The Psychology Behind the New iPhone’s Four-Digit Price

September 21, 2017


Economics suggests that setting a price is all about finding the spot where supply and demand meet. But price can serve a different function: a signal of product quality. That’s especially true when a price breaks through the psychological threshold often associated with a big round number. The rock band the Eagles did this when they first breached the $100 mark for concert tickets, and it’s what Apple is doing with its $999-and-up iPhone X.

Apple made headlines by announcing that the price for its new iPhone X (a fancy term for 10) will range from $999 to $1,149. These prices are commanding attention because they are significantly higher than the base prices of the two other iPhone models that were also announced, the 8 ($699) and the 8 Plus ($799). The X’s price is also noteworthy because it approaches, and breaches, the key threshold of $1,000. Boosting prices into four-digit territory crosses an important psychological barrier for consumers.

Read more on Pricing strategy

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