明裝置。 依據本發明,具有:朝該透鏡內側凹陷之面;及朝透 鏡內側凹陷之面的相反側之面;朝透鏡內側凹陷之面,係 具有:由朝透鏡內側凹陷之面之底部朝頂部,而向透鏡上 方變大之傾斜;在相反側之面,設有朝該透鏡內側凹陷之 凹部,如此則,可以實現LED之安裝簡單,而且可防止 亮度不均,可以大略球面狀均等射出光之透鏡。 依據本發明之照明裝置,係具有:基板;設於基板上 方向的複數個半導體發光元件;及覆蓋半導體發光元件而 設於基板上方的透鏡;其特徵爲:透鏡由上部、側部、及 底部構成;底部具有透鏡之第1面;側部具有透鏡之第2 面及第3面;上部具有透鏡之第4面及第5面;第1面, 係朝透鏡內方凹陷之半球狀之曲面,以覆蓋半導體發光元 -21 - 201237323 件的方式被設置;第2面之一端被連接於第1面之端’第 2面爲覆蓋第1面之側部的曲面;第3面之一端被連接於 第2面之另一端,第4面之一端被連接於第3面之另一端 ,第4面爲朝透鏡內方凹陷之曲面;第5面被連接於第4 面之另一端,係對於基板呈大略平行之面;來自半導體發 光元件之光,係由第1面射入透鏡內;由第1面射入之光 ,係朝向第2、第3、第4、第5面;第2面,係使由第1 面射入之光,朝照明裝置之上方向折射而由透鏡射出:第 3面,係使由第1面射入之光,朝第4面而於透鏡內被反 射,使被第4面反射之光朝照明裝置之側方或下方折射而 由透鏡射出;第4面,係使由第1面射入之光,朝第3面 而於透鏡內被反射,使被第3面反射之光朝照明裝置之上 方折射而由透鏡射出;第5面,係使由第1面射入之光, 朝照明裝置之上方而由透鏡射出;第1面具有朝透鏡內方 凹陷之凹部;由半導體發光元件射入凹部之光,相較於第 5面係有更多部分被朝向第4面,如此則,可以實現LED 之安裝簡單,而且可防止亮度不均,可以大略球面狀均等 射出光之照明裝置。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1 ( a )表示本發明實施例丨之由發光部側方看到之 斷面圖’ (b)表示本發明實施例1之透鏡之等角投影圖 〇 圖2表示本發明實施例1之光線模樣之表示圖。 -22- 201237323 圖3(a)表示本發明實施例!之透鏡之安裝變更時由 發光部側方看到之斷面圖,(b)表示圖3(a)之透鏡之 等角投影圖。 圖4(a)表示本發明實施例1之透鏡之安裝變更時由 發光部側方看到之斷面圖,(b )表示圖5 ( a )之透鏡之 等角投影圖。 圖5表示本發明實施例1作爲白熾燈泡替代品使用時 由側方看到之斷面圖。 圖6表示本發明實施例2之由發光部側方看到之斷面 圖。 圖7(a)表示本發明實施例3之由發光部側方看到之 斷面圖,(b)表示圖7(a)之透鏡之等角投影圖。 圖8表示本發明實施例4作爲白熾燈泡替代品使用時 由側方看到之斷面圖。 圖9表示本發明實施例5作爲白熾燈泡替代品使用時 由側方看到之斷面圖。 圖10表示習知例之透鏡斷面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :透鏡 2 : LED模組 3 :發光面(螢光體面) 4 :基板 5 :光軸 -23- 201237323 6 :握把部 7 :突出部 10、 151: 1 1 :電路 1 2 :燈頭 13 ' 50 : 1 2 0 :按壓丰i 2 1 :螺栓 1 00 :包含 150 :基板 200 :包含 300 、 400 、 5 0 1 :光線 600 :習知 a :平坦部 b :漏斗型 c :折射面 d :半球型 e :曲面 f =圓錐狀: g :富士山 h :複數個 分 框體 部 安裝部的透鏡 之另一形態 安裝部的透鏡之另一形態 5 00 :透鏡之另一形態 例之透鏡 之凹面 曲面 之凹部 形之凹面 圓錐狀之凹部 -24-201237323 VI. [Technical Field] The present invention relates to an illumination device, and more particularly to a semiconductor light-emitting device including a light-emitting diode (LED) or the like as a light source, and is mainly used as an illumination device instead of an incandescent light bulb. [Prior Art] In recent years, energy conservation has been carried out to prevent global warming, and lighting has also been researched and developed to use LED lighting as a substitute for conventional incandescent bulbs. Compared with conventional incandescent bulbs, LEDs with LEDs are highly energy efficient. When it is considered to expand the use of the LED lamp, it is preferable to directly use the lamp holder of the conventional incandescent bulb, and it can be used in the same manner as the conventional incandescent bulb. In addition, since the incandescent light bulb emits light in a substantially spherical shape from the front to the rear of the incandescent light bulb, the light using the LED is required to be irradiated with the same light as when the incandescent light bulb is attached to the lighting fixture. However, the LED light-emitting device has a strong straightness, and when it is used in the same way as a conventional incandescent light bulb, it is necessary to expand the light irradiation range (light distribution) without uneven brightness. One of the means for expanding the light distribution of the light is disclosed in Patent Document 1, for example, in which an LED is disposed on the outer surface of the substantially cylindrical substrate, and the light-transmitting cover portion is provided to cover the substrate and the LED to expand the light distribution. However, it is necessary to produce a substantially cylindrical base or to arrange the LEDs in a substantially cylindrical base or the like, which may cause a complicated manufacturing process. There are also ways to use the lens to expand the light distribution. A known technique of using a lens to expand the -5-201237323 light is disclosed, for example, in Patent Document 2 or Patent Document 3. Patent Document 2 discloses that a light flux controlling member (lens) is disposed on an upper portion of a light emitting element, and a concave portion and a vent groove are provided on a facing surface of the light emitting element in the light beam controlling member to prevent uneven brightness from being generated, and the light is emitted from the lens on the plane. The shape. Further, Patent Document 3 discloses that: a first refractive surface having an angle inclined with respect to a bottom surface, a reflection surface, and a lens central axis; and a second refractive surface extending from the bottom surface as a smooth curved surface on the first refractive surface The lens is in the shape of a lens that is disposed on the upper portion of the light-emitting element and that emits light from the side. [PRIOR ART DOCUMENT] [Patent Document] Patent Document 1: JP-A-2008-103112 Patent Document 2: JP-A-2009-211990 Patent Document 3: Special Opening 2 0 0 4 - 1 3 3 3 9 1 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION (Problems to be Solved by the Invention) However, the lens disclosed in Patent Document 2 can uniformly diffuse light irradiated from a light-emitting element to an irradiation direction (front) to prevent unevenness in luminance, but for a light-emitting element. In the irradiation direction, light is hardly emitted from the side and the rear. Therefore, the illumination device using the lens disclosed in Patent Document 2 is unsuitable for use as an alternative to an incandescent light bulb that can emit light from the side and the rear. In the lens disclosed in Patent Document 3, light can be emitted from the side direction, but light is hardly emitted from the side and the rear side. Therefore, it is not suitable for use as an alternative to the incandescent bulb -6- 201237323. Fig. 10 shows an emission pattern of light when the patent document 2 and the patent document 3 are simply combined. Since there is a large amount of light emitted from the side, and the amount of light emitted from the side or the rear is small, it is difficult to obtain the light necessary for the replacement of the incandescent light bulb to be equally spherically projected. