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Hyperledger Iroha 2 Tutorial

This repository contains the source files for Hyperledger Iroha 2 Documentation.

The tutorial is suitable for both experienced and novice users. It explains Iroha 2 concepts and features, and also offers language-specific step-by-step guides for these programming languages:

If you are already familiar with Hyperledger Iroha, we invite you to read about how Iroha 2 is different from its previous version.

Check the Hyperledger Iroha repository for more detailed information about API and available features.


If you want to contribute to Iroha 2 tutorial, please clone the repository and follow the steps below.

Prepare the environment

  1. Install Node.js v16.9+. To install it without a headache, use NVM (Node Version Manager). You can run something like this:

    # Install NVM itself
    curl -o- | bash
    # Run it to use NVM in the current shell session or restart your shell
    export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm

    Then you can install Node 18:

    nvm install 18
  2. Enable Corepack:

    corepack enable
  3. Install project dependencies. From the root of the cloned repository, run:

    pnpm install

Run dev mode

pnpm dev

It will start a local dev-server. You will be able to open a browser, observe rendered documentation, edit source files and see your edits on-demand.


We use Prettier to format project sources. Its configuration is located at ./.prettierrc.js. Check options reference for all available options.

  • Format sources: apply formatting to all project source files:

    pnpm format:fix
  • Check the formatting in sources: ensure that all project source files match Prettier code style

    pnpm format:check

We use prettier-eslint tool to override Prettier formatting for Vue components.


To check whether ESLint rules pass, run:

pnpm lint

To fix auto-fixable issues, run:

pnpm lint --fix


We use Vitest test framework to assure quality of non-trivial internal parts of the project.

To check whether tests pass, run:

pnpm vitest run

To run vitest in a watch-mode, run:

pnpm vitest

Enabling feedback form

In order to enable the "Share feedback" button, the following environment variable should be provided:


When a user submits the form, a simple POST request with a JSON body is sent to this URL.

This variable will be picked up by the application during dev/build mode. Read more about it in the Vite documentation.

Compatibility matrix

Note: configuring this is required.

The SDK Compatibility Matrix provides an insightful look into the interoperability of various stories across multiple SDKs within Hyperledger Iroha 2.

The underlying data for the matrix is sourced from a backend service, ensuring low-latency response with preprocessed data. To configure access to the service (e.g. deployed at, set the following environment variable:



Iroha documentation files are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0), available at