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Tool for drawing diagrams on a grid, combining grids of SVGs into a big SVG figure


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SVG Tiler

SVG Tiler is a tool for drawing diagrams on a grid, where you draw ASCII art or spreadsheets and SVG Tiler automatically subsitutes each character or cell with a corresponding SVG symbol to make a big SVG figure (in an efficient representation that factors out repeated tiles), and optionally converts it to PDF, PNG, and/or LaTeX for LaTeX text. Here are a few examples of generated figures; see more examples below.

Super Mario Bros. The Witness Chess
Super Mario Bros. custom level The Witness custom level Immortal Game chessboard

Table of Contents

Main Concepts

To use SVG Tiler, you combine at least two types of files (possibly multiple of each type):

  1. A mapping file specifies how to map tile names (strings) to SVG content (either embedded in the same file or in separate files). Mapping files can be specified in a simple ASCII format, or as a dynamic mapping defined by JavaScript or CoffeeScript code.

  2. A drawing file specifies a grid of tile names (strings) which, combined with one or more mapping files to define the SVG associated with each tile, compile to a single (tiled) SVG. Drawing files can be specified as ASCII art (where each tile name is limited to a single character), space-separated ASCII art (where tile names are separated by whitespace), standard CSV/TSV (comma/tab-separated) tabular formats, or standard multi-sheet spreadsheet formats XLSX/XLS/ODS supported by Google Sheets, OfficeOffice, and Excel.

  3. An optional style file specifies global styling of SVG elements via CSS or Stylus.

Here's a simple full example from Tetris in the pixel-art style of the NES game:

Input mapping
(.txt format)
Input drawing
(.asc format)
(.png format)
T NES_level7_empty.png
O NES_level7_empty.png
I NES_level7_empty.png
J NES_level7_filled.png
S NES_level7_filled.png
L NES_level7_other.png
Z NES_level7_other.png
  <rect fill="black" width="8" height="8"/>

PNG image files referenced above: NES_level7_empty.png NES_level7_filled.png NES_level7_other.png

I          Z
Tetris custom level


Normally, you run svgtiler on the command line, listing all input files (mapping, drawing, and style files) as arguments. Mapping and style files apply to all drawing files listed later. File types and formats are distinguished automatically by their extension, as listed below. For example:

svgtiler map1.txt drawing.asc drawings.xlsx

will generate drawing.svg using the mappings in map1.txt and, and will generate drawings_<sheet>.svg for each unhidden sheet in drawings.xlsx.

svgtiler automatically skips building when it detects all dependencies (including the input drawing file, all style files, all mapping files, and anything required by JavaScript/CoffeeScript mapping files) are older than the SVG file, similar to make. In these cases, you will see the message (SKIPPED) in the output. In addition, svgtiler will avoid writing a .svg or .tex file (and changing their timestamp) if the contents haven't changed; in these cases, you will see the message (UNCHANGED) in the output. In particular, this will prevent these files from getting converted to PDF or PNG (unless those files are out-of-date). You can override this behavior via the -f/--force command-line option, which forces all building and conversions to take place.

Alternatively, you can use the SVG Tiler API to render SVG from your own JavaScript code, e.g., converting ASCII art embedded within a webpage into SVG drawings.

Mapping Files: .txt, .js, .coffee, .jsx, .cjsx

In general, mapping files provide a partial mapping from tile names (which are generally strings) to SVG content. Most often, your SVG content should consist of a <symbol> or <svg> tag at the top level, with width and height attributes (for a coordinate system of [0, width] × [0, height]) or with a viewBox attribute (for a more general coordinate system e.g. starting at negative values). You can sometimes get away with less; see Autosizing Tiles.