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a lens which is easy to mount an LED and which prevents uneven brightness of light, and which can roughly emit a spherical lens uniformly and to use an illumination device therefor. (Means for Solving the Problem) The illumination device of the present invention includes: a substrate; an illuminator provided on an upper surface side of the substrate: and a lens covering the illuminator; wherein the lens has a light-emitting surface of the illuminator a surface that faces oppositely; and a surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens on the opposite side of the opposite surface of the light-emitting surface of the illuminator: a surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens has a surface that is opposite to the light-emitting surface of the illuminator The light entering the lens, the function of emitting light above the lens and the function of reflecting to the side or the lower side of the lens; the concave portion is provided at one of the opposite faces of the light emitting surface of the illuminator; the shape of the concave portion is set to the inner side of the lens The surface of the recess causes the light that is incident into the lens by the recess to be reflected to the side or below the lens as compared to the light that is emitted above the lens. Further, the illumination device of the present invention includes: a substrate; an illuminant provided on an upper surface side of the substrate; and a lens covering the upper surface of the illuminator; wherein the lens has a surface facing the light-emitting surface of the illuminant; On the opposite side of the opposite surface of the light-emitting surface of the illuminator, the surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens; the surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens has a surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens toward the top of the lens -7-201237323, and the lens The upper side is increased in inclination; the opposite side of the light-emitting surface of the illuminator is provided with a concave portion that is recessed toward the inside of the lens. The lens of the present invention has a surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens, and a surface opposite to the surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens, and a surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens has a surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens. The bottom is toward the top and is inclined upward toward the lens; on the opposite side, there is a recess recessed toward the inside of the lens. An illuminating device according to the present invention includes: a substrate; a plurality of semiconductor light emitting elements provided on a substrate upper direction; and a lens disposed over the substrate covering the semiconductor light emitting element; wherein the lens is composed of an upper portion, a side portion, and a bottom portion The bottom portion has a first surface of the lens; the side portion has a second surface and a third surface of the lens; the upper portion has a fourth surface and a fifth surface of the lens; and the first surface is a hemispherical curved surface that is recessed toward the inner side of the lens. One end of the second surface is connected to the end of the first surface, the second surface is a curved surface covering the side surface of the first surface, and one end of the third surface is connected to the second surface. At the other end, one end of the fourth surface is connected to the other end of the third surface, the fourth surface is a curved surface that is recessed toward the inner side of the lens, and the fifth surface is connected to the other end of the fourth surface, which is substantially parallel to the substrate. The light from the semiconductor light-emitting element enters the lens from the first surface; the light incident on the first surface faces the second, third, fourth, and fifth faces; and the second surface is caused by The light incident on the first surface is refracted toward the upper side of the illumination device and is emitted by the lens In the third surface, the light incident on the first surface is reflected in the lens toward the fourth surface, and the light reflected by the fourth surface is refracted toward the side or below the illumination device and is emitted by the lens; The light incident on the first surface is reflected in the lens of -8-201237323 toward the third surface, and the light reflected by the third surface is refracted toward the upper side of the illumination device to be emitted by the lens; the fifth surface The light incident on the first surface is emitted by the lens toward the upper side of the illumination device; the first surface has a concave portion recessed toward the inside of the lens; and the light emitted from the semiconductor light-emitting element into the concave portion is compared with the fifth surface More parts are oriented towards the 4th side. [Embodiment] In the illuminating device of the present invention, at least one illuminator is provided on one substrate to protect the illuminator, and a light-transmitting cover portion is provided above the light-emitting surface of the illuminator and inside the cover portion. The lens has a lens having a substantially conical concave portion at a center of the opposite surface of the light-emitting surface, and the size of the