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Together, we open learning

We believe that access to knowledge and high-quality education can empower people to improve their lives, their communities, and the world.

In advancing best practices, conducting groundbreaking research, and engineering new platforms for the future of teaching and learning, Open Learning works to transform education at MIT and around the globe.

With your support, we can prepare learners of all ages and future generations to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

Learn more about how, together, we can support MIT Open Learning.

Read about Open Learning's work in our annual report.

Connect with the Resource Development Team

Tom Smith

Tom Smith

Senior Director, Development and Strategic Initiatives 

[email protected]

image of Yvonne Ng

Yvonne Ng

Annual Giving and Donor Relations Officer

[email protected]

duyen nguyen

Duyen Nguyen

Assistant Officer for Annual Fund and Communications

[email protected]

Peter Kaufman

Peter Kaufman

Senior Program Officer, Development and Strategic Initiatives

[email protected]


We also welcome gifts made through Donor-Advised Funds.

Open Learning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NE49
Cambridge, MA 02139

Email Open Learning giving