SCUI is a user-friendly lightweight desktop application for browsing and exploring analysis results of single-cell RNA-seq data generated by Seurat. Biologists can easily get highly customized results from the mouse-interactive UI, instead of any command-line environment.
The first version of the SCUI has the following features:
- CellBrowser Show the coordinate points of each cell by different categories; Customize the list of genes of interest; Customize categories and clusters; Output figures and data table.
- Features Explore and filter the marker gene table obtained by Seurat; Generate new marker gene table for custom clusters.
- Heatmap Generate a heatmap of the average expression of customized genes in clusters.
- Violin Generate the violin plot of genes of interest in clusters.
- DotPlot Generate the DotPlot result in Seurat.
- Re-clustering The cells in the customized categories can be reclustered; Output a new seurat object with re-clustering results.
NOTE: SCUI requires 4GB ram as a minimum, it may be higher depending on the size of your data. The time elapsed for analysis was influenced by the number of cells.