Heroes League Season 1

From Liquipedia Overwatch Wiki

Tempo Storm AUSTempo Storm AUS Tempo Storm AUSUntitled SpreadsheetUntitled Spreadsheet Untitled SpreadsheetAbyss eSportsAbyss eSports Abyss eSportsNo Reason GamingNo Reason Gaming No Reason Gaming

[e][h]ozfortress Heroes League Season 1
League Information
Heroes League
North America North America
Double Elimination
Prize Pool:
$3,000 AUD
(≃ $2,284 USD)
Start Date:
End Date:
Liquipedia Tier:


Prize Pool[edit]

$3,000 (AUD) are spread among the teams as seen below:


  • Regular Season Swiss Bracket
    • All teams will play 6 best of 2 map matches in a Swiss bracket over a 6 week regular season. Maps are predetermined for each round.
    • Teams schedule a match between Monday and Friday each week with their opponents. Teams can request transfers members of other teams and Free Agent additions to their roster each week.
    • Both maps and matches can tie. A map win is worth 2 match points, a map tie 1 match point and a map loss 0 match points.
    • All matches use the Quick Play format with a 1 Hero Limit and no Assault maps.
    • On Escort and Hybrid maps, Timed Completion is used. Teams will receive a map point for each capture point checkpoint captured on attack. If both teams finish the map, the team with the fastest map time will receive an extra point and win the map. If both teams capture the same number of capture points and checkpoints, the map is a tie.
    • On Control, teams are awarded 1 map point for each of the 3 stages won.
  • Playoffs
    • The Double Elimination playoffs bracket is for the 13th and 14th August 2016. The top 4 teams from the Swiss bracket are seeded into the upper bracket, while ranks 5-8 from regular season are seeded into the lower bracket.
    • All playoffs matches are best of 5 maps, except the grand final which is best of 7 with a 1 map advantage to the team entering from the upper bracket.
    • For best of 5 map series, the pick-ban process is as follows. The Home (higher seeded) team will ban a map from the pool of 9 maps, followed by the Away team. The Home team will then pick a map from the pool, followed by the Away team. The Home team will then ban a map, followed by the Away team. The Home team will then pick a map from the pool, followed by the Away team. The remaining map will be used as a tiebreaker if necessary. For the grand final, the second ban-phase is replaced with map picks.
    • Escort and Hybrid maps are scored using Stopwatch. Teams will receive a map point for each capture point or checkpoint captured on attack. If both teams capture the same number of checkpoints, the team that captured the furthest checkpoint the fastest is awarded an additional point. If neither team captures the first point, the map will be replayed with only the first checkpoint or capture point. The team with the faster cap time will be awarded a single point to win the map. If neither team still does not capture the first point, this process will be repeated until there is a winner.

Map Pool[edit]

Map Pool
Control Escort Hybrid

Broadcast Talent[edit]


2 Global Sanction's lineup renamed to Blame Coinflip.
2 Dismay: Blue's lineup renamed to Conviction.
3 Abyss eSports picked up the roster of No Reason Gaming.
4 Tempo Storm AUS picked up the roster of Untitled Spreadsheet at the beginning of the playoff bracket.


Swiss Group[edit]

