Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

InfluenceMap Score
for Climate Policy Engagement
Performance Band
Organization Score
Tokyo, Japan

Climate Policy Engagement Overview: The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) appears to be engaging on several climate changes and energy policies. It has increasingly advocated for the nuclear-specific energy transition in Japan, however, their position towards renewables or energy mix in general remain unclear.

Top-line Messaging on Climate Policy: JAIF appears to have broadly positive top-line messaging on climate change. In January 2020 during the new year gathering, the chair showed recognition and support for the science of climate change. In October 2020 during the chairman’s press conference, the chairman Arai showed support on IPCC report, and emphasized that decarbonization goals cannot be achieved without nuclear power.

Engagement with Climate-Related Regulations: JAIF appear to have no recent engagement with climate-related regulations.

Positioning on Energy Transition: JAIF appear to support energy transition, emphasizing the usability of nuclear, however their position towards other energy mix is unclear. It also emphasized the importance of nuclear energy in the future energy mix, arguing that Japan has limited room to increase renewable energy production due to the limited areas of flat land during the new year greetings in January 2022. In a public comment on Green Transformation (GX) policy in Japan, submitted to the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry, on January 2023, JAIF supported the maximum role of nuclear, and advocated for government intervention to promote investment on next generation furnaces. However, the statement remains unclear as to how it sees nuclear role with regards to a full transition towards a zero-emission energy system in Japan. In a position paper co-submitted towards G7 Climate Energy and Environment Minister's Meeting, JAIF advocated to policy makers for the expanded use of nuclear but with no clear position on the energy mix in general At a METI hearing in July 2023, JAIF appeared to have welcomed the result of “GX Basic Policy” acknowledging the importance of accelerating the restart of nuclear power, and advocated for expanded capacity of nuclear without mentioning the position on the energy mix in general.

InfluenceMap collects and assesses evidence of corporate climate policy engagement on a weekly basis, depending on the availability of information from each specific data source (for more information see our methodology). While this analysis flows through to the company’s scores each week, the summary above is updated periodically. This summary was last updated in Q1 2024.

Details of Organization Score