The Madhive Planner

Precision at a glance
The most effective way to plan your next CTV advertising campaign.

Multiple scenarios, one complete view

Take control of campaign planning and determine the best goal for your business strategy. Our intuitive UI makes it easy to create and compare scenarios with a range of parameters — like audience and location — and then go live in a few clicks.

Compare avails

Overview zip codes

An organic pet food company wants to run its first CTV ad campaign. To kick it off, they want to create a plan that targets their key demographic in the New York tristate area.

A deeper dive into data

Find new insights and make informed decisions with extensive data on publisher performance, device distribution, and geolocation. Refine each plan according to your goals, experimenting with different audiences and locations.

Customize your audience

Find top ZIP codes

To get an even more granular view of which zones they should target, they compare availability by zip codes.

Built for precision buying

Get a more accurate vision of availability with fresh data sources and advanced data modeling. Audience segments and supply sources, including owned and operated supply, are updated regularly. Use first-party data, as well as Madhive’s own data marketplace, to yield realistic estimates. You can even see how category-blocking impacts reach.

Zoom in on a segment

Zoom in on a segment

Compare reach penetration

Compare reach penetration
The company wants to test other segments to see how they will perform. They note that some custom audiences penetrate the market more than others.

Local planning at every scale

Micro-target by zip code, DMA, or congressional district – or go national. Our unique sampling method more accurately projects hyperlocal inventory, which empowers advertisers to reach niche audiences. We pay attention to the details, like remapping congressional districts and refining our zip codes with USPS population data.

Find audience hot spots

Get a hyperlocal look

The advertiser is curious to see what other DMAs would be receptive to their ad. They begin comparing availability across the US.

Maximum visibility and transparency

See exactly where your ad will show up and the results you can expect. We only work with premium publishers who deliver at scale, and transparently show which ones are expected to perform the best according to your targeting parameters.

Identify preferred publishers


They study a breakdown of publisher performance, and note that most of their audience will be tuning in on premium publishers like Fox and Hulu.

Timely data

  • Inventory paths update weekly across open market, PMPs, and O&O inventory
  • Audience segments are refreshed daily in alignment with data providers

Streamlined workflow

  • Create plans at the campaign level, and compare numerous scenarios within each one
  • Generate templates, duplicate entire campaigns or scenarios, and edit or delete with ease

Built to scale

  • Visualize based on location, audience, frequency cap, publisher, daypart, and device distribution
  • Bar graphs and heat maps forecast reach across the USA and Canada

Access to 40,000+ audiences in platform


6,000 local and national advertisers running daily


OTT coverage of 92% across all 210 DMAs and 38,000 zip codes

What’s new at Madhive