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Bitcoin (BTC) address: 35VRpVQaqFWjUCnVRpGineShz76QyYgSVg
Monero (XMR) address: 84yS17W3dLvV6Lj2XaATgYX4Ef7tPpGtmdBoanyL68GofxM2VQD8ZUNWaKpdyerJdZ7mceQ6r7e8G2om6q6k8zEZ4ndy2xG
Stacks (STX) address (and any other SIP-10 tokens): SP39DTEJFPPWA3295HEE5NXYGMM7GJ8MA0TQX379
Amock - API Mock Server
Amock is a simple API mock server that uses JSON files to define entities from which it auto-generates endpoints. It is useful for front-end developers who need to work with a back-end API that is not yet available.