In the .txt format for mapping files, each line consists of a tile name (either having no spaces, or consisting entirely of a single space), followed by whitespace, followed by either a block of SVG code (such as <symbol viewBox="...">...</symbol>) or a filename containing such a block. For example, here is a mapping of O to black squares and both (space) and empty string to blank squares, all dimensioned 50 × 50:

O <symbol viewBox="0 0 50 50"><rect width="50" height="50"/></symbol>
  <symbol viewBox="0 0 50 50"/>
 <symbol viewBox="0 0 50 50"/>

Here is a mapping of the same tiles to external files:

O O.svg

In the .js / .coffee / .jsx / .cjsx formats, the file consists of JavaScript / CoffeeScript code that gets loaded as a NodeJS module. The code specifies a mapping in one of a few ways:

  1. export map = mapping or export default mapping (ECMAScript modules style)
  2. = mapping or exports.default = mapping (CommonJS modules style)
  3. Writing a top-level object, array, or function expression at the end of the file (without e.g. being assigned to a variable), which triggers an implicit export default.

In any case, mapping should be one of the following types of mapping objects:

  1. A plain JavaScript object whose properties map tile names to tiles (e.g., {O: tile1, ' ': tile2}).
  2. A Map object mapping tile names to tiles.
  3. A function taking two arguments — a tile name (string) and a Context object (also passed as this) — and returning a tile. This feature allows you to parse tile names how you want, and to vary the tile depending on the context (e.g., neighboring tile names or parity of the tile location).
  4. An svgtiler.Mapping object containing one of the listed formats, e.g., new svgtiler.Mapping((key, context) => ...). Such an object can also be obtained from a mapping file (as if it were specified on the command line) via svgtiler.require(filename).
  5. An svgtiler.Mappings object containing one or more of the listed formats, e.g., new svgtiler.Mappings(mapping1, mapping2). Mappings look up the specified key in each mapping in reverse sequential order until finding one that doesn't resolve to null or undefined (so later mappings take priority over earlier mappings, as on the command line).
  6. An Array of any of the above types, meaning to run the mappings in parallel and stack the resulting tiles on top of each other, with the first non-null tile defining the tile size. (See next list for more details.)

Each tile (property of JavaScript object, value of Map object, or return value of a function) should be specified as one of the following:

  1. SVG written directly in JSX syntax, such as <symbol viewBox=0 0 ${width} ${height}>{parity ? child1 : child2}</symbol>; or its CoffeeScript analog, such as <symbol viewBox="0 0 #{width} #{height}">{if parity then child1 else child2}</symbol>. (See e.g. the polyomino example.)
  2. Preact (React-style) Virtual DOM elements built via preact.h calls. (This is what JSX notation actually gets converted into.) Be careful not to modify Preact nodes, in case you re-use them; instead use preact.cloneElement to make a modified copy (or before modification).
  3. A string of raw SVG code (detected by the presence of a < character).
  4. A filename with .svg extension containing SVG code that gets inlined.
  5. A filename with .png, .jpg, .jpeg, or .gif extension containing an image, which will get processed as an <image>.
  6. An empty string, short for the empty symbol <symbol viewBox="0 0 0 0"/>.
  7. undefined or null, indicating that this mapping doesn't define a tile for this tile name (and the next mapping should be checked).
  8. Another mapping (JavaScript object, Map object, function, svgtiler.Mapping, or svgtiler.Mappings) that gets recursively evaluated as described above (with the same tile name and context). For example, a top-level JavaScript object could map some tile names to functions (when they need to be dynamic); or a top-level function could return different mappings depending on context.
  9. A tile in one of the listed formats wrapped in a call to svgtiler.static, e.g., svgtiler.static(<symbol/>). This wrapper tells SVG Tiler that the tile mapping is always the same for this tile name, and does not depend on Context (e.g. adjacent tiles), enabling SVG Tiler to do more caching. This is only necessary if you use functions to define tiles; otherwise, SVG Tiler will automatically mark the tiles as static.
  10. An Array of tiles of any of the listed formats (including more Arrays, which get flattened), meaning to stack multiple tiles on top of each other, where the first non-null tile defines the viewBox and size (but all can influence the boundingBox). Use z-index to control stacking order. Null items in the array get ignored, and an empty array acts like null (this mapping does not define a tile for this tile name). You can put functions inside arrays (which effectively disappear if they return null/undefined), or return arrays from functions, or both.

