Japan Association for Logistics and Transport (JALoT)

InfluenceMap Score
for Climate Policy Engagement
Performance Band
Organization Score
Tokyo, Japan

Climate Policy Engagement Overview: The Japan Association for Logistics and Transport (JALoT) appears to have a limited direct engagement with climate policy in Japan, apart from some support for the electrification of transportation.

Top-line Messaging on Climate Policy: JALoT has had limited and mixed top-line messaging around the need for climate change response and regulations, and has not specified its positions on climate change science and the United Nations Climate Treaty. In a message on the JALoT website accessed in August 2021, Chairman Junichiro Ikeda recognized 2050 carbon neutrality as an “important” issue for the logistics industry, and stated that JALoT will “promote green initiatives in the logistics sector” and “enhance activities related to global warming countermeasures with the cooperation of a wide range of stakeholders.” JALoT published a news release in March 2022 on its 3rd “Information Exchange Meeting for Promoting Low-Carbon/Decarbonization in the Logistics Field” on its member companies and organizations’ efforts toward low-carbon and decarbonization, but did not specify a position on GHG emissions reductions in line with IPCC recommendations. A news release published by JALoT in July 2022 on its 1st FY2022 “Information Exchange Meeting for Promoting Low-Carbon/Decarbonization in the Logistics Field” described a lecture from a Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) representative on “carbon neutral policies,” but did not specify a position on the need for climate change regulation. However, the website (accessed August 2021) of the Green Logistics Partnership, which is co-sponsored by JALoT, stated that global warming countermeasures “should not stifle logistics activities” and “should be based on measures that foster the willingness of companies to take voluntary action while utilizing market mechanisms.”

Engagement with Climate-Related Regulations: JALoT appears to have limited engagement with climate-related regulations, and has not appeared to disclose its climate-relevant policy positions and lobbying activities. It appears to support a modal shift, stating support for a modal shift from road transport to rail and shipping in a METI hearing in April 2021. In November 2021, JALoT published a news release on its 1st “Information Exchange Meeting for Promoting Low-Carbon/Decarbonization in the Logistics Field,” stating that the aim of the meeting was to understand government and industry measures toward the Japanese government’s targets for a 46% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050, however it did not describe any positions on the targets. Similary, JALoT published a news release in July 2022 on its FY2022 "Information Exchange Meeting for Promotion of Low-carbon/Decarbonization in Logistics Field," in which discussions were held with a METI representative on climate change policies, including carbon taxes and emissions trading, however it did not describe any of its positions.

Positioning on Energy Transition: JALoT appears to support the electrification of transportation, and has not specified a position on the energy mix. At a hearing of the METI Automotive Policy Study Group for Carbon Neutrality in April 2021, JALoT advocated for government support for the increased introduction and domestic manufacture of electric vehicles, and appeared to support electric vehicle subsidies. In February 2022, JALoT hosted the 2nd “Information Exchange Meeting for Promoting Low-Carbon/Decarbonization in the Logistics Field,” where a Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) representative discussed government support for electric vehicles and member companies shared case studies, including “conversion to renewable energy and introduction of next-generation vehicles,” however JALoT did not specify its own position on electrification. According to a Logistics Industry News report in May 2021, JALoT appeared to support subsidies and charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

InfluenceMap collects and assesses evidence of corporate climate policy engagement on a weekly basis, depending on the availability of information from each specific data source (for more information see our methodology). While this analysis flows through to the company’s scores each week, the summary above is updated periodically. This summary was last updated in Q4 2022.

Details of Organization Score