About us

Welcome to Incidents and Reflections! We were a science-oriented radio program broadcast online weekly during the academic year on WMUC from September 2013 to May 2016. We discussed scientific topics, events, and some of the latest discoveries as well as threw a few science-themed songs into the mix. This Tumblr is intended to be an archive for our past shows as well as provide links to supplementary material for the subjects we talked about.

The name of our program was a pun on incident light rays and reflected light rays.

Our showrunner, Albert, is a geology major obsessed with paleontology and zoology, so we had a tendency to skew towards paleontological topics. Albert has a DeviantArt page where he uploads sundry dinosaur doodles.

Starting in October 2014, Albert was joined via Skype by regular guest host John (now Joan), an anthropology major at East Carolina University who is similarly interested in paleontology and biology. She can be regularly found on her personal Tumblr and DeviantArt. Joan also collaborates with Albert on the web comic TetZoo Time.

From September 2013 to May 2014, the show was co-hosted by fellow UMD geology major, Alex. He was the one who likes Finnish punk music and talks about stuff that actually matters. Alex formerly also hosted the WMUC metal-themed program Toxic Tones, but has since moved on to greener pastures.

All views expressed and errors committed on the program belong to the hosts and are not representative of WMUC or the University of Maryland as a whole.

This Tumblr blog is independent of WMUC.