Re: style assignment

Hakon Lie wrote:
> Here's your assignment for today:
>  1   Pick your favorite color/nutrition/age from this list: Chocolate,
>      Midnight, Modernist, Oldstyle, Steely, Swiss, Traditional, and
>      Ultramarine.

Assignment completed. Couldn't decide on a favourite, so included all
of them as alternatives for the CSS Pointers index page.
>  4   Join in on a big round of applause for Todd who, almost
>      single-handedly, designed and implemented all of this.

Thanks, applause or even a standing ovation isn't sufficient praise
for Todd. There was a rumour floating around the newsgroup that he was
a genius. The Core Styles provide confirmation.

Sue Jordan

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 1998 11:35:50 UTC