Want to see more score data?

With Domain Overview in Moz Pro, you can see your Brand Authority and Domain Authority scores and compare them with your direct search competitors.

Dr. Pete Meyers

We know brands matter in the world and on Google. With Brand Authority, we can finally understand how much they matter and put that power to work. Brand Authority takes away the hand-waving and makes the concept of brands concrete so that we can see the big picture of our own sites, our prospects, and our marketing and PR efforts.

Dr. Pete Meyers Principal Innovation Architect at Moz

Understanding brand strength is more important than ever

As more context surfaces about how Google and other search engines track brand as a concept, it’s important to be able to understand and measure a brand’s strength and salience. For example, we know Google has the unique task of modeling the real world. When a person makes a query, there is typically a dominant interpretation associated with it. As searchers, we expect certain results to populate for queries like “apple” (and it’s not the fruit). As marketers, we need to consider how people, and Google, perceive our brand in order to make strategic decisions around PR, link building, and more.

How Brand Authority can help

Search engines model the real world using discrete methods, making it challenging to untangle brand strength from search engine results. Fortunately, Brand Authority provides clarity, offering insights to inform your marketing strategy and maximize its impact.

Uncover your strengths and gaps
Uncover your strengths and gaps

Super-optimizing your site won't yield the desired ROI if your brand lacks recognition. If you're well-known offline but lagging online, you might miss out on ranking and traffic opportunities. Brand Authority helps you look beyond SEO to assess and allocate your time, resources, and budget effectively.

Benchmark your competitors
Benchmark your competitors

Most competitive analysis relies on strength metrics (like Domain Authority or Moz’s Rivalry score). However, understanding a brand's total strength is crucial. Including Brand Authority in your analysis helps you identify competitors who may appear strong but are actually vulnerable due to low brand awareness.

Measure the impact of your PR efforts
Measure the impact of your PR efforts

Brand Authority removes the guesswork in evaluating your digital PR campaigns. Since PR heavily relies on the viral power of mentions, Brand Authority lets you quickly assess the influence of the media outlets sharing your stories.

Assess brand value and growth potential
Assess brand value and growth potential

Don’t miss out on opportunities. Brand Authority allows you to compare influence and growth potential when considering sales prospects or merger and acquisition (M&A) targets so you can have confidence in your efforts to acquire lucrative portfolio additions.

Evaluate M&A prospects
Evaluate M&A prospects

Brand strength is a big part of the appeal of any merger or acquisition target. Unfortunately, we often have to rely on intuition for these multi-million dollar decisions. With Brand Authority, you have a metric to gauge brand strength, so you’re able to make data-driven decisions.

Where to find your Brand Authority

Moz Pro
Moz Pro

Access Brand Authority in the Domain Overview tool of Moz Pro.


Access Brand Authority via API with the Moz API V3

Industry reactions to Brand Authority

… pioneering metric, Brand Authority, establishing a scale ranging from one to 100 to gauge online brand strength. This innovative metric provides business leaders and marketers with an easy means to assess the competitive landscape through a unique visualization for brand comparison.

… industry leaders believe MOZ’s new Brand Authority metric may help companies to better analyse their online reputation.

Moz’s new Brand Authority score certainly seems to offer marketers a useful tool to measure their efforts.

Unlock the Power of Brand Authority

Access Brand Authority in Moz Pro and start making smarter decisions.