bottom surface of the concave portion is smaller than the area of the light-emitting surface. As another example, the opposite surface of the light-emitting surface is a curved surface, and a funnel-shaped concave portion is formed on the opposite side of the opposite surface. In still another example, the funnel-shaped recessed bottom surface is provided with a lens having a flat portion. The lens is formed on the opposite surface of the light-emitting surface to form a substantially conical recess having a smaller bottom surface than the light-emitting surface, thereby suppressing unevenness in brightness of light emitted to the surface of the cover. Further, the funnel-shaped recess formed on the opposite side of the light-emitting surface can increase the emission of light to the rear. By setting the bottom surface of the funnel-shaped recess as a flat portion, it is possible to increase the light emission to the front. By combining these effects, a lens that uniformly emits light to the surface of the cover portion can be obtained. In addition, the scattering characteristics of the cover portion further increase the uniformity of light. In the lighting device of the present invention, it is preferable to have a shape similar to that of a bulb when it is considered as an alternative to an incandescent bulb. As an example of the embodiment, an LED module is used as an illuminant, and a frame having a cavity on the back surface of the substrate on which the LED module is mounted is placed on 201237323. The structure of the base for connecting the socket of the incandescent light bulb is used. The circuit that drives the LED module is framed. Embodiments 1 to 5 will be described below with reference to the drawings. The basic structure is provided with an illuminant, that is, an LED module 2. The following 〜5' is based on the substrate 4, with the LED module facing forward (upper), the other side being rearward (the side other than the side and the lower side is the side. The bulb constitutes the globe) side and the lamp holder ( When the iamp base is on the side, the side of the shade holder is below. (Embodiment 1) This embodiment describes the prevention of unevenness in brightness and the enlargement. Fig. 1(a) shows a light-emitting sectional view of the first embodiment of the present invention. The light-emitting surface 3 is mounted on one surface of the substrate 4. The square mirror 1' is disposed in such a manner that the majority of the lens 1 is placed in front of (above) the LED module 2 in the opposite direction to the substrate 4. The substrate 4 is used for the group 2. The LED module 2' is supplied with electric power from the circuit, and the LED module 2 is irradiated with light in front (upper side). The light emitting surface is incident on the lens 1. The lens 1 is provided to cover the LED module 2, and the lens 1 is configured as follows: a flat portion a (the fifth * has a hollow portion with a conventional body: is attached to the substrate 4, and is in the embodiment 12 Below the side), the previous special lampshade (1 amp side is above, the lamp light distribution lens side view side, LED module 2 (top). Through the light emitting surface 3 mounted LED mode white light emitting surface 3 In the case of the three irradiated lights, the concave portion b -10- 201237323 (the fourth surface), the refractive surface c (the third surface), the curved surface d (the second surface), and the curved surface e (the first surface) , the recess f, and the grip portion 6. In the lens 1, the curved surface e is the opposite surface of the LED module 2. The LED module 2 is surrounded by a curved surface e and a substrate 4. The curved surface e is configured to cover the hemispherical shape of the LED module 2 disposed on one surface of the planar substrate 4. On the curved surface e, a conical recess f is formed. When a representative one of the lights irradiated by the light-emitting surface 3 of the LED module 2 is the optical axis 5, the concave portion f is formed at the intersection of the optical axis 5 and the curved surface e. On the curved surface e, the portion farthest from the substrate 4 is referred to as a curved portion el. In the present embodiment, the optical axis 5 passes through the curved surface portion el, and therefore the concave portion f is provided in the curved surface portion el. The recess f is provided so as to be recessed toward the inside of the lens 1. The recess f is a conical recess. The light from the light-emitting surface 3 of the LED module 2 is directed into the curved surface e and the concave portion f, and is incident on the lens 1 by the curved surface e and the concave portion f. The light exit surface of the lens 1 is composed of a flat portion a, a concave portion b, a refractive surface c, and a curved surface d. The flat portion a and the concave portion b are located above the lens 1, and the refractive surface c and the curved surface d are located on the side of the lens 1. The concave portion b has a slope in which the flat portion a is in contact with the concave portion b and the refractive surface c, and becomes larger toward the upper direction of the lens. A substantially funnel type is formed by the flat portion a and the concave portion b' refracting surface c. The refractive surface c is located laterally to the rear of the concave portion b. The flat portion a is provided on the bottom surface surrounded by the concave portion b. The concave portion b has a function of causing the light emitted into the lens 1 by the curved surface e or the concave portion f to face the direction of the refractive surface c corresponding to the side or the rear of the