If you need to use a <marker>, <filter>, gradient, or other element intended for <defs>, call svgtiler.def(tag), where tag is one of the above representations of the marker, filter, gradient, etc. This function adds the object to <defs> (if needed) at the top of the SVG, and returns an object def with property containing a unique id string, and helper methods def.url() and def.hash() generating url(#id) (as you'd use markers or gradients) and #id (as you'd use in <use>) respectively. By default, the id starts with marker, filter, etc. according to the top-level tag of tag. You can choose a better name by giving the tag an initial id, e.g., svgtiler.def(<marker id="arrow">...</marker>). You can call svgtiler.def within a tile function (where repeated calls with the same argument produce the same def and id) or at the global level of your mapping file (for static defs). See the grid-graph example for an example with markers.

Similarly, if you need to assign an id within your tile definition (e.g., to render and then re-use an object multiple times), define the tile with a function, and have that function call to generate and return a unique id string starting with baseId (which defaults to "id").

Functions get called with a Context object as both a second argument and as this (if the function is defined via function; => functions can't have this bound). Instead of passing the Context object to other functions, they can access the currently active Context via svgtiler.getContext(). The Context object has the following properties and methods:

  • context.key is the tile name, or undefined if the Context is out of bounds of the drawing. (This can't happen in the initial call, but can happen when you call context.neighbor.)
  • context.includes(substring) computes whether context.key contains the given substring (a shortcut for context.key.includes(substring) in ECMAScript 2015, but handling the case when context.key is undefined).
  • context.startsWith(substring) and context.endsWith(substring) are similar shortcuts, but failing when context.key is undefined.
  • context.match(regex) matches context.key against the given regular expression (a shortcut for context.key.match(regex), but handling the case when context.key is undefined).
  • context.i is the row number of the cell of this tile (starting at 0).
  • context.j is the column number of the cell of this tile (starting at 0).
  • context.neighbor(dj, di) returns a new Context for row context.i + di and column context.j + dj (for relative neighbors). (Note the reversal of coordinates, so that the order passed to neighbor corresponds to x then y coordinate.) If there is no tile at that position, you will still get a Context object but its key value will be undefined and includes() and match() will always return false.
  •, i) returns a new Context for row j and column i (absolute coordinates). (Note again the reversal of coordinates to correspond to x before y.) Negative numbers count backward from the last row or column.
  • In particular, it's useful to call e.g. context.neighbor(1, 0).includes('-') to check for adjacent tiles that change how this tile should be rendered.
  • context.row(di = 0) returns an array of Context objects, one for each tile in row i + di (in particular, including context if di is the default of 0). For example, you can use the some or every method on this array to do bulk tests on the row.
  • context.column(dj = 0) returns an array of Context objects, one for each tile in column j + dj.
  • context.set(key) changes the key at the context's position to the specified value. This can be useful for changing keys that haven't been processed yet (later in reading order) to affect later processing.
  • context.filename is the name of the drawing file (e.g. "input.xlsx").
  • context.subname is the name of the sheet within the spreadsheet drawing input, or undefined if the drawing input format does allow multiple sheets.
  • context.drawing is an instance of Drawing (see below).
  • You can also add extra data to the main context object given to the function, and it will be shared among all calls to all mapping/tile functions within the same drawing (but not between separate drawings). This can be useful for drawing-specific state.

The top-level code of your .js or .coffee mapping file can also export the following functions:

