Pāriet uz saturu


No ''Wiktionary''

Šī moduļa dokumentāciju var izveidot Modulis:links/doc lapā

local export = {}

local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub

--TODO: move to [[Module:languages]]
local override_translit = {
	["ab"] = true,
	["abq"] = true,
	["ady"] = true,
	["am"] = true,
	["av"] = true,
	["axm"] = true,
	["ba"] = true,
	["bo"] = true,
	["bua"] = true,
	["ce"] = true,
	["chm"] = true,
	["cv"] = true,	
	["dar"] = true,
	["dv"] = true,
	["dz"] = true,
	["el"] = true,
	["got"] = true,
	["grc"] = true,
	["hy"] = true,
	["inh"] = true,
	["iu"] = true,
	["ka"] = true,
	["kk"] = true,
	--["ko"] = true,
	["kbd"] = true,
	["kca"] = true,
	["kjh"] = true,
	["kn"] = true,
	["koi"] = true,
	["kpv"] = true,
	["ky"] = true,
	["kv"] = true,
	["lo"] = true,
	["lbe"] = true,
	["lez"] = true,
	["lzz"] = true,
	["mdf"] = true,
	["ml"] = true,
	["mn"] = true,
	["my"] = true,
	["myv"] = true,
	["oge"] = true,
	["os"] = true,
	["sa"] = true,
	["sah"] = true,
	["si"] = true,
	["sva"] = true,
	["ta"] = true,
	["tab"] = true,
	["te"] = true,
	["ti"] = true,
	["tg"] = true,
	["tt"] = true,
	["tyv"] = true,
	["ug"] = true,
	["udm"] = true,
	["xal"] = true,
	["xcl"] = true,
	["xmf"] = true,

local ignore_cap = {
	["ko"] = true,

-- A version of {{l}} or {{term}} that can be called from other modules too
function export.full_link(term, alt, lang, sc, face, id, annotations, curtitle)
	annotations = annotations or {}
	-- Create the link
	local link = ""
	local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
	local m_scriptutils = require("Module:script utilities")
	-- Is there any text to show?
	if (term or alt) then
		-- Try to detect the script if it was not provided
		if not sc then
			sc = require("Module:scripts").findBestScript(alt or term, lang)
		-- Only make a link if the term has been given, otherwise just show the alt text without a link
		link = m_scriptutils.tag_text(term and export.language_link(term, alt, lang, id, curtitle) or alt, lang, sc, face)
		-- No term to show.
		-- Is there at least a transliteration we can work from?
		link = m_scriptutils.request_script(lang, sc)
		if link == "" or not annotations["tr"] or annotations["tr"] == "-" then
			-- No link to show, and no transliteration either. Just show an error because can't really do anything now.
			error("At least one of the following should be provided: the term, alternative display, transliteration")
	local mantrFix, redtrFix
	local manual_tr = ""
	if annotations["tr"] == "" or annotations["tr"] == "-" then
		annotations["tr"] = nil
	elseif (term or alt) and not ((sc:getCode():find("Latn", nil, true)) or sc:getCode() == "Latinx") and (not annotations["tr"] or override_translit[lang:getCode()]) then
		-- Try to generate a transliteration if necessary
		local automated_tr
		automated_tr = lang:transliterate(export.remove_links(alt or term), sc)
		if automated_tr then
			if annotations["tr"] ~= automated_tr then
				if annotations["tr"] then
					manual_tr = annotations["tr"]
					mantrFix = true
				annotations["tr"] = automated_tr
				redtrFix = true
	return link .. format_link_annotations(lang, annotations, face)
				.. (mantrFix and "[[Category:Terms with manual transliterations different from the automated ones]][[Category:Terms with manual transliterations different from the automated ones/" .. lang:getCode() .. "]]" or "")
				.. (redtrFix and "[[Category:Terms with redundant transliterations]][[Category:Terms with redundant transliterations/" .. lang:getCode() .. "]]" or "")

-- Format the annotations (things following the linked term)
function format_link_annotations(lang, annotations, face)
	local ret = ""
	-- Interwiki link
	if annotations["interwiki"] then
		ret = ret .. annotations["interwiki"]
	-- Genders
	if annotations["genders"] and #annotations["genders"] > 0 then
		local gen = require("Module:gender and number")
		ret = ret .. " " .. gen.format_list(annotations["genders"], lang)
	local glosses = {}
	-- Transliteration
	if annotations["tr"] then
		if face == "term" then
			table.insert(glosses, "<span lang=\"\" class=\"tr mention-tr\">" .. annotations["tr"] .. "</span>")
			table.insert(glosses, "<span lang=\"\" class=\"tr\">" .. annotations["tr"] .. "</span>")
	-- Gloss/translation
	if annotations["gloss"] then
		table.insert(glosses, "<span class=\"mention-gloss-double-quote\">“</span><span class=\"mention-gloss\">" .. annotations["gloss"] .. "</span><span class=\"mention-gloss-double-quote\">”</span>")
	-- Part of speech
	-- TODO: remove
	if annotations["pos"] then
		local pos_template = mw.title.makeTitle("Template", "pos " .. annotations["pos"])

