The table below provides a list of all the planned NISAR data products, a short description, a link to where you can download them, a link to the product specification for each product.

The Algorithmic Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) describing the detailed algorithms used to create these products can be found here for Levels 1 and 2 (link) and here for Level 3 Soil Moisture (link).

Product Product Description Product 1 Product 2 Product Specifications
DEM Digital Elevation Model [DEM vrt] [DEM tiff]
L0B RRSD Level 0 unfocused raw SAR data [Date 1 h5] [Date 2 h5] [link]
L1 RSLC Level 1 Focused SAR image in range-doppler coordinates (zero-doppler steered) [Date 1 h5] [Date 2 h5] [link]
[Date 1 png] [Date 2 png]
[Date 1 kml]
[Date 2 kml]
L1 RIFG Level 1 phase-wrapped interferogram in range-doppler coordinates (zero-doppler steered) [Date 1-2 h5] [link]
[Date 1-2 png]
[Date 1-2 kml]
L1 RUNW Level 1 phase-unwrapped interferogram in range-doppler coordinates (zero-doppler steered) [Date 1-2 h5] [link]
[Date 1-2 png]
[Date 1-2 kml]
L1 ROFF Level 1 pixel offsets in range-doppler coordinates (zero-doppler steered) [Date 1-2 h5] [link]
[Date 1-2 png]
[Date 1-2 kml]
L2 GSLC Level 2 Focused SAR image in geocoded coordinates [Date 1 h5] [Date 2 h5] [link]
[Date 1 png] [Date 2 png]
[Date 1 kml] [Date 2 kml]
L2 GUNW Level 2 phase-unwrapped interferogram in geocoded coordinates [Date 1-2 h5] [link]
[Date 1-2 png]
[Date 1-2 kml]
L2 GOFF Level 2 pixel offsets in geocoded coordinates [Date 1-2 h5] [link]
[Date 1-2 png]
[Date 1-2 kml]
L2 GCOV Level 2 SAR covariance product in geocoded coordinates [Date 1 h5] [Date 2 h5] [link]
[Date 1 png] [Date 2 png]
[Date 1 kml] [Date 2 kml]
L3 SM Level 3 Global Soil Moisture Product [Product] [link]