This repository contains the code for the new feature of the Audio Search Bot. The previous version can be found in the python_v1
folder. The bot is written in Python and is currently command-line based, with plans to incorporate a GUI in C++ for Linux and potentially for Android in the future. The repository is actively being developed, with interesting features being added every week.
The main feature of this new version is the ability to search for a word or phrase within audio files in a private chat. Users can initiate a search by sending a specific message format in the chat. Here's how it works:
To search for a word or phrase in the audio files of a private chat, send the following message:
- Word or Phrase: Replace "telegram" with the word or phrase you want to search for within the audio files.
- File Size Limit: Specify the maximum size of audio files to be searched in bytes. In this example, the limit is set to 30,000 bytes.
When the bot receives the search message, it scans the 10 most recent audio files in the chat, each with a size less than the specified limit. If any of the audio files contain the specified word or phrase, the bot will reply with the corresponding messages.
You can run the entire code on an Android phone without the need for hosting. Follow these steps:
- Install Termux from Google Play.
- Go to the file manager of your device and create the folder "Termux" in the internal storage.
- Open Termux and run the following command:
cd /storage/emulated/0/Termux
- Install the necessary packages:
pkg update pkg install python pip install Telethon pip install PySocks pip install pydub pip install SpeechRecognition pkg install ffmpeg pkg install flac
- Copy the code to the Termux folder.
- Run the code with:
- If you need to use a proxy, run:
export https_proxy=
with the IP and8080
with the port of your proxy.)
Python-based GUI for staying hidden in Telegram
- View messages from personal chats and groups!
- Send messages to personal chats and groups!
- Download and view any files and media from personal chats and groups!
- Send any files and media to personal chats and groups!
- View profile photos and save them!
- Save text messages from personal chats and groups to a .txt file!
- Specify the maximum size of files for downloading!
$ pip install Telethon
$ pip install PySide6
$ pip install functools
$ pip install pygame
$ pip install asyncio
$ pip install moviepy
$ pip install