Minimal implementations for dependent type checking and elaboration
Generate type-safe Go converters by simply defining an interface
C4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way of describing and communicate software architectures
A self-hosting mini Haskell compiler with a mini C runtime.
😎 Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes
Lisp in 99 lines of C and how to write one yourself. Includes 20 Lisp primitives, garbage collection and REPL. Includes tail-call optimized versions for speed and reduced memory use.
Getting started with static program analysis. 静态程序分析入门教程。
Research middleware compiler from System F-based languages to Java with the Imperative Functional Object encoding
A consensus that unifies paxos, raft, 2pc, etc.
distributed consensus protocol's bugs, flaws, deceptive traps, improvements
Rust 培养提高计划, 感谢 Databend 社区 支持
《开发者体验:探索与重塑》电子书。book of research and refactoring in developer experience (WIP)
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Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more.
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INACTIVE - - The Narcissus meta-circular JavaScript interpreter
my systemtap toolkit to online analyze on production
User-mode TCP/IP stack from 4.4BSD-Lite2, a companion of TCP/IP Illustrated vol. 2