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Moduļa diskusija:Country alias

Lapas saturs netiek atbalstīts citās valodās.
Vikipēdijas lapa

Novecojuši dati

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki, divas pozīcijas šajā modulī ir novecojušas un jāatjaunina:

name = "Svazilenda",
"Flag of Swaziland.svg"

ir tagad :

name = "Svatini",
"Flag of Eswatini.svg",


name = "Maķedonija",
"Flag of Macedonia.svg"

ir tagad;

name = "Ziemeļmaķedonija",
"Flag of North Macedonia.svg"

--Bestoernesto (diskusija) 2021. gada 6. jūnijs, plkst. 00.44 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Opening the module for editing

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you open this module for editing so I can add the flags myself. I am aware that this module is locked so only administrators can edit them. Can you open it for registered users so they can edit it. 2022. gada 14. decembris, plkst. 19.32 (EET)[atbildēt]

please use the module sandbox to provide changes. later some admin can update the live version. Edgars2007 (diskusija) 2022. gada 14. decembris, plkst. 20.04 (EET)[atbildēt]
Can you create one then so I make the changes there?. 2022. gada 15. decembris, plkst. 16.56 (EET)[atbildēt]
Hello! I see that there is no sandbox at the present time. Can you maybe create one so that I can add the flags I want to in there. I think it would be much better to have a data module for country alias so that the flags can be shown there. 2022. gada 16. decembris, plkst. 17.33 (EET)[atbildēt]
I have now added the flag syntaxes in the module sandbox so that the admin later can add them. 2022. gada 20. decembris, plkst. 16.12 (EET)[atbildēt]

Hello! I am aware about that a sandbox is not present here in time. Can you add a sandbox so I can add the flags that I have requested so often. I mean that a data module would be much more affordable then I could add the flags I want in that and then admin can add them. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2022. gada 17. decembris, plkst. 12.39 (EET)[atbildēt]

Right translations

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you translate this module to your language with the right names for Summer and Winter Games because I see that you use English wording and that isn't correct in your language. It should be Ziemas olimpiskās spēles and Vasaras olimpiskās spēles and also paralimpiskās spēles for Paralympic Games and also the right wording for example country and so on. Yours sincerely, Sondre 2022. gada 20. decembris, plkst. 16.00 (EET)[atbildēt]

Atvērts šo lapu rediǵēšanai

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki! Vai tas ir iespējams uz rediǵēšanai. Es zinu ka tikai administratori var dari šo. Vai tu vari uztaisīt tas iespējams tā arī registri dalībnieks var to rediǵēt arī.

nu esošie smilšu kastes labojumi neliecina, ka kaut kas tiks atvērts labošanai ;) --Edgars2007 (diskusija) 2022. gada 26. decembris, plkst. 15.03 (EET)[atbildēt]
I have added the flags in the sandbox module and then you can add them in the module as well. 2022. gada 26. decembris, plkst. 15.46 (EET)[atbildēt]
1. pārāk apjomīgas izmaiņas, lai tā uzreiz ieliktu 2. tas nav valīds Lua kods 3. jāizlabo kļūdas (valstu nosaukumi, citi typo) Edgars2007 (diskusija) 2022. gada 26. decembris, plkst. 17.50 (EET)[atbildēt]
My answer to this is that I have added the right flags in the sandbox module with the right coding as well. And the right years and flagnames too. I think it would be possible to add them in the future. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2022. gada 26. decembris, plkst. 19.18 (EET)[atbildēt]
var beigt spamot ar rīkvestiem? drīz vispār ignorēs un draud arī bloks par vairākkārt atkārtotu spamu. un nē, smilšu kaste pašlaik nav tādā stāvoklī, lai kāds noņemtos ar izmaiņu publicēšanu, vieglāk būtu pašiem visu izdarīt. Edgars2007 (diskusija) 2023. gada 1. janvāris, plkst. 16.51 (EET)[atbildēt]

Opening this module for editing

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Is it possible to open this module for editing so also registered users can edit it as well. I know that only administrators can edit it for the time being. Can you check if it possible to add the flags that I have added in the sandbox module. Check the changes and then see what you can do. 2022. gada 27. decembris, plkst. 12.26 (EET)[atbildēt]

Hello! I have added the correct flags and also the correct wording in the sandbox module. That module is only for experimenting with such things you can also provide changes with it. Can you check the changes and see what you make about them. Maybe the admin can add the flags at a later time. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2022. gada 28. decembris, plkst. 12.37 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias/data

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you create a data module with the same flags as you have in the country alias module. Country alias should only be used to have information about countries at different championships. 2022. gada 30. decembris, plkst. 16.38 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! I think I have added the flags and the information which is necessary to add them at a later point by admin. I have the correct years and flagnames as well. Yours sincerely, Sondre SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 1. janvāris, plkst. 13.32 (EET)[atbildēt]

Module:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! How can i make the change in the sandbox module in the right way and in a more efficient way too. I will leave it to admin to do the right changes so they can do the things which are appropriate to this module. It would have been much easier if the module was opened up for editing then someone can make the necessary changes which is needed it is locked so only administrators can edit them and not registered users. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 10. janvāris, plkst. 16.42 (EET)[atbildēt]