  • export init to schedule calling init(mapping) whenever this mapping file is listed on the command line (including right after the mapping file is first loaded), and when state gets reset (e.g. via a ) command-line argument). Note that each mapping file gets loaded (required) as a NodeJS module, which happens only once, so if your file uses any side effects (in particular, reading or writing to the share object for communication with other mapping files), it's important to put that code in an init function instead of at the top level, so that SVG Tiler can correctly limit and restore these side effects in the presence of parentheses on the command line or when running multiple build rules.
  • export preprocess to schedule calling preprocess(render) when preparing to rendering each drawing, e.g., to initialize drawing-specific data or globally examine the drawing. The render argument (and this) is set to a Render instance, which in particular has drawing, mappings, and styles attributes. You can even modify the drawing's keys at this stage, by modifying render.drawing.keys. Alternatively, loop over the cells using render.forEach((context) => ...) and use context.set(newKey). You can also add SVG content via render.add or svgtiler.add, e.g., add metadata like svgtiler.add(<title>My drawing</title>); or set a default background color via render.background(color) or svgtiler.background(color).
  • export postprocess to schedule calling postprocess(render) after rendering each drawing, e.g., to modify or add to the drawing. During the callback, render has properties about the rendering's bounding box: xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, width, height. You can add SVG content (overlay/underlay) via render.add or svgtiler.add, which you can pass a string or Preact Virtual DOM. Specify a z-index to control the stacking order relative to other symbols or overlays/underlays. Specify boundingBox to increase the overall size of the rendered drawing. You can also set the final background color via render.background(color) or svgtiler.background(color). When used only once, this is equivalent to the postprocess step of render.add(<rect z-index="-Infinity" fill={fillColor} x={render.xMin} y={render.yMin} width={render.width} height={render.height}/>).

You can call svgtiler.background(color) in preprocess, postprocess, or tile definition functions. Only the final color will end up being rendered, as a single background <rect> beneath the whole drawing's bounding box. You can also set a global default background color via the --bg/--background command-line option.

Drawing objects (available via context.drawing in mapping functions or render.drawing in preprocess and postprocess callbacks) have the following useful attributes:

  • drawing.filename is the name of the drawing file (e.g. "input.xlsx").
  • drawing.subname is the name of the sheet within the spreadsheet drawing input, or undefined if the drawing input format does allow multiple sheets.
  • drawing.keys is an array of array of keys, with one array per row.
  • drawing.get(j, i) gets the key at row i, column j (note reversed order), without any special processing.
  •, i) gets the key at row i, column j (note reversed order), with negative numbers counting back from the end.
  • drawing.set(j, i, key) sets the key at row i, column j (note reversed order, without any special processing) to key, adding rows or columns as necessary.
  • drawing.margins is an object specifying the left, right, top, and bottom margins automatically removed, unless you use --margin command-line option. This lets you adjust global parity according to the margins, for example.
  • drawing.unevenLengths is an array of original row lengths before rows were made to be the same length, unless you use the --uneven command-line option. Note that these lengths do not include margins (which get removed first).

Like other NodeJS modules, .js and .coffee files can access __dirname and __filename, e.g., to use paths relative to the mapping file. In addition to the preloaded module preact, they have access to the SVG Tiler API via svgtiler, and a global shared object share that you can add properties to for communication between mapping files (e.g., for one mapping file to provide settings to another mapping file). You can also use the command-line option -s/--share to set properties of share, as in the Mario example: -s KEY=VALUE sets share.KEY to "VALUE", while -s KEY sets share.KEY to undefined.

You can also use import ... from './filename' or require('./filename') to import local modules or files relative to the mapping file.

  • In particular, you can share .js/.coffee code or .json config files among mapping files.
  • If you import/require a filename with .svg extension, you obtain a Preact Virtual DOM object svg representing the SVG file, which you can include in a JSX template via {svg}. You can also easily manipulate the SVG before inclusion. For example, svg.props.children strips off the outermost tag, allowing you to rewrap as in <symbol>{svg.props.children}</symbol>; see the Chess example. Or preact.cloneElement lets you override certain attributes or add children; for example, preact.cloneElement(svg, {class: 'foo'}, <rect width="5" height="5"/>, svg.props.children) adds a class attribute and prepends a <rect> child. Alternatively, use svg.svg (the svg attribute of the returned object) to get the SVG string (with comments removed). Note that the .svg file can even have JSX notation in it, such as <svg width={share.width} height={share.height}>, but svg.svg will not interpret it specially.
  • If you import/require a filename with .png, .jpg, .jpeg, or .gif extension, you obtain a Preact Virtual DOM object image representing an <image> tag for the file's inclusion, which you can include in a JSX template via {image}. Or if you want to inline/manipulate the SVG string, use image.svg.