lens 1 and the function as a reflecting surface, and to reflect the surface to be refracted The light passes through and is emitted to the function of the III side. The flat portion a has a function of causing the light emitted from the curved surface e or the concave portion f into the lens 1 to face the front and the light of the illumination device. By the flat portion a, the amount of light emitted from the front of the illumination device -11 - 201237323 can be increased. The refractive surface C has a function of reflecting the reflection of the concave portion b to the side or the rear of the illumination device by the lens 1, and the light incident from the surface e toward the concave portion b and the function of reflection. There is: refracting light that is incident on the lens 1 by the curved surface e, so that it is functioned by the lens. The light system is emitted from the curved surface d to the front of the illumination device. By forming the conical recess f on the curved surface e, the amount of contact I light can be increased. The increase in the amount of light in contact with the concave portion b can increase the amount of reflection from the light, and can cause the light to be irradiated to the front side and the side of the bulb to prevent uneven brightness. The light incident from the concave portion f is compared with the case where only the curved surface e is provided by the concave portion b, and the light emitted from the rear of the illumination device can be increased. By increasing the emission from the side of the illumination device, it is possible to reduce the luminance unevenness of the entire illumination device: the angle 61 between the optical axis 5 and the conical recess f is preferably 10 to 50 degrees before and after the contact with the concave portion b. For example, at 01 to 48 degrees, it is preferable to set the length of the flat portion a to 0.6 mm and the size to be 1/4 of an elliptical shape having a radius of 6 mm x 12 mm. However, the angle of 0 1 or the size of the flat portion a also changes. Further, when the concave portion f of the curved surface e is opened to the bottom surface of the tapered concave portion f, it is preferable that the bottom surface of the concave portion f is larger than the size X2 of the light-emitting surface 3. By setting X| to be smaller than X2, it is possible to reduce the light emitted from the concave portion b by the concave portion b and the two types of the concave portion light via the curved surface e, thereby expanding the light emitted from the side toward the rear and preventing the average. The ratio of the size of Χι to X2 is considered before and after the contact recess of the light is 1:2. For example, when X is 3.4 mm, the light of the size of X2 is such that the concave portion b of the range b of the portion b of the curved surface d is emitted, and the light of the side and the side of the single side can be emitted. Sub fruit. Considering that the angle of the light is a circle formed by the concave portion b, the portion of the concave portion b is called a circle, and Xi is smaller than the angle at which the brightness of the reflection b is not reflected by b, and the angle of the sentence is 8 mm 〇-12-201237323 01 is 48 degrees. The length of the flat portion a is 0.6 mm, the size of the concave portion b is an arc formed by 1/4 of an elliptical shape having a radius of 6 x 12 mm, and the angle formed by the concave portion b and the refractive surface c is 55 degrees, and the vertical surface of the curved surface d and the curved surface e It is 1 mm, the curved surface d is an arc of a part of an elliptical shape having a radius of 9 mm x 12 mm, and the curved surface e is an arc of a part of an elliptical shape having a radius of 3 mm x 8 mm, and the thickness of the central portion of the lens 1 is preferably 0.5 mm. However, adjusting the curvature of the concave portion b and adjusting the amount of light emitted toward the rear may be other ratios. The outer shape of the lens 1 has a shape in which a small area of a large funnel type and a large hemispherical type (bowl type) are opposed to each other. The lens 1 is seen from the side as the shape of a general sand trap timer. The outer peripheral side of the general funnel type is the refracting surface C in the present embodiment, and the inner peripheral side surface of the substantially funnel type is the concave surface b in the present embodiment, and the portion surrounded by the inner peripheral side of the large funnel type is the embodiment. The bottom surface a. The outer peripheral side of the substantially hemispherical type is the so-called curved surface d in the present embodiment, and the inner peripheral side surface of the substantially hemispherical truncated cone is the so-called curved surface e in the present embodiment, and a concave portion is provided in one of the curved surfaces e. The concave portion provided in one portion of the curved surface e is the concave portion f in the present embodiment. The shape of the concave portion f in this embodiment is a conical shape. One end of the curved surface d is connected to the end of the curved surface e. One end of the refractive surface c is connected to the other end of the curved surface d. One end of the concave surface b is connected to the other end of the refractive surface c. The bottom surface a is connected to the other end of the concave surface b. In the present embodiment, the shape of the lens is substantially a funnel type or a large hemisphere type, but the shape is not limited thereto. The shape of the lens 1 is not limited thereto. The lens 1 is designed by covering