This is the README of SuperWheat Thanks to thescreem for the original plugin! Thanks for using! For support visit the old forum thread: or the new page:
This plugin is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.
Standard config:
forum thread:
or the bukkit dev page:
message: '&6[SuperWheat] That plant is not fully grown yet!' message-enabled: true creative: dropsCreative: false blockCreativeDestroying: false wheat: enabled: true trampling: true delayHit: 3 water: delay: 5 drops: wheat: true seed: false prevent: premature: true mature: false piston: delay: 5 drops: wheat: true seed: false prevent: premature: true mature: false netherWart: enabled: true delayHit: 3 water: delay: 5 drops: netherWart: true prevent: premature: true mature: false piston: delay: 5 drops: netherWart: true prevent: premature: true mature: false cocoaPlant: enabled: true delayHit: 3 water: delay: 5 drops: cocoaPlant: true prevent: premature: true mature: false piston: delay: 5 drops: cocoaPlant: true prevent: premature: true mature: false carrot: enabled: true trampling: true delayHit: 3 water: delay: 5 drops: carrot: true prevent: premature: true mature: false piston: delay: 5 drops: carrot: true prevent: premature: true mature: false potato: enabled: true trampling: true delayHit: 3 water: delay: 5 drops: potato: true prevent: premature: true mature: false piston: delay: 5 drops: potato: true prevent: premature: true mature: false sugarCane: enabled: false delayHit: 3 water: delay: 5 drops: sugarCane: true prevent: false piston: delay: 5 drops: sugarCane: true prevent: false
Permissions (if no permissions system is detected, only OPs are able to use the permissions!) Only bukkit's permissions system is supported!
Command: /superwheat reload Aliases: sw, superw Description: Reloads the configuration on the fly Node: SuperWheat.reload
SuperWheat.* Description: Includes all permissions
SuperWheat.wheat.* Description: Includes all permissions for wheat
SuperWheat.wheat.regrowing Description: Automatically re-grows the harvested wheat
SuperWheat.wheat.destroying Description: Allows you to destroy not full grown crops
SuperWheat.wheat.seeds Description: Drops seeds, too
SuperWheat.wheat.noseeds Description: Allows auto re-plant if no seeds are in the inv
SuperWheat.netherwart.* Description: Includes all permissions for nether wart
SuperWheat.netherwart.regrowing Description: Automatically re-grows the harvested nether wart
SuperWheat.netherwart.destroying Description: Allows you to destroy not full grown plant
SuperWheat.netherwart.noseeds Description: Allows auto re-plant if no nether wart is in the inv
SuperWheat.cocoaplant.* Description: Includes all permissions for cocoa (plant)
SuperWheat.cocoaplant.regrowing Description: Automatically re-grows the harvested cocoa
SuperWheat.cocoaplant.destroying Description: Allows you to destroy not full grown plant
SuperWheat.cocoaplant.noseeds Description: Allows auto re-plant if no cocoa beans are in the inv
SuperWheat.carrot.* Description: Includes all permissions for carrots
SuperWheat.carrot.regrowing Description: Automatically re-grows the harvested carrots
SuperWheat.carrot.destroying Description: Allows you to destroy not full grown plant
SuperWheat.carrot.noseeds Description: Allows auto re-plant if no carrots are in the inv
SuperWheat.potato.* Description: Includes all permissions for potatoes
SuperWheat.potato.regrowing Description: Automatically re-grows the harvested potatoes
SuperWheat.potato.destroying Description: Allows you to destroy not full grown plant
SuperWheat.potato.noseeds Description: Allows auto re-plant if no potatoes are in the inv
SuperWheat.sugarcane.* Description: Includes all permissions for sugar canes
SuperWheat.sugarcane.regrowing Description: Automatically re-grows the harvested sugar cane
SuperWheat.sugarcane.noseeds Description: Allows auto re-plant if no sugar canes are in the inv