Drawing Files: .asc, .ssv, .csv, .tsv, .xlsx, .xls, .ods

The .asc format for drawing files represents traditional ASCII art: each non-newline character represents a one-character tile name. For example, here is a simple 5 × 5 ASCII drawing using tiles O and  (space):

O   O

.asc files can include Unicode characters encoded in UTF8. In this case, a single "character" is defined as a full "Unicode grapheme" (according to UAX #29, via the grapheme-splitter library), such as 👍🏽. See an example with Unicode.

The .ssv, .csv, and .tsv formats use delimiter-separated values (DSV) to specify an array of tile names. In particular, .csv (comma-separated) and .tsv (tab-separated) formats are exactly those exported by spreadsheet software such as Google Drive, OpenOffice, or Excel, enabling you to draw in that software. The .ssv format is similar, but where the delimiter between tile names is arbitrary whitespace. (Contrast this behavior with .csv which treats every comma as a delimiter.) This format is nice to work with in a text editor, allowing you to line up the columns by padding tile names with extra spaces. All three formats support quoting according to the usual DSV rules: any tile name (in particular, if it has a delimiter or double quote in it) can be put in double quotes, and double quotes can be produced in the tile name by putting "" (two double quotes) within the quoted string. Thus, the one-character tile name " would be represented by """".

The .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls (Microsoft Excel), .ods, .fods (OpenDocument), .dif (Data Interchange Format), .prn (Lotus), and .dbf (dBASE/FoxPro) formats support data straight from spreadsheet software. This format is special in that it supports multiple sheets in one file. In this case, the output SVG files have filenames distinguished by an underscore followed by the sheet name. By default, hidden sheets are ignored, making it easy to "deprecate" old drafts, but if you prefer, you can process hidden sheets via --hidden. Currently, hidden sheet detection only works in .xls* files; see File Format Support for SheetJS Sheet Visibility.

Style Files: .css, .styl

Any input file in .css format gets inlined into an SVG <style> tag. Mixing SVG and CSS lets you define global style rules for your SVG elements, for example, specifying fill and stroke for every polygon of class purple:

polygon.purple { fill: hsl(276, 77%, 80%); stroke: hsl(276, 89%, 27%) }

Instead of raw CSS, you can use the .styl format to write your styles in the indentation-based format Stylus. The example above could be written as follows in .styl:

  fill: hsl(276, 77%, 80%)
  stroke: hsl(276, 89%, 27%)

See the animation example for sample usage of a .css or .styl file.

If you'd rather generate a <style> tag dynamically depending on the drawing content, you can do so in a .js or .coffee mapping file by calling svgtiler.add during a preprocess or postprocess export.

Layout Algorithm

Given one or more mapping files and a drawing file, SVG Tiler follows a fairly simple layout algorithm to place the SVG expansions of the tiles into a single SVG output. Each tile has a bounding box, either specified by the viewBox of the root <symbol> or <svg> element, or automatically computed. The algorithm places tiles in a single row to align their top edges, with no horizontal space between them. The algorithm places rows to align their left edges so that the rows' bounding boxes touch, with the bottom of one row's bounding box equalling the top of the next row's bounding box.

This layout algorithm works well if each row has a uniform height and each column has a uniform width, even if different rows have different heights and different columns have different widths. But it probably isn't what you want if tiles have wildly differing widths or heights, so you should set your viewBoxes accordingly.

Each unique tile gets defined just once (via SVG's <symbol>) and then instantiated (via SVG's <use>) many times, resulting in relatively small and efficient SVG outputs.

z-index: Stacking Order of Tiles

Often it is helpful to render some tiles on top of others. Although SVG does not support a z-index property, there was a proposal which SVG Tiler supports at the <symbol> level, emulated by re-ordering tile rendering order to simulate the specified z order. For example, the tile <symbol viewBox="0 0 10 10" z-index="2">...</symbol> will be rendered on top of (later than) all tiles without a z-index="..." specification (which default to a z-index of 0). You can use a z-index="..." property or an HTML-style style="z-index: ..." property. The special values Infinity, +Infinity, and -Infinity are allowed (along with variants like Inf or \infty).

