File No. 895.102/11.
The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Blanchard.
Washington, July 11, 1913.
Sir: Referring to the Embassy’s despatch No. 29 of April 25, 1913, transmitting the original of the final protocol, signed by all the consular representatives of the treaty powers at Seoul and the representatives of the Imperial Japanese Government General, in which was embodied the result of their preliminary negotiations with regard to the conditions of the proposed transfer to the Government General of the affairs of Foreign Settlements in Chosen, I have to state that the said protocol is acceptable to the Government of the United States as a basis for the formal negotiations which it is understood will be initiated by the Imperial Japanese Government in accordance with the note addressed to the Embassy by his excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs on August 28, 1912.
[Page 437]You may so inform the Consul General at Seoul, whom the Department takes this opportunity to commend upon the satisfactory work done by him in connection with this complicated question.
I am [etc.]