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Enriched category theory
In the context of -enriched category theory (with any suitable cosmos for enrichment) for , a pair of $V$-enriched categories , there is, fist first of all, an ordinarycategory whose
This notion is a generalization of the plain notion of the functor category between locally small categories, to which it reduces in the case that Set equipped with its cartesian monoidal-structure.
As such one may and does call this ordinary category the “enriched functor category” between and , in the sense of the “category of enriched functors”.
However, this category of enriched functors canonically enhances further to a -enriched category itself, hence to an “enriched-functor enriched-category”, then traditionally often denoted or similar.
Namely, for a pair of -enriched functors between -enriched categories, the collection of enriched natural transformations from to can also be given the structure of an object in , in a compatible way:
For and -enriched categories, there is a -enriched category, denoted , whose
objects are the -enriched functors
hom-objects between -functors are given by the -enriched end
over the enriched hom-functor
the composition operation
is the universal morphism into the end obtained from observing that the composites
(where denotes the canonical morphism out of the end, i.e. the counit)
form an extra $V$-natural family, equivalently that
equalizes the two maps appearing in the equalizer-definition of the end.
(For more see the example below.)
Ordinary functor categories
To understand the role of the end here, it is useful to spell this out for the case where Set, where we are dealing with ordinary locally small categories.
So let where set is equipped with its cartesian monoidal structure.
Recall the definition of the end over
as an equalizer: it is the universal subobject
of the product of all hom-sets in between the images of objects in under the functors and . So one element is a collection of morphisms
such that the “left and right action” (in the sense of distributors) of on these elements coincides. Unwrapping what this action is (see the details at end) one find that
the “right action” by a morphism is the postcomposition
the “left action” by a morphism is the precomposition .
So the invariants under the combined action are those for which for all in the diagram
commutes. Evidently, this means that the elements of the end are precisely the natural transformations between and .
Pointwise order
For categories enriched in truth values, the enriched functor category is given by the pointwise order.
As internal hom in -Cat
If the enriching cosmos is (closed, complete and) symmetric monoidal then forming the -enriched functor category out of any -enriched category is right adjoint to forming the enriched product category with , hence serves as the internal hom in $V Cat$.
[[Kelly (1982), §2.3](#Kelly82)]
Enhanced enrichment
It happens that a -enriched functor category — which by the above discussion is a priori a -enriched category — carries an enhanced enrichment over the functor category .
A common kind of example are categories of simplicial objects in an ordinary -enriched category – hence functor categories on the opposite simplex category – which one wants to regard not just enriched in , but as enriched in sSet, namely in simplicial sets.
We may bootstrap the discussion of this situation by first considering the case where itself, where it means that is closed monoidal under the -objectwise tensor product taken in . In the base case where Set this reduces to the statement of the closed monoidal structure on presheaves.
\begin{proposition} \label{EnhancedEnichmentFormulas} Let
Then the enriched functor category…
… carries closed monoidal category structure
given by the -objectwise tensor product
and with corresponding internal hom given by:
… becomes enriched, tensored and cotensored over , via the following end-formulas, respectively:
\end{proposition} \begin{proof} Observe the following sequence of natural isomorphisms:
where we used, apart from the above definitions:
that internal hom-functors preserve limits
the Fubini theorem for ends
the co-Yoneda lemma.
This establishes that is an internal hom in for the objectwise tensor product, as claimed.
The natural isomorphisms needed to exhibit the (co)tensoring of both follow essentially the same sequence of steps, just up to the relevant substitutions. For definiteness we spell it out again, but now proceeding in the reverse order of steps:
consider the following sequence of $V$-enriched natural isomorphisms in these variables:
Starting with
we invoke the co-Yoneda lemma, either to introduce a fresh variable on
or to get a fresh variable on :
By naturality in , these constitute the required --enriched natural isomorphisms for exhibiting the claimed (co)tensoring:
From this, finally, follows an -enriched composition operation
to be defined as the adjunct (via the just established adjunctions) of the consecutive evaluation maps (being themselves the respective adjunction counits):
An original article:
- Brian Day, Max Kelly, Enriched functor categories, in: Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar III, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 106 (1969) 178-191 [[doi:10.1007/BFb0059146](, pdf]
Review includes
Brian Day, On closed categories of functors, Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar IV, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 137. Springer-Verlag, 1970, pp 1-38 (pdf)
Max Kelly, section 2.2 p. 29 of: Basic concepts of enriched category theory, London Math. Soc. Lec. Note Series 64, Cambridge Univ. Press (1982), Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories 10 (2005) 1-136 [[ISBN:9780521287029](, tac:tr10, pdf]