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This repo is view to zoomable by pinch gesture.



Swift Package Manager

For installing with SPM, add it to your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.2.5"))


For installing with Carthage, add it to your Cartfile.

github "shima11/InteractiveZoomDriver"


For installing with CocoaPods, add it to your Podfile.

pod 'InteractiveZoomDriver'


import InteractiveZoomDriver

let zoomView = UIImageView() // UIView or SubClass of UIView
zoomView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

Case1: driver

Add zoom function to target UIView.

gestureTargetView: added tap and pan gesture.
sourceView: source view.
targetViewFactory: Transformed View during zooming.
shouldZoomTransform: Delegate to the outside whether zooming is possible.

let driver = InteractiveZoomDriver(
  gestureTargetView: imageView2,
  sourceView: imageView2,
  targetViewFactory: { (fromImageView: UIImageView) -> UIView in
    let view = UIImageView()
    view.image = fromImageView.image
    view.clipsToBounds = fromImageView.clipsToBounds
    view.contentMode = fromImageView.contentMode
    return view
  shouldZoomTransform: {(sourceView: UIImageView) -> Bool in
    if sourceView.image == nil {
      return false
    return true

This is also no problem. InteractiveZoomView.clone and InteractiveZoomView.shouldZoomTransform is default implementation of protocol extension. InteractiveZoomView corresponds to UIImageView only. To support other than UIImageView, add an implementation in extension.

let driver = InteractiveZoomDriver(
  gestureTargetView: zoomView, 
  sourceView: zoomView, 
  targetViewFactory: InteractiveZoomView.clone, 
  shouldZoomTransform: InteractiveZoomView.shouldZoomTransform

Case2: overlay view

InteractiveZoomView is able to only UIImageView now.
If you want to use custom UIView, you need to create extension of InteractiveZoomView with reference to InteractiveZoomView.

let overlayZoomView = InteractiveZoomView(
    sourceView: zoomView