Internships & Student Positions

Applications are being accepted for the following internships and student positions. Non-student volunteers may also apply. Click on each listing for more information.

Attorney General's Special Programs

Executive Internship (Graduate Students) Currently Not Accepting Applications
Senior Partners Program Currently Not Accepting Applications
Special Deputy Attorney General Currently Not Accepting Applications

Law Students

Executive Internship Currently Not Accepting Applications
Civil Law Division:
Business Litigation Section (Los Angeles/San Diego) Accepting Resumes
Correctional Law Section (Los Angeles) Currently Not Accepting Applications.
Correctional Law Section (Sacramento) Accepting Resumes
Correctional Law Section (San Francisco) Accepting applications for Summer 2023 internship with a deadline for March 31, 2023
Employment and Administrative Mandate Section (Los Angeles) Student Applications for Spring, Summer and Fall are accepted on a rolling basis, but Summer internship applications are accepted until April 1 or until filled.
Employment and Administrative Mandate Section (Oakland) Accepting applications and extending offers on a rolling basis between January 1 and February 28 of each year, for the upcoming summer program. Always accepting applications for consideration of possible non-summer volunteer opportunities.
Employment and Administrative Mandate Section (Sacramento) Accepting Resumes
Employment and Administrative Mandate Section (San Diego) Accepting Applications
Government Law Section (Sacramento) Accepting Resumes
Government Law Section (San Francisco) Accepting Spring 2024 applications until November 15, 2023, and Summer 2024 applications until December 31, 2023. Positions filled on a rolling basis.
Government Law Section (Los Angeles) Currently Not Accepting Applications
Health, Education and Welfare Section - (Los Angeles) Currently Not Accepting Applications
Health, Education and Welfare Section (Sacramento) Currently accepting Applications for Summer 2023. Summer 2023 internship applications must be received by January 31, 2023.
Health, Education and Welfare Section - (San Diego) Accepting Resumes
Health, Education and Welfare Section (San Francisco) Applications for Spring, Summer and Fall are accepted on a rolling basis, but Summer internship applications must be received by January 31.
Health Quality Enforcement Section (Los Angeles) Accepting Resumes
Licensing Section (Los Angeles) Accepting Resumes
Licensing Section (Oakland) Accepting Resumes
Licensing Section (Sacramento) Currently Not Accepting Applications
Tort and Condemnation Section (San Francisco) and state Accepting Resumes
Tort and Condemnation Section (Los Angeles) See Announcement for Application Dates
Press Office Internship Currently Not Accepting Applications
Criminal Law Division:
Appeals, Writs and Trials Section (Fresno) Accepting applications for Summer 2023
Appeals, Writs and Trials Section (Los Angeles) Applications for Spring, Summer and Fall are accepted on a rolling basis, but Summer internship applications must be received by March 1.
Appeals, Writs and Trials Section (Sacramento) accepting applications on a rolling basis for Spring 2025
Appeals, Writs and Trials Section (San Diego) Accepting Resumes
Appeals, Writs and Trials Section (San Francisco) Applications for fall and spring externships accepted on a rolling basis; applications for summer internships accepted and considered on a rolling basis between August 15 and March 1
Correctional Writs and Appeals Section (Los Angeles) Accepting Resumes
Correctional Writs and Appeals Section (San Diego) Not Accepting Resumes
Correctional Writs and Appeals Section (San Francisco) Not Accepting Resumes
Special Prosecutions Section (Los Angeles) The deadline to apply for a position in the Summer 2023 internship program is December 31, 2023. However, interested applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The positions will remain open until filled.
Special Prosecutions Section (Sacramento) Currently Not Accepting Applications
Special Prosecutions Section (San Diego) Currently Accepting Applications
Public Rights Division:
Antitrust Law Section (Los Angeles) Currently Not Accepting Applications
Antitrust Law Section (San Francisco) Accepting Spring 2025 applications on a rolling basis between September 1 and October 15, 2024. Applications for Summer 2025 are accepted on a rolling basis. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible; applications received by December 15, 2024 will be given first consideration. All applications must be received is January 31, 2025.
Charitable Trusts Section (Los Angeles) Accepting Resumes
Charitable Trusts Section (San Francisco) Accepting Resumes
Civil Rights Enforcement Section (Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco) We are no longer accepting applications for Fall 2024.

Applications for Spring 2025 must be received by October 1, 2024.

Applications for Summer 2025 that are received by December 1, 2024, will be given first consideration. 2Ls (second year law school students) are especially encouraged to apply by December 1. All applications must be received by February 1, 2025.

Applications for Fall 2025 must be received by May 1, 2025.
Competition Unit of Healthcare Rights & Access Section (Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco & San Diego) Accepting Applications
Consumer Protection Section (Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego) Applications accepted on a rolling basis with the following deadlines:

Summer internships (all offices): January 10

Fall externships (Los Angeles and San Francisco): July 10

Spring externships (Los Angeles and San Francisco): November 10
Environment and Land Use and Conservation Section (Oakland) Accepting Resumes
Environment, Land Use and Conservation & Natural Resources Section (Los Angeles) Accepting Resumes
Environment and Natural Resources Section (San Diego) Not Currently Accepting Applications
Environment & Natural Resources Section (Sacramento) Accepting Applications on a Rolling Basis

Interviews are conducted on a rolling basis, so potential applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as their materials are ready.

Application deadlines:
Summer internships: January 31

Fall externships: July 15

Spring externships: November 15
Healthcare Rights & Access Section (Sacramento) Accepting Resumes
Land Use & Conservation (Sacramento) Accepting Applications
Land Use & Conservation (San Diego) Accepting Applications
Natural Resources Law Section (San Francisco - Oakland) Accepting applications for Fall 2023 on a rolling basis
Police Practices Section (Los Angeles, Oakland, and San Francisco) Applications for Fall 2024 will be considered on a rolling basis, with preference given to applications received by August 1, 2024.

Applications for Spring 2025 will be considered on a rolling basis, with preference given to applications received by November 1, 2024.

Applications for Summer 2025 will be considered on a rolling basis, with preference given to applications received by December 1, 2024.
Privacy Unit (San Francisco) No longer accepting applications for Fall 2024
Tobacco Litigation & Enforcement Section (Oakland) Accepting Resumes
Worker Rights & Fair Labor Section (Los Angeles) Accepting applications for Fall 2024 until August 1,2024
Worker Rights & Fair Labor Section (Oakland) Accepting applications for Fall 2024 until August 1,2024
Worker Rights & Fair Labor Section (San Diego) Accepting applications for Fall 2024 until August 1,2024

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All Other Students

Executive Internship Currently Not Accepting Applications


State Application Form STD 678, pdf

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