the LED module 2 with a curved surface e. The light from the light-emitting surface 3 of the LED module 2 from -13- 201237323 is incident on the curved surface e or the concave portion f. The light entering the curved surface e is refracted according to the curvature of the curved surface e and the refractive index of the lens 1. The light of the straight-through LED module 2 expands the front light distribution by the curved surface e. Further, the light incident on the concave portion f is also refracted. By the light of e, the light reaching the flat surface a, the curved surface b, the refractive surface c, and the curved surface d passing through the concave portion f reaches the curved surface b. Light reaching the flat surface a will be emitted to the front. Among the light reaching the curved surface b, part of the light is emitted from the front to the front, and the other light is reflected again into the lens 1. Light that reaches the refractive surface C or the curved surface d from e or curved surface b is refracted and is emitted to the front or to the side or rear. The surface e is set to expand the alignment of the light of the LED module 2. The concave portion b is provided to allow light to pass through the front and into the lens 1. The flat surface a is provided before the light is transmitted through the lens 1. The refracting surface c is such that the light is directed toward the side or the rear of the lens 1 and the surface d is provided so that the light is directed toward the front or the side. The lens 1 can be manufactured by a conventional technique such as a rotary disk, injection molding, light shaping, and casting. The lens 1 is made of PMMA (polymethacrylic acid) or PC (polycarbonate). However, as long as they are light-transmitting materials, they are not limited to those materials, and materials having less light loss such as lenses are preferred because of the source. In addition, a plurality of materials can also be used. The inside of the lens 1 is made of PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) or PC (polycarbonate) into particles of about 100 nm in size, and the scattering property can also have the scattering property of the lens 1 because scattering causes an increase in light loss. However, light that is more capable of reducing the characteristics of uneven brightness is realized. The refractive index of the lens 1 is preferably that which is usually a transparent member. Shoot the big surface. Passing the surface of the light surface brings the light from the reflection side. Most of the methyl groups can be energy-saving and mixed. Before and after 1.54 -14-201237323, depending on the material used, it can have a higher or lower refractive index. The refractive or reflection angle of the light in the lens 1 is affected by the refractive index, so it needs to be used according to the lens 1. The refractive index of the material changes shape. Figure 1 (b) shows an isometric projection of the lens 1. As an example of means for attaching the lens 1 to the substrate 4, a method of attaching at least two holes to the substrate 4 and forming the grip portion 6 in a cylindrical portion extending from the bottom surface of the lens 1 to prevent the lens from coming loose can be employed. In order to prevent the shift of the lens 1 in the up-down direction, it is preferable to form the grip portion 6 on both sides of the upper side and the lower side for the portion of the substrate 4 which is in contact with the substrate 4 of the cylindrical portion (Fig. 1 (a) Only the lower grip portion 6) is shown. Further, the grip portion 6 is not formed, and the lens 1 may be attached to the substrate 4 by adjusting the thickness of the cylindrical portion of the lens and the fitting of the size of the hole of the substrate. Fig. 2 is a view showing the appearance of a light pattern in the first embodiment of the present invention. The light from the light-emitting surface 3 of the LED module 2 is incident on the lens 1 by the curved surface e or the concave portion f, and is emitted from the flat portion a, the concave surface b, the refractive surface c, and the curved surface d to the outside of the lens 1. Fig. 3 shows another example of mounting, showing a method of mounting the lens 100 on the substrate 4. The lens 1 has the same basic configuration as that of the lens 1B, and has a member 106' extending in a flat shape from the bottom surface of the lens 100 along the upper surface of the substrate 4, and the both ends of the member 106 are fitted to both ends of the substrate 4 to be fixed. The fixing of the lens 100 can use an adhesive such as an anthrone. Similarly to the above-described mounting example, the grip portion 6 is formed to prevent loosening. According to the method of the present embodiment, compared with the case of FIG. 1 in which the substrate 4 is disposed near the LED module 2, the area of the substrate 4 near the LED module 2 of the heating element becomes larger, and -15-201237323 comes from The heat of the LED module 2 is easily discharged through the substrate 4. Fig. 4 shows another example of mounting, showing a method of attaching the lens 200 to the substrate 4. The lens 1 has the same basic configuration as the lens 200, and at least two or more protruding portions 7 are formed at the bottom of the lens 1, and the protruding portion 7 is pressed onto the substrate 4 by the pressing plate 20, and the substrate 4 and the pressing plate are pressed by the bolts 21. 