#TeamMatchesMapsMaps Diff.Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6
1.Untitled SpreadsheetUntitled Spreadsheet Untitled Spreadsheet6 - 0 - 012 - 0+12Blame CoinflipBlame CoinflipSerious TeamSerious TeamAvant GardeAvant GardeThe Wood CucksThe Wood CucksJust a Minute GamingJust a Minute GamingChiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports Club
2.The Wood CucksThe Wood Cucks The Wood Cucks5 - 0 - 110 - 2+8WHEELCHAIR WARRIORSWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSthanksthanksFree Agent AFree Agent AUntitled SpreadsheetUntitled SpreadsheetAvant GardeAvant GardeJust a Minute GamingJust a Minute Gaming
3.QuentiamQuentiam Quentiam4 - 2 - 010 - 2+8Trident eSportsTrident eSportsChiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubTeam OrbitTeam OrbitNo Kids Here!No Kids Here!B1GB1GNo Reason GamingNo Reason Gaming
4.Chiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports Club Chiefs eSports Club4 - 1 - 19 - 3+6Natural SelectionNatural SelectionQuentiamQuentiamNo Reason GamingNo Reason GamingPotato ChipsPotato ChipsTainted MindsTainted MindsUntitled SpreadsheetUntitled Spreadsheet
5.No Reason GamingNo Reason Gaming No Reason Gaming4 - 0 - 28 - 4+4cy@ on LANcy@ on LANIncept eSportsIncept eSportsChiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubTrident eSportsTrident eSportsTeam OrbitTeam OrbitQuentiamQuentiam
6.Just a Minute GamingJust a Minute Gaming Just a Minute Gaming4 - 0 - 28 - 4+4ConvictionConvictionPandemoniumPandemoniumThat's DebatableThat's DebatableTainted MindsTainted MindsUntitled SpreadsheetUntitled SpreadsheetThe Wood CucksThe Wood Cucks
7.Avant GardeAvant Garde Avant Garde4 - 0 - 28 - 4+4FermentedNugFermentedNugTeam ExpertTeam ExpertUntitled SpreadsheetUntitled SpreadsheetFree Agent AFree Agent AThe Wood CucksThe Wood CucksConvictionConviction
8.B1GB1G B1G4 - 0 - 28 - 4+4Dismay: WhiteDismay: WhiteJalapeno JobJalapeno JobTainted MindsTainted MindsConvictionConvictionQuentiamQuentiamTachankaTachanka
9.UniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYork UniqueNewYork4 - 0 - 28 - 4+4TachankaTachankaDevil Mei CryDevil Mei CryJalapeno JobJalapeno JobTeam OrbitTeam OrbitNo Kids Here!No Kids Here!Potato ChipsPotato Chips
10.thanksthanks thanks3 - 2 - 18 - 4+4Team FissionTeam FissionThe Wood CucksThe Wood CucksBlame CoinflipBlame CoinflipDismay: WhiteDismay: WhitePotato ChipsPotato ChipsTeam OrbitTeam Orbit
11.Tainted MindsTainted Minds Tainted Minds3 - 1 - 27 - 5+2No Kids Here!No Kids Here!int64 squidsint64 squidsB1GB1GJust a Minute GamingJust a Minute GamingChiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubBlame CoinflipBlame Coinflip
12.Blame CoinflipBlame Coinflip Blame Coinflip3 - 1 - 27 - 5+2Untitled SpreadsheetUntitled SpreadsheetOCE GamingOCE GamingthanksthanksmOistmOistDevil Mei CryDevil Mei CryTainted MindsTainted Minds
13.Filthy CasualsFilthy Casuals Filthy Casuals3 - 1 - 27 - 5+2Kampfgruppe Pr1medKampfgruppe Pr1medCool Team NiceCool Team NiceSerious TeamSerious Teamcy@ on LANcy@ on LANFlying Spaghetti MonstersFlying Spaghetti MonstersWet WilliesWet Willies
14.Team OrbitTeam Orbit Team Orbit2 - 3 - 17 - 5+2FPDFPDPotato ChipsPotato ChipsQuentiamQuentiamUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYorkNo Reason GamingNo Reason Gamingthanksthanks
15.TachankaTachanka Tachanka3 - 0 - 36 - 60UniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYorkThat's DebatableThat's DebatableConvictionConvictionOCE GamingOCE GamingTrident eSportsTrident eSportsB1GB1G
16.ConvictionConviction Conviction3 - 0 - 36 - 60Just a Minute GamingJust a Minute GamingCCG: RequiemCCG: RequiemTachankaTachankaB1GB1GFree Agent AFree Agent AAvant GardeAvant Garde
17.Free Agent AFree Agent A Free Agent A3 - 0 - 36 - 60Cool Team NiceCool Team NiceKampfgruppe Pr1medKampfgruppe Pr1medThe Wood CucksThe Wood CucksAvant GardeAvant GardeConvictionConvictionmOistmOist
18.Flying Spaghetti MonstersFlying Spaghetti Monsters Flying Spaghetti Monsters2 - 2 - 25 - 50Incept eSportsIncept eSportscy@ on LANcy@ on LANTeam FissionTeam FissionWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSFilthy CasualsFilthy CasualsNo Kids Here!No Kids Here!
19.Potato ChipsPotato Chips Potato Chips2 - 2 - 25 - 50Wet WilliesWet WilliesTeam OrbitTeam OrbitTeam ExpertTeam ExpertChiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubthanksthanksUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYork
