Produced by OpenMix:
A set of tools that keep Golang sweet.
go get
Function | Description |
xslices.InArray[T comparable](item T, slice []T) bool | Searches if the specified value exists in the array. |
Function | Description |
xstrings.IsNumeric(s string) bool | Used to check if the variable is a number or a numeric string. |
xstrings.SubString(s string, start int, length int) string | Return part of a string |
xstrings.Capitalize(s string) string | The function converts the first letter of the input string to uppercase. |
Function | Description |
xconv.StructToMap(i interface{}) map[string]interface{} | Convert struct to map. |
xconv.StringToBytes(s string) []byte | Convert string to bytes (0 copy). |
xconv.BytesToString(b []byte) string | Convert bytes to bytes (0 copy). |
Function | Description |
xcrypt.AESEncrypt(plainText, mode, key, iv string) (string, error) | AES encryption |
xcrypt.AESDecrypt(cipherText, mode, key, iv string) (string, error) | AES Decryption |
xfmt [more]
A formatting library that can print data inside nested pointer addresses of structures.
The supported methods are identical to the fmt
system library
Function | Description |
xfmt.Sprintf(format string, args ...interface{}) string | |
xfmt.Sprint(args ...interface{}) string | |
xfmt.Sprintln(args ...interface{}) string | |
xfmt.Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) | |
xfmt.Print(args ...interface{}) | |
xfmt.Println(args ...interface{}) | |
xfmt.Disable() | Equivalent to fmt when disabled |
xfmt.Enable() |
xenv [more]
Environment configuration library with type conversion.
Function | Description |
err := xenv.Load(".env") | |
err := xenv.Overload(".env") | |
i := xenv.Getenv("key").String("default") | |
i := xenv.Getenv("key").Bool(false) | |
i := xenv.Getenv("key").Int64(123) | |
i := xenv.Getenv("key").Float64(123.4) |
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