Unlocking the module for editing

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you unlock this module so registered users and anonymous users can use it too. Then changes can be made more effortlessly. It is only administrators who can edit it and that is a good thing but it would be much better that also registered users can provide changes to the module in a much smoother way and as the situation is now that is not possible

South Korea

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Please replace this at Module:Country alias:

KOR = {

name = "Dienvidkoreja",

{1947, "Flag of South Korea (1945–1948).svg"},

{1949, "Flag of South Korea (1948–1949).svg"},

{1997, "Flag of South Korea (1984–1997).svg"},

"Flag of South Korea.svg",


With this:

KOR = {

{1948, "Flag of South korea (1945–1948).svg"},

{1949, "Flag of South Korea (1948–1949).svg"},

{1984, "Flag of South Korea (1949–1984).svg"},

{1997, "Flag of South Korea (1984–1997).svg"},

{2011, "Flag of South Korea (1997–2011).svg"},

"Flag of South Korea.svg",


-- SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 10. janvāris, plkst. 17.43 (EET)[atbildēt]

Hello! Can you add the missing country names to the sandbox and also the things which are missing to it. I mean it needs to be filled up properly. The sandbox should represent the changes which needs to be done. And as I see it there are many errors here. Can you open the module for editing so the flags can be added which are missing. Many of the flags are redirects and also outdated as well. Can you make it possible that the module can be opened up for editing both by registered users as well. 2023. gada 15. janvāris, plkst. 14.29 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Now I have completed the sandbox so you can see what changes you can make. There has been way too many country codes which were not necessary. I have finished the sandbox properly so now you can make the changes yourself to the flags and so forth. 2023. gada 21. janvāris, plkst. 20.00 (EET)[atbildēt]

New flags in the module:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you add the flags that I have added in the module sandbox in the Module:Country alias and also the other changes I have made as well. The sandbox is only meant to test the changes which can be used at a later point by admin. To implement the changes someone must add them. You can't rely on the sandbox module alone. I think it would be more beneficial if the module was opened by administration so also registered users can edit it. I know that it is protected so only administrators can edit it. 2023. gada 26. janvāris, plkst. 15.53 (EET)[atbildēt]

Updating the module

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Is it possible for you to update the module like what I have done in the sandbox with the right wording and also the addition of the right flags too then. I will leave it to admin to sort out the rest of the updating. Maybe a data module would have sorted out the problems the module should only have information regarding championships and the right naming of the championship and also the flag information etc. 2023. gada 7. februāris, plkst. 15.59 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki! Vai tas ir iespējams tev atjaunot sis modulis ar pareizo karogi un failu nosakumi. Ir pāgajis ilgs laiks kopš kāds ir atjaunināts. Esmu pievenojis pareizos failus nosaukums smils̄u kaste. Vai vari to parbāudīt un labojumi. 2023. gada 13. februāris, plkst. 15.59 (EET)[atbildēt]

Kas par valsti ir "Padojumu Savīeniba"? --ScAvenger (diskusija) 2023. gada 13. februāris, plkst. 16.59 (EET)[atbildēt]
Esmu izlabojis šī kļūda tagad. Tagad varat karogi failu nosaukums. 2023. gada 13. februāris, plkst. 17.43 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveike! Vai tas ir iespējams sis modulis:Country alias. Ir pagājis laiciņš kopš kāds ir rediģējis lapu. Man tagad pievienoja pareizos karogus failu nosaukums. Es domāju kas ta ir labāk rīkot sacensības nosaukums un tautas vārdus un iz̄dezdiet karogu nosaukums. Ir datu modulis pieejams tagad ir un karogi ir tajā. 2023. gada 14. februāris, plkst. 15.57 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveike! Tagad man ir pievienots pareizos karogus un failu nosaukumi. Tagad varat veikt izmaiņas. Pārbaudiet moduļa smilškaste un tad veiciet izmaiņas. Uz tiešraides versiju. Ar cieņu Sondre 2023. gada 18. februāris, plkst. 12.28 (EET)[atbildēt]

Opening the module for editing

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! I have now added the flag files and right codes and words which should be in the sandbox module. So now you can go ahead adding it in the live version. Personally I think it would be easier if someone admin opened the module so the flags could be added in the module. Sandboxes are only meant to test changes and see if they can be used in the latter soon. This module haven't been edited for a long time. I have proposed a number of times that this module should been opened. 2023. gada 21. februāris, plkst. 15.59 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki! Tagad tu var pievenot karogus iekš sis modulis. Tagad es ir pievejonuši pareizas failu nosaukums. Tagad varat atjaunināt tiešraidet versija sis modulis. Pǎrbaudiet izmaiņas un uz priekšu ar atjaunināt. Ar cieņu, Sondre. 2023. gada 24. februāris, plkst. 18.29 (EET)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki! Tagad man ir pareizais karoga faili un valstu kodi. Tagad tu vari pārbaudiet izmaiņas. Sis moduļa smilšu kastē. Let uz priekšu izmaiņām. 2023. gada 6. marts, plkst. 16.15 (EET)[atbildēt]