20.WHEELCHAIR WARRIORSWHEELCHAIR WARRIORS WHEELCHAIR WARRIORS2 - 2 - 25 - 50The Wood CucksThe Wood CucksTeam FissionTeam FissionFlying Spaghetti MonstersFlying Spaghetti MonstersFlying Spaghetti MonstersFlying Spaghetti MonstersWet WilliesWet WilliesDevil Mei CryDevil Mei Cry
21.FPDFPD FPD2 - 1 - 35 - 7-2Team OrbitTeam OrbitWet WilliesWet WilliesmOistmOistTeam ExpertTeam ExpertOCE GamingOCE GamingTrident eSportsTrident eSports
22.Trident eSportsTrident eSports Trident eSports2 - 1 - 35 - 7-2QuentiamQuentiamNatural SelectionNatural SelectionWet WilliesWet WilliesNo Reason GamingNo Reason GamingTachankaTachankaFPDFPD
23.Wet WilliesWet Willies Wet Willies2 - 1 - 35 - 7-2Potato ChipsPotato ChipsFPDFPDTrident eSportsTrident eSportsTeam FissionTeam FissionWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSFilthy CasualsFilthy Casuals
24.No Kids Here!No Kids Here! No Kids Here!2 - 0 - 44 - 8-4Tainted MindsTainted MindsNocturnal NightmaresNocturnal NightmaresPandemoniumPandemoniumQuentiamQuentiamUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYorkFlying Spaghetti MonstersFlying Spaghetti Monsters
25.Devil Mei CryDevil Mei Cry Devil Mei Cry2 - 0 - 44 - 8-4That's DebatableThat's DebatableUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYorkCool Team NiceCool Team NiceNocturnal NightmaresNocturnal NightmaresBlame CoinflipBlame CoinflipWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSWHEELCHAIR WARRIORS
26.mOistmOist mOist2 - 0 - 44 - 8-4Team ExpertTeam ExpertFermentedNugFermentedNugFPDFPDBlame CoinflipBlame CoinflipNocturnal NightmaresNocturnal NightmaresFree Agent AFree Agent A
27.OCE GamingOCE Gaming OCE Gaming2 - 0 - 44 - 8-4Serious TeamSerious TeamBlame CoinflipBlame CoinflipWar Torn SoldiersWar Torn SoldiersTachankaTachankaFPDFPDNocturnal NightmaresNocturnal Nightmares
28.Nocturnal NightmaresNocturnal Nightmares Nocturnal Nightmares1 - 0 - 52 - 10-8int64 squidsint64 squidsNo Kids Here!No Kids Here!FermentedNugFermentedNugDevil Mei CryDevil Mei CrymOistmOistOCE GamingOCE Gaming
29.cy@ on LANcy@ on LAN cy@ on LAN3 - 0 - 16 - 2+4No Reason GamingNo Reason GamingIncept eSportsIncept eSportsWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSFilthy CasualsFilthy Casuals
30.Dismay: WhiteDismay: White Dismay: White2 - 0 - 24 - 40B1GB1GWar Torn SoldiersWar Torn Soldiersint64 squidsint64 squidsthanksthanks
31.Team ExpertTeam Expert Team Expert2 - 0 - 24 - 40mOistmOistAvant GardeAvant GardePotato ChipsPotato ChipsFPDFPD
32.Team FissionTeam Fission Team Fission0 - 0 - 40 - 8-8thanksthanksWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSWHEELCHAIR WARRIORSFlying Spaghetti MonstersFlying Spaghetti MonstersWet WilliesWet Willies
33.That's DebatableThat's Debatable That's Debatable2 - 0 - 14 - 2+2Devil Mei CryDevil Mei CryTachankaTachankaJust a Minute GamingJust a Minute Gaming
34.Jalapeno JobJalapeno Job Jalapeno Job1 - 0 - 22 - 4-2War Torn SoldiersWar Torn SoldiersB1GB1GUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYork
35.Serious TeamSerious Team Serious Team1 - 0 - 22 - 4-2OCE GamingOCE GamingUntitled SpreadsheetUntitled SpreadsheetFilthy CasualsFilthy Casuals
36.int64 squidsint64 squids int64 squids1 - 0 - 22 - 4-2Nocturnal NightmaresNocturnal NightmaresTainted MindsTainted MindsDismay: WhiteDismay: White
37.PandemoniumPandemonium Pandemonium1 - 0 - 22 - 4-2CCG: RequiemCCG: RequiemJust a Minute GamingJust a Minute GamingNo Kids Here!No Kids Here!
38.FermentedNugFermentedNug FermentedNug0 - 0 - 30 - 6-6Avant GardeAvant GardemOistmOistNocturnal NightmaresNocturnal Nightmares
39.Cool Team NiceCool Team Nice Cool Team Nice0 - 0 - 30 - 6-6Free Agent AFree Agent AFilthy CasualsFilthy CasualsDevil Mei CryDevil Mei Cry
40.War Torn SoldiersWar Torn Soldiers War Torn Soldiers0 - 0 - 30 - 6-6Jalapeno JobJalapeno JobDismay: WhiteDismay: WhiteOCE GamingOCE Gaming
41.Kampfgruppe Pr1medKampfgruppe Pr1med Kampfgruppe Pr1med1 - 0 - 12 - 20Filthy CasualsFilthy CasualsFree Agent AFree Agent A
42.Incept eSportsIncept eSports Incept eSports1 - 0 - 12 - 20Flying Spaghetti MonstersFlying Spaghetti MonstersNo Reason GamingNo Reason Gaming
43.CCG: RequiemCCG: Requiem CCG: Requiem0 - 0 - 20 - 4-4PandemoniumPandemoniumConvictionConviction
44.Natural SelectionNatural Selection Natural Selection0 - 0 - 20 - 4-4Chiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubTrident eSportsTrident eSports