20 is tightened to fix the lens 200 to the substrate 4. In the present embodiment, the mounting of the substrate 4 and the lens 200 by the bolts 21 is carried out without using an fluorenone resin, and the effect of preventing deterioration of the adhesive due to heat over time is obtained. In consideration of heat dissipation, the material of the substrate 4 is preferably a member having a high thermal conductivity. For example, it is preferable to use a metal material such as aluminum, aluminum alloy or copper. However, other materials may be used as long as they have a high thermal conductivity. Figure 5 is a cross-sectional view showing the lens of the present invention used as a substitute for an incandescent light bulb. The basic configuration is such that the LED module 2 is mounted on the substrate 4, the lens 1 is provided on the upper portion of the LED module 2, and the translucent cover portion 13 covering the substrate 4 is provided on the back side of the mounting surface of the LED module 2 of the substrate 4. The frame 10 having a hollow body is provided with a circuit 11 inside the casing 10, and is provided with a base 12 for connection with a socket of a conventional incandescent light bulb. Instead of simulating the shape of an incandescent light bulb, it expands the light distribution of the lens 1 without uneven brightness, making the light distribution close to the incandescent light bulb and replacing the incandescent light bulb. The translucent cover portion 13 is coupled to the LED substrate 4 or the housing 10 . The material of the lid portion 13 may be a resin such as PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) or pC (polycarbonate), and glass may also be used. The cover portion 13 may be any one of transparent or colored-16-201237323#. When it is desired to increase the uniformity of the light emitted by the lens, it is preferable to mix fine particles of about 1 nm in size such as cerium oxide or polycarbonate. It has scattering properties. When glass is used as the material of the lid portion 13, fine particles such as Si 〇 2 may be coated on the inner surface of the lid portion to have scattering characteristics. When the candle-like brilliance is desired, the light-transmitting cover portion 1 3 may not have scattering properties. Since the housing 10 also has the heat dissipation function of the heat of the circuit 11 and the heat generated by the LED module 2, it is preferable to use a material having high thermal conductivity such as aluminum or a metal such as an alloy or copper, but other materials may be used. . Further, the cavity portion of the casing 10 may be filled with a resin such as an anthrone. The circuit 11 has the task of converting the AC power source into a DC power source to drive the LED module 2. The circuit i can be composed of a transformer, a capacitor, etc., but the configuration of the circuit U can be changed depending on the specifications of the LED module 2 used. In this embodiment, an example of an illumination device mounted on a socket for an incandescent light bulb will be described. However, the above-described lens is not limited to the use of an incandescent light bulb, and is also applicable to other types of illumination devices, and various modifications can be made within the scope of the patent application. In the above embodiment, the surface mount type LED module 2 is used as the light source. However, the present invention is not limited thereto, and other types of LEDs or other light-emitting elements such as organic EL, inorganic EL, or the like may be used. (Embodiment 2) Another embodiment of Embodiment 1 will be described in Embodiment 2. Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional view showing the side of the light-emitting portion in the second embodiment of the present invention. The material of the lens or the manufacturing method is the same as that of the first embodiment. The configuration of the flat portion a, the concave surface b, the refractive surface c -17·201237323, the curved surface d, and the curved surface e is the same as that of the lens 1 of the first embodiment. The lens 300 and the lens 1 are different in a truncated cone-shaped recess g provided on the opposite surface of the light-emitting surface 3 of the LED module 2. The recess g has a side surface portion g1 and a bottom surface portion g2. The concave portion g has a truncated cone shape in which the sectional area is reduced from the light-emitting surface side to the front side. On the opposite surface of the light-emitting surface 3, the bottom surface portion g2 of the flat portion is provided so that g2 and a of the flat portion face each other to increase the amount of light from g2 to a. The concave portion g has a flat portion in the vertical direction with respect to the optical axis 5, but may be a hemispherical shape such as a radial shape of another shape. In the case of a hemisphere, it can be more uniformly curved by the refraction of light. In addition, it is preferable to set the size X3 of the bottom surface portion g2 of the concave portion g to be smaller than the size X4 of the light-emitting surface 3 so as not to increase the amount of light toward the front. The ratio of the size of χ3 to Χ4 is preferably set to 2:3 before and after considering the concave contact b of light. However, when the light emitted to the rear side is controlled by the adjustment of the curved surface of the concave surface b, other ratios can be obtained. (Embodiment 3) Another embodiment of Embodiment 1 will be described in Embodiment 3. Fig. 7 (a) is a cross-sectional view showing the side of the light-emitting portion in the third embodiment of the present invention. The material or manufacturing method of the lens is the same as that of the first embodiment. The configuration of the flat portion a, the concave surface b, the