Overflow and Bounding Box

By default, SVG Tiler (v1.15+) sets all tile <symbol>s to have overflow="visible" behavior, meaning that they can draw outside their viewBox. If you want to override this behavior and clip symbols to their viewBox, you have two options. At the <symbol> level, use overflow="hidden" or style="overflow: hidden". At the global level, use the --no-overflow command-line option (and use overflow="visible" to make some symbols overflow).

When overflow is visible, viewBox still represents the size of the element in the grid layout, but allows the element's actual bounding box to be something else. To correctly set the bounding box of the overall SVG drawing, SVG Tiler defines an additional <symbol> attribute called boundingBox, which is like viewBox but for specifying the actual bounding box of the content (when they differ — boundingBox defaults to the value of viewBox). The viewBox of the overall SVG is set to the minimum rectangle containing all tiles' boundingBoxs.

For example, <symbol viewBox="0 0 10 10" boundingBox="-5 -5 20 20">...</symbol> defines a tile that gets laid out as if it occupies the [0, 10] × [0, 10] square, but the tile can draw outside that square, and the overall drawing bounding box will be set as if the tile occupies the [−5, 15] × [−5, 15] square.

The boundingBox can also be smaller than the viewBox, in case the viewBox needs to be larger for proper grid alignment but the particular symbol doesn't actually use the whole space. For example, <symbol viewBox="0 0 10 10" boundingBox="5 5 10 10"/> allocates 10×10 of space but may shrink down to 10×5 when used on the top edge of the diagram (if no other symbols' bounding box extend above) or 5×10 when used on the left edge of the diagram, or 5×5 in the top-left corner. You can also use the special value boundingBox="none" to specify that the symbol should not influence the drawing's viewBox at all, or boundingBox="null -5 null 10" to just affect the vertical extent (say).

Even zero-width and zero-height <symbol>s will get rendered (unless overflow="hidden"). This can be useful for drawing grid outlines without affecting the overall grid layout, for example. (SVG defines that symbols are invisible if they have zero width or height, so SVG Tiler automatically works around this by using slightly positive widths and heights in the output viewBox.)

The boundingBox attribute used to be called overflowBox (prior to v3). For backward compatibility, the old name is still supported, but in either case it can cause both overflow and underflow relative to viewBox.

Autosizing Tiles

Normally, a tile specifies its layout size by setting the width and height attributes or by setting the viewBox attribute of an outermost <symbol> or <svg> tag. But there is actually a long sequence of ways that SVG Tiler tries to figure out the width and height of the tile:

  1. If the tile's top-level tag is <symbol> or <svg>, then width and height attributes of that tag take priority. Normally these are specified in SVG units (px), but you can also use CSS units that get translated to px.
  2. The --tw/--tile-width and --th/--tile-height command-line options define the default width and height for all tiles that don't have an explicit width and height, including if you didn't use an outermost tag of <symbol> or <svg>.
  3. viewBox is considered next, and serves as an alternative to width and height if you want your coordinate system to start somewhere other than (0, 0) (as you get from the methods above). If a tile's outermost tag is <symbol> or <svg> with a viewBox attribute, then the width and height of that attribute (the third and fourth numbers) are treated as the tile's width and height.
  4. If none of the above are found, then SVG Tiler attempts to set the viewBox to the bounding box of the SVG elements in the symbol. For example, the SVG <rect x="-5" y="-5" width="10" height="10"/> will automatically get wrapped by <symbol viewBox="-5 -5 10 10">...</symbol>. However, the current computation has many limitations (see the code for details), so it is recommended to specify your own width/height or viewBox in your own <symbol> or <svg> wrapping element, especially to control the layout bounding box which may different from the contents' bounding box.

As a special non-SVG feature, a tile <symbol> can specify width="auto" and/or height="auto" to make their instantiated width and/or height match their column and/or row, respectively. In this way, multiple uses of the same symbol can appear as different sizes. See the auto-sizing example.

