Sweet persimmon kebabs

Sweet persimmon kebabs
363 Recipes 5.3k Fans


Frost falls to eat persimmons! Sweet persimmons are nutritious, but not suitable for eating on an empty stomach. Paired with meat, it is degreasy and refreshing. Simple to do, perfect for small weekend parties!

JJ5 Color Kitchen pays attention to the color of food to achieve nutritional balance, welcome to visit my blog: http://jj5colorkitchen.pixnet.net/blog

Serving Size

3 Servings


30 minutes


  • Sliced white meat in hot pot
    6-7 slices
  • Sweet persimmons
    1 piece
  • thyme
    appropriate amount
  • salt
    appropriate amount
  • black pepper
    appropriate amount
  • cornstarch
    a little
  • oil
    1 teaspoon


  • This kind of pork slice is the white meat slice used in the usual sauerkraut white meat pot, which is equivalent to unscrupulated bacon meat, regular shape, rich in fat, better than the general hot pot pork slices to master and grill.

    This kind of pork slice is the white meat slice used in the usual sauerkraut white meat pot, which is equivalent to unscrupulated bacon meat, regular shape, rich in fat, better than the general hot pot pork slices to master and grill.

  • Soak the bamboo in water for 30 minutes to avoid cracking when frying.

    Soak the bamboo in water for 30 minutes to avoid cracking when frying.

  • Wash and peel the sweet persimmon and cut into 1.3cm x 6cm stick shapes.  The long persimmon strips are in their own bunches, and the short ones can be strung together in 2 strips.

    Wash and peel the sweet persimmon and cut into 1.3cm x 6cm stick shapes. The long persimmon strips are in their own bunches, and the short ones can be strung together in 2 strips.

  • Pass the bamboo through the center point of the persimmon strip, being careful not to let the persimmon strip split.

White meat slices rolled over persimmon strips. Dip a little too white powder on the head and tail of the white meat slice to fix. Sprinkle with salt, thyme and black pepper.

Grease the baking tray, heat it thoroughly, reduce the heat and top with the skewers. It can also be fried in a pan, or baked in the oven.

    Pass the bamboo through the center point of the persimmon strip, being careful not to let the persimmon strip split. White meat slices rolled over persimmon strips. Dip a little too white powder on the head and tail of the white meat slice to fix. Sprinkle with salt, thyme and black pepper. Grease the baking tray, heat it thoroughly, reduce the heat and top with the skewers. It can also be fried in a pan, or baked in the oven.

  • When frying, use a spatula to press the skewers to make the color even, and turn one side to the other until golden brown on all sides.

    When frying, use a spatula to press the skewers to make the color even, and turn one side to the other until golden brown on all sides.

  • The sweet fruity aroma is a natural seasoning that replaces the high-fat barbecue sauce and also degreasys.

    The sweet fruity aroma is a natural seasoning that replaces the high-fat barbecue sauce and also degreasys.


-Persimmons don't go with beer!
-Persimmon strips should be at least 1cm wide, too thin and easy to break when wearing bamboo.

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jj5色廚 363 Recipes 5.3k Fans

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