refractive surface c, the curved surface d, and the curved surface e is the same as that of the lens 1 of the first embodiment. The lens 400 and the lens 100 are different in that a conical concave portion f is provided on the opposite surface of the LED module 2, and a plurality of conical recesses h are provided. By the arrangement of a plurality of conical recesses h, refraction is generated in the recess h, which increases the uniformity of light irradiation to the funnel-shaped concave surface b -18-201237323, and as a result, the uniformity of light distribution is better. Fig. 7(b) shows an isometric projection of the lens 400. A plurality of conical recesses h are arranged in a concentric shape. In order to increase the uniformity of light, the arrangement of the plurality of conical recesses h is preferably symmetrical when viewed on the optical axis 5 as a center line. Similarly to the second embodiment, the conical concave portion f shown in Fig. 7(a) may be formed in a truncated cone shape or a radial hemispherical shape. Further, the plurality of conical recesses h have a conical shape in Fig. 7, but may have other shapes such as a Fujiyama shape or a radial hemispherical shape. (Embodiment 4) Another embodiment of Embodiment 1 will be described in Embodiment 4. Fig. 8 is a cross-sectional view showing the side of the light-emitting portion in the fourth embodiment of the present invention. The material of the lens or the manufacturing method is the same as that of the first embodiment. The end of the substrate 15 0 on which the LED module 2 is mounted is bent at a lower position on the surface on which the LED module is mounted. In the planar substrate 4, the light from the LED module 2 is scattered at the end of the substrate 4, and the amount of light emitted toward the rear is reduced. However, when the substrate 150 is used, the light toward the rear is not blocked, and the light is increased toward the rear. The amount of injection. The material of the substrate 150 is preferably a material having high thermal conductivity such as aluminum or aluminum alloy and which is easy to process. When the ends of the substrate 150 and the frame 151 are joined, the thermal conductivity is improved. (Embodiment 5) Another embodiment of Embodiment 1 will be described in Embodiment 5. Fig. 9 is a side view showing the -19-201237323 which is seen from the side when the embodiment 5 of the present invention is used as an alternative to an incandescent light bulb. Fixing the lens to the substrate in the first embodiment Fixes the lens 500 to the lid portion 50. By the distance between the separations, it is possible to prevent the lens 500 from being compared with the first embodiment, and the light emission position is the upper portion and the amount of emission. The fixing of the material or the manufacturing system of the lens 500 and the first 500 pairs of the lid portion 50 is preferably performed by projecting the shadow of the transparent mirror 500 to the lid portion 50. An anthrone, a propylene group, an alicyclic epoxy resin, and other adhesives can be used. The lens 500 can be formed by integrating the cover portion 50 with a plurality of conventional techniques, and the material of the lens 500 and the cover portion 50 is preferably the same material. According to the illuminating device of the present invention, the illuminating body on the upper surface side and the surface on the upper side of the illuminating body opposite to the illuminating surface of the illuminating body; The surface of the depression: the surface has a function of emitting the pair of light from the light-emitting surface of the illuminator to the lens and reflecting to the function of the lens; and forming a shape of one of the opposite faces of the light-emitting surface of the illuminator, The light in the lens recessed toward the inside of the lens is compared to being emitted above the lens 4, but in this embodiment, the LED module 2 and the lens are deteriorated. In addition, the same can be applied to increase the light toward the rear. a lens adhesive for preventing the penetration of a transparent adhesive, such as an adhesive such as urethane, or a plurality of optical molding or casting, and forming the same: similarly, but not a substrate; provided on the substrate lens; the lens has : The light-emitting surface of the light body is provided with a concave portion on the side or the lower side of the mirror that is recessed toward the inner side of the lens; the concave surface is such that the concave portion is injected, and more parts are -20-201237323 The shape reflected to the side or the lower side of the lens, in this way, can realize the simple installation of the LED, and can prevent the brightness from being uneven, and can illuminate the device with a substantially spherical shape and equal light. Further, an illumination device according to the present invention includes: a substrate; an illuminant provided on an upper surface side of the substrate; and a lens covering the illuminator; the lens having a surface facing the illuminating surface of the illuminator; and the illuminator The opposite side of the opposite surface of the light-emitting surface, the surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens; the surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens has a slope that becomes larger toward the top of the lens by the bottom of the surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens; The opposite surface of the light-emitting surface of the illuminator is provided with a concave portion that is recessed toward the inside of the lens. Thus, it is possible to realize an illuminating device