Critical Embedded Systems - Hírek

CES Lab schedule

The first Lab of the Critical Embedded Systems course will take place on Wednesday, 16th of October where students can practice creating and analyzing fault trees. Students with Windows comupters are encouraged to download the TopEvent FTA tool from this website: Read more »

Next class will be on 08.11.2017

The lecture scheduled on Friday, 27.10.2017 will be canceled due to a conflicting assignment of Prof. T. Bartha. The lecture will be made up later.

The next lecture of the course will be given on Wednesday, 08.11.2017, due to the fact that 01.11.2017 is All Saints' Day, which is a bank holiday in Hungary.


Room change for the 25.10.2017 class: I.E. 412

Please be advised, that on 25.10.2017 the Critical Embedded class will be in an other room, I.E. 412. 

I.E 412 is located on the other side of the building and can only be accessed by using the elevators on the other side of the building (go to the right when entering the building).

The publications for the Home Work is out

You can check the list of publications from the following site

CES: Friday lectures move to IL405

From this week all Critical Embedded Systems lectures (labs, etc.) will take place at IL405.

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