		if pos_template and pos_template.exists then
			table.insert(glosses, mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title = "pos " .. annotations["pos"]})
			table.insert(glosses, annotations["pos"])
	-- Literal/sum-of-parts meaning
	if annotations["lit"] then
		table.insert(glosses, "literally <span class=\"mention-gloss-double-quote\">“</span><span class=\"mention-gloss\">" .. annotations["lit"] .. "</span><span class=\"mention-gloss-double-quote\">”</span>")
	if #glosses > 0 then
		ret = ret .. " (" .. table.concat(glosses, ", ") .. ")"
	return ret

-- Creates a basic wikilink to the given term. If the text already contains
-- links, these are replaced with links to the correct section.
function export.language_link(text, alt, lang, id, curtitle)
	local sectFix = false
	local tracking = ""
	if text and text:gsub("&#[Xx]?[0-9A-Fa-f]+;", ""):find("#", nil, true) then
		sectFix = true
	if ignore_cap[lang:getCode()] and text then
		text = gsub(text, "%^", "")
	-- takes target page and display form and return a standard wikilink if necessary
	local core = function(target, display)
		-- Create default link title
		if not display then
			display = target
			-- Strip the prefix from the displayed form
			-- TODO: other interwiki links?
			if display:find("^:") then
				display = display:gsub("^:", "")
			elseif display:find("^w:") then
				display = display:gsub("^w:", "")
		-- Process the target
		if not (target:find("^:") or target:find("^w:")) then
			-- Remove diacritics from the page name
			target = lang:makeEntryName(target)
			-- Link to appendix for reconstructed terms and terms in appendix-only languages
			if target:find("^*.") then
				target = "Appendix:" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. "/" .. mw.ustring.sub(target, 2)
			elseif lang:getType() == "reconstructed" then
				error("The specified language " .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " is unattested, while the given word is not marked with '*' to indicate that it is reconstructed")
			elseif lang:getType() == "appendix-constructed" then
				target = "Appendix:" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. "/" .. target
		-- If the target is the same as the current page, then return a "self-link" like the software does
		if curtitle and (target == curtitle or target == ":" .. curtitle) then
			return "<strong class=\"selflink\">" .. display .. "</strong>"
		-- Add fragment
		local fragment = ""
		-- Do not add a section link to "Undetermined", as such sections do not exist and are invalid.
		-- TabbedLanguages handles links without a section by linking to the "last visited" section,
		-- but adding "Undetermined" would break that feature.
		if lang:getCode() ~= "und" and not target:find("^w:") then
			if id then
				fragment = "#" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. "-" .. id
			elseif not target:find("^Appendix:") then
				fragment = "#" .. lang:getCanonicalName()
		return "[[" .. target .. fragment .. "|" .. display .. "]]"
	-- Do we have embedded wikilinks?
	if text:find("[[", nil, true) then
		-- fix for linking to unattested terms that are consisted of more than one word
		if text:find("^*.") then
			text = gsub(text, "%[%[([^%*][^#%]]-)|", "[[*%1|")
			text = gsub(text, "%[%[([^%*][^#|]-)%]", "[[*%1|%1]")
		-- find embedded wikilinks and improve them
		text = gsub(text, "%[%[([^#|%]]-)|(.-)%]%]", core)
		text = gsub(text, "%[%[([^#|%]]-)%]%]", core)

		-- remove the extra "*" at the beginning
		text = gsub(text, "^%*%[%[(.-)|%*", "[[%1|*")
		-- there is no embedded wikilink
		text = core(text, alt)
	return text .. (sectFix and "[[Category:Link with section]]" or "") .. tracking

-- Creates the appropriate page name from the given term.
-- This removes diacritics and adds Appendix: when necessary.
function make_pagename(text, lang)


-- Removes characters from a term that do not belong in the page name.
-- This includes any diacritics displayed in the headword line or alternative
-- display, but left out of the entry names.
-- This function is used by the translation editor (User:Conrad.Irwin/editor.js)
function export.remove_diacritics(text, lang)
	if type(text) == "table" then 
		text, lang = text.args[1], text.args[2]
	if type(lang) == "string" then
		lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang)
	return lang:makeEntryName(text)

-- Strips all square brackets out or replaces them.
function export.remove_links(text)
	if type(text) == "table" then text = text.args[1] end; if not text then text = "" end

	text = text:gsub("%[%[[^|%]]-|", "")
	text = text:gsub("%[%[", "")
	text = text:gsub("%]%]", "")

	return text

return export