The ICCV 2023 submission guidelines were constructed in reference to recent computer vision conferences, in particular, the latest CVPR 2023. While ICCV 2023 seeks to carry over most guidelines to be consistent, there are some differences. Please read our rules carefully.
Papers in the main technical program must describe high-quality, original research. Topics of interest include the following aspects of computer vision and pattern recognition:
3D from a single image and shape-from-x
3D from multi-view and sensors
3D shape modeling and processing
Action and event understanding
Adversarial attack and defense
Computational imaging
Computer vision theory
Datasets and evaluation
Deep learning architectures
Document analysis and understanding
Efficient and scalable vision
Embodied vision: Active agents; simulation
Explainable AI for CV
Faces and gestures
Fairness, privacy, ethics, social-good, transparency, accountability in vision
First person (egocentric) vision
Geometric deep learning
Human-in-the-loop computer vision
Human pose/shape estimation
Image and video forensics
Image and video synthesis
Low-level and physics-based vision
Machine learning (other than deep learning)
Medical and biological vision; cell microscopy
Motion estimation, matching and tracking
Multimodal learning
Navigation and autonomous driving
Neural generative models
Object pose estimation and tracking
Optimization methods (other than deep learning)
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Recognition: Categorization
Recognition: Detection
Recognition: Retrieval
Representation learning
Scene analysis and understanding
Segmentation, grouping and shape analysis
Self-, semi-, meta-, unsupervised learning
Transfer, low-shot, continual, long-tail learning
Video analysis and understanding
Vision and audio
Vision and graphics
Vision and language
Vision and robotics
Vision applications and systems
All submissions will be handled electronically. In addition to the main technical program, the conference will include Tutorials, Workshops, Demonstrations, and Exhibits. Submit proposals to the appropriate chair.