If you want to nonuniformly scale the tile, you may want to also adjust the <symbol>'s preserveAspectRatio property.

Unrecognized Tiles

Any undefined tile displays as a red-on-yellow diamond with a question mark (like the Unicode replacement character �), with automatic width and height, so that it is easy to spot. SVG Tiler also lists any unrecognized tiles at the end of its output.

If evaluating a tile raises an exception (usually from code in your .js/.coffee mapping files), the tile renders as a red-on-yellow triangle with an exclamation mark (like the Unicode warning sign ⚠️). SVG Tiler also Tiler outputs the error and stack trace, and lists any erroring tiles at the end of its output.

See the auto sizing example.

<image> Processing

<image> tags in SVG (or image filenames specified by a mapping file, which automatically get wrapped by an <image> tag) get some special additional processing:

  1. The default image-rendering is the equivalent of pixelated, for pixel art. You can also explicitly specify image-rendering="pixelated" or image-rendering="optimizeSpeed". Either way, this behavior gets achieved by a combination of image-rendering="optimizeSpeed" (for Inkscape) and style="image-rendering:pixelated" (for Chrome).

    If you would rather have smoothed images, set image-rendering="auto".

  2. An omitted width and/or height automatically get filled in according to the image size (scaled if exactly one of width and height is specified).

  3. The image file contents will get inlined into the SVG document (in base64), which makes the .svg file a stand-alone document. If you specify the --no-inline command-line option, the .svg file will load externally linked images only if you have the auxiliary image files with the correct paths.

  4. Duplicate inlined images (with the same contents and image-rendering, but not necessarily the same x/y/width/height) will get shared via a common SVG <symbol>. This makes for efficient SVG files when multiple keys map to the same symbol, or when multiple symbols use the same component image.

Converting SVG to PDF/PNG

SVG Tiler can automatically convert all exported SVG files (and any .svg files specified directly on the command line) into PDF and/or PNG, if you have Inkscape v1+ installed, via the -p/--pdf and/or -P or --png command-line options. For example: svgtiler -p drawings.xls will generate both drawings_sheet.svg and drawings_sheet.pdf. PNG conversion is intended for pixel art; see the Tetris example.

SVG Tiler uses svgink as an efficient interface to Inkscape's conversion from SVG to PDF or PNG. If you just want to convert SVG files, consider using svgink directly. If you want to do a mix of SVG tiling and SVG export with a shared pool of Inkscape processes, you can run svgtiler with a mix of drawings and raw .svg files that you want to convert. Any .svg files on the command line are passed through to svgink.

svgink has some command-line options that SVG Tiler also accepts:

  • svgink automatically runs multiple Inkscape processes to exploit multicore CPUs. You can change the number of Inkscape processes to run via the -j/--jobs command-line option. For example, svgtiler -j 4 -p drawings.xls will run up to four Inkscape jobs at once.
  • svgink automatically detects whether the PDF/PNG files are newer than the input SVG files, in which case it skips conversion. You can override this behavior via the -f/--force command-line option.
  • You can change where to put converted files via the --op/--output-pdf and --oP/--output-png command-line options. In addition, SVG Tiler supports --os/--output-svg to control where to put generated SVG files, and -o/--output to control the default place to put all generated/converted files.
  • You can override the generated/converted filenames for the next drawing using the -O/--output-stem command-line option. You can also specify a stem pattern like -O prefix_*_suffix, where * represents the input stem, in which case the override applies until the next -O option. (In particular, -O * restores the initial behavior.)
  • If Inkscape isn't on your PATH, you can specify its location via -i/--inkscape.

LaTeX Text

Using the -t command-line option, you can extract all <text> from the SVG into a LaTeX overlay file so that your text gets rendered by LaTeX during inclusion.

For example: svgtiler -p -t drawings.xls will create drawings_sheet.svg, drawings_sheet.pdf, and drawings_sheet.svg_tex. The first two files omit the text, while the third file is the one to include in LaTeX, via \input{drawings_sheet.svg_tex}. The same .svg_tex file will include graphics defined by .pdf (created with -p) or .png (created with -P).

