tms(toy media server) is a toy media server for myself learning media develop.
- publish media by rtmp
- publish media by webrtc
- publish media by srt
- plya media by rtmp
- play media by http-flv
- play media by http-hls
- play media by webrtc
- play media by srt
- media demux/remux, like rtmp(flv) to webrtc(rtp)
- transcode
- media server forward, current tms is only a single server node
- sdp generater and sdp parser, instead of hardcode xxx.sdp
- WebRTC adapt to different version of chrome
- WebRTC adapt to different video encoder
- friendly API
There are many bugs in WebRTC, because the complexity.
Step 1: get source code
git clone
cd tms
Step 2: fetch depend
cd depend
Step 3: build
cd ../src
Step 4: run
./tms -server_ip
publish rtmp using obs, I use host "" to hide my server ip for safety.
play http-flv using vlc
play hls using vlc
play rtmp using vlc
chrome publish vp9, I use host "" to hide my server ip for safety, and it's hardcode in sdp.
chrome play vp9