Quarterfinals (Bo3)
Semifinals (Bo5)
Winners' Finals (Bo5)
Grand Finals (Bo7)
Tempo Storm AUSTempo Storm AUSTS AUS
Just a Minute GamingJust a Minute GamingJAM
August 20, 2016 - 14:30 AEST
Chiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubChiefs
Avant GardeAvant GardeAV
August 20, 2016 - 14:30 AEST
Just a Minute GamingJust a Minute GamingJAM
Avant GardeAvant GardeAV
August 21, 2016 - 18:00 AEST
The Wood CucksThe Wood CucksTWC
Abyss eSportsAbyss eSportsAbyss
August 20, 2016 - 14:30 AEST
August 20, 2016 - 14:30 AEST
The Wood CucksThe Wood CucksTWC
August 20, 2016 - 18:00 AEST
Just a Minute GamingJust a Minute GamingJAM
The Wood CucksThe Wood CucksTWC
August 27, 2016 - 19:00 AEST
Losers' Round 1 (Bo5)
Losers' Round 2 (Bo5)
Losers' Round 3 (Bo5)
Losers' Finals (Bo5)
Tempo Storm AUSTempo Storm AUSTS AUS
Chiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubChiefs
August 20, 2016 - 16:30 AEST
Chiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubChiefs
August 20, 2016 - 19:30 AEST
Abyss eSportsAbyss eSportsAbyss
August 21, 2016 - 16:30 AEST
Avant GardeAvant GardeAV
Abyss eSportsAbyss eSportsAbyss
August 21, 2016 - 19:30 AEST
Chiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubChiefs
Avant GardeAvant GardeAV
August 27, 2016 - 19:00 AEST
The Wood CucksThe Wood CucksTWC
Chiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubChiefs
August 28, 2016 - 17:00 AEST
Just a Minute GamingJust a Minute GamingJAM
Chiefs eSports ClubChiefs eSports ClubChiefs

View Games[edit]