Opening the module for editing

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Now I have added the right country names and flags so then you can go ahead with adding the flags that I have added previously. 2023. gada 13. marts, plkst. 18.12 (EET)[atbildēt]

Template:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Now you can add the new flags that I have added in the module sandbox. Now the countries have correct names as well so check the changes and then you can go ahead with them 2023. gada 26. marts, plkst. 15.44 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Module:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Now I have added the correct flag syntaxes and also the right country names. Now you can go ahead with updating the live version as well 2023. gada 27. marts, plkst. 16.18 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Module:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Now I have corrected the errors regarding the nations which are in the module. Now you can go ahead with updating in the live version. Check the changes and then update the live version. 2023. gada 2. aprīlis, plkst. 17.25 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki! vai tas is iespējams tev pievienot pareizot karogs. Esmu pievenoijs pareizos karogus failu nosaukumi. Es arī pievienoiju pareizu valstu nosaukumi. Tagad jūs varat turpināt izmaiņas uz tiešraides versiju. Pārbaudiet izmaiņas labojumi. Ar cieņu Sondre SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 5. aprīlis, plkst. 14.33 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Updating the module

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you update the module with the flags that I have added in the sandbox module and with updated country names as well. Check the changes and then update the live version with the same flags from the sandbox module.

Updating the module

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you update the module with the flags I have added in the sandbox module and with updated country names too. Check the changes and then go ahead with updating the live version with the same flags as in the sandbox module SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 11. aprīlis, plkst. 16.47 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Updating the module

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you update the module with the same flags as in the sandbox module?. I have already updated the module with new flags and also updated some country names with weren't filled out properly. Check the changes and then go ahead with updating the live version with the flags in the sandbox module as base.

Noņemiet moduļa aizsardzību

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki! Vai jūs varat noņemt šīs lapas aizsardzību?. Es zinu, ka tas ir aizsargā tāpēc to var rediģēt tikai adminstratori. Daudz labāk, ja tas ir neaizsargāts tātad arī reģistrētie lietotāji to var rediģēt. 2023. gada 18. aprīlis, plkst. 16.22 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Modulis:Country alias

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you change the country alias module to the current English version. This one is old by now and needs revamping to meet with quality standards. I have added the right flags in the data module so they can be used from that. I will recommend that the module should be updated to a more modern interface and not that from five years ago it is Treisijs who created the template. This is also a technical issue which can be solved at the village pump or somewhere else SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 24. aprīlis, plkst. 15.48 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Labojuma pieprasījums (17-05-2023)

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki! Vai jūs varat kaut ko darīt ar šo moduli. Ir pagājis ligs laiks jo kāds ir rediģējis šo moduli varbūt kopš oktobra. Pārbaudiet izmaiņas smilšu kastē un tad turpiniet veikt izmaiņas

Moduļa atjaunināšana

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveiki! Vai varat atjaunināt modulis ar jaunākjiem karogiem un valstu nosaukiem?. Esmu atjauninājis smilšu kasti ar jauniem karogiem un valstu nosaukumi. Un arī aktualizēja sacensību nosaukumis. Pārbaudiet smils̄u kasti un pēc tam veiciet izmaiņas. Tas nav atjaunināts pusgadu SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 20. maijs, plkst. 12.46 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Opening the module for editing

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you make it possible to edit this module and take away the autopatroller protection. I know that is protected so no one but administrators can edit it. Can you add the flags in the module sandbox to the module I think they can be added now. 2023. gada 10. jūnijs, plkst. 14.44 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Remove autopatroller protection

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Can you remove autopatroller protection from the module so I can add flags on my own. I have already added them in the module sandbox. You can go ahead with the changes now. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2023. gada 11. jūnijs, plkst. 13.12 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Changes to this module

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Is it possible to do something with this module?. I have already added new flags and also changed some country names which were wrong. I have added the correct years and file names as well. I think the module needs a new version and not the old one. I have added a data module too. 2024. gada 5. aprīlis, plkst. 16.35 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Opening the module for editing

[labot pirmkodu]

Hello! Edgars2007. Can you open this module for editing?. That will allow me to add the flags which are missing in the module. I have added the flag files and also corrected some errors regarding competitions and also some country names as well. This module hasn't been edited for sometime now. It hasn't been made changes since October 2022. 2024. gada 20. aprīlis, plkst. 15.15 (EEST)[atbildēt]

Moduļa atvēršana rediģēšanai

[labot pirmkodu]

Sveike! Vai varat atvērt šo moduli rediģēšanai?. Jo tã nav veiktas izmaiņas jau vaīrakus mēnes̄us vai davis gadus. Esmu pievenojis jauni karogis un valstu nosaukumi. Esmu maīnijis arī sacensību nosaukumus. Pārbuadiet, vai modulī nav izmaiņas un pēc tam atveriet to rediģēšanai. SndrAndrss (diskusija) 2024. gada 20. aprīlis, plkst. 15.29 (EEST)[atbildēt]