that can easily prevent the brightness from being uneven and can uniformly emit light in a spherical shape. According to the present invention, there is: a surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens; and a surface opposite to the surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens; and a surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens has a bottom toward the top of the surface that is recessed toward the inside of the lens, and a tilt that becomes larger toward the upper side of the lens; a recess that is recessed toward the inner side of the lens on the opposite side surface, so that the LED can be easily mounted, and the uneven brightness can be prevented, and the lens can be uniformly emitted in a spherical shape. . An illuminating device according to the present invention includes: a substrate; a plurality of semiconductor light emitting elements disposed on a direction of the substrate; and a lens disposed over the substrate covering the semiconductor light emitting element; wherein the lens is composed of an upper portion, a side portion, and a bottom portion The bottom portion has a first surface of the lens; the side portion has a second surface and a third surface of the lens; the upper portion has a fourth surface and a fifth surface of the lens; and the first surface is a hemispherical curved surface recessed toward the inner side of the lens One side of the second surface is connected to the end of the first surface, and the second surface is a curved surface covering the side of the first surface; one end of the third surface is Connected to the other end of the second surface, one end of the fourth surface is connected to the other end of the third surface, the fourth surface is a curved surface that is recessed toward the inner side of the lens, and the fifth surface is connected to the other end of the fourth surface. The substrate is substantially parallel; the light from the semiconductor light-emitting element enters the lens from the first surface; the light incident on the first surface faces the second, third, fourth, and fifth sides; 2 sides, the light incident from the first side is folded toward the upper side of the lighting device The third surface emits light that is incident on the first surface toward the fourth surface, and reflects the light reflected by the fourth surface toward the side or below the illumination device. The lens is emitted; the fourth surface is such that the light incident on the first surface is reflected in the lens toward the third surface, and the light reflected by the third surface is refracted toward the upper side of the illumination device and emitted by the lens; The surface is such that the light incident on the first surface is emitted by the lens toward the upper side of the illumination device; the first surface has a concave portion recessed toward the inside of the lens; and the light emitted from the semiconductor light-emitting element into the concave portion is compared with the fifth More parts of the surface are oriented toward the fourth surface. In this way, it is possible to realize an illumination device which is easy to mount the LED and which can prevent uneven brightness and can uniformly emit light in a spherical shape. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 (a) is a cross-sectional view of a side view of a light-emitting portion of an embodiment of the present invention. (b) is an isometric projection view of a lens according to a first embodiment of the present invention. A representation of the ray pattern of the embodiment 1 of the present invention. -22- 201237323 Figure 3 (a) shows an embodiment of the present invention! The lens is seen as a cross-sectional view seen from the side of the light-emitting portion, and (b) is an isometric view of the lens of Fig. 3(a). Fig. 4 (a) is a cross-sectional view seen from the side of the light-emitting portion when the lens of the first embodiment of the present invention is changed, and (b) is an isometric view showing the lens of Fig. 5 (a). Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view showing a side view of the embodiment 1 of the present invention as an alternative to an incandescent light bulb. Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional view showing the side of the light-emitting portion in the second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 7 (a) is a cross-sectional view of the light-emitting portion of the third embodiment of the present invention, and (b) is an isometric view of the lens of Fig. 7 (a). Fig. 8 is a cross-sectional view showing a side view of the embodiment 4 of the present invention as an alternative to an incandescent light bulb. Fig. 9 is a cross-sectional view showing a side view of the embodiment 5 of the present invention as an alternative to an incandescent light bulb. Fig. 10 is a cross-sectional view showing a lens of a conventional example. [Description of main component symbols] 1 : Lens 2 : LED module 3 : Light-emitting surface (fluorescent surface) 4 : Substrate 5 : Optical axis -23 - 201237323 6 : Grip portion 7 : Projection 10 , 151 : 1 1 : Circuit 1 2 : Lamp cap 13 ' 50 : 1 2 0 : Press abundance i 2 1 : Bolt 1 00 : Contains 150 : Substrate 200 : Contains 300 , 400 , 5 0 1 : Light 600 : Conventional a : Flat part b : Funnel Type c: refractive surface d: hemispherical type e: curved surface f = conical shape: g: Mount Fuji h: another form of the lens of the plurality of sub-frame body mounting portions, another form of the lens of the mounting portion 500: the other lens A concave conical concave portion of the concave surface of the concave surface of the lens of one embodiment