[email protected] from May 1998 by subject

A list of past suggestions aired on this list


Another small CSS2 Error

Are IMG height/width deprecated? Why not?

Browser compatibility with implementation bugs

Browser compatibility with implementation bugs (fwd)

browser compatibility with implementation bugs...

Browser ompatibility with implementation bugs (was: Re: default.css)

Class and ID

Correction of URL (was Re: default CSS)

CORRECTION: Escaped characters except '\A' in generated content?

Counters and Cross References

Counters and Cross References (Was: Errors in section 12 (generated content))

CSS crashing NC 4.x

CSS2 note needs changing


Digits, re-visited

Embedding fonts

Errors in section 12 (generated content)

Escaped characters except '\A' in generated content?

External Stylesheets Problem with NN04

Gradient color

lots of stuff

MacIE non-official mailing list (was Re: default.css)


multiple style sheets for 1 doc

Newbie: Relative size

NOTE: Stylesheets and XML

Patterned colors (was: Re: Gradient color)

Private email (was Re: style assignment)

run-in boxes

second time question...!

Small error in PR-CSS2

Standards process

style assignment

style assignment #2

style assignment URL

test page crash.

Text masking (Re: Patterned colors (was: Re: Gradient color))


what's the diference?

XSL's requirement of ECMAScript

Last message date: Tuesday, 26 May 1998 00:52:23 UTC