You can control the scale of the graphics component by defining \svgwidth, \svgheight, or \svgscale before \inputting the .svg_tex. (If more than one is specified, the first in the list takes priority.) For example:

  • \def\svgwidth{\linewidth} causes the figure to span the full width
  • \def\svgheight{5in} makes the figure 5 inches tall
  • \def\svgscale{0.5} makes the figure 50% of its natural size (where the SVG coordinates' unit translates to 1px = 0.75bp)

If the figure files are in a different directory from your root .tex file, you need to help the .svg_tex file find its auxiliary .pdf/.png file via one of the following options (any one will do):

  • \usepackage{currfile} to enable finding the figure's directory.
  • \usepackage{import} and \import{path/to/file/}{filename.svg_tex} instead of \import{filename.svg_tex}.
  • \graphicspath{{path/to/file/}} (note extra braces and trailing slash).

SVG Tiler will attempt to align <text> elements according to their text-anchor and alignment-baseline properties. It will not respect font specification; instead, include LaTeX commands (e.g. \footnotesize or \sf) in your text.


SVG Tiler has a simple Makefile-like build system for keeping track of the svgtiler command-line arguments needed to build your tiled figures. These Maketiles generally get run whenever you run svgtiler without any filename arguments (including directories or glob patterns), for example, when just running svgtiler without any arguments, or when providing just flags like svgtiler -f. (If you ever want to skip the Maketile behavior, just provide mapping and drawing filename arguments like you normally would.) Several examples of Maketiles are in the examples directory.


At the simplest level, you can put the command-line arguments to svgtiler into a file called Maketile.args (or maketile.args), and then running svgtiler without any filename arguments will automatically append those arguments to the command line. Thus the .args file could specify the mappings and drawings to render, and you can still add extra options like --pdf or --force to the actual command line as needed. The .args file gets parsed similar to the bash shell, so you can write one-line comments with #, you can use glob expressions like **/*.asc, and you put quotes around filenames with spaces or other special characters. You can also write the arguments over multiple lines (with no need to end lines with \).

The more sophisticated system is to write a or Maketile.js file. This system offers the entire CoffeeScript or JavaScript programming language to express complex build rules. The file can provide build rules in one of a few ways:

  1. export make = ... (ESM) or exports.make = ... (CommonJS)
  2. export default ... (ESM) or exports.default = ... (CommonJS)
  3. Writing a top-level object, array, or function expression at the end of the file (without e.g. being assigned to a variable), which triggers an implicit export default.

The exported rules can be one of the following types:

  1. A function taking two arguments — a rule name (string) and a Mapping object representing the Maketile (also passed as this). The function should directly run build steps by calling svgtiler(); see below. The function's return value is mostly ignored, except that a return value of null is interpreted as "no rule with that name". If the function takes no arguments, it is treated as just defining the default build rule "" (empty string).
  2. A plain JavaScript object whose properties rule names to rules (e.g., {foo: rule1, bar: rule2, '': defaultRule}).
  3. A Map object mapping rule names to rules.
  4. An Array of any of the above types, meaning to run the rules in sequence.

If you run svgtiler with no filename arguments, the default rule name of "" (empty string) gets run. If you run svgtiler with one or more arguments that are valid rule names (containing no .s or glob magic patterns like * or ?), then instead these rules get run in sequence. (Note that directory names, filenames with extensions, and glob patterns take priority over Maketile rule names. So avoid naming rule names that match directory names; other conflicts are prevented by forbidding ./*/?/etc. in rule names.)

Rule functions can run the equivalent of an svgtiler command line by calling the svgtiler function, e.g., svgtiler(' *.asc'). String arguments are parsed just like .args files: whitespace separates arguments, # indicates comments, glob patterns get expanded, and quotes get processed. Array arguments are treated as already parsed argument lists, so the previous example is equivalent to svgtiler(['', '*.asc']) (where the glob pattern still gets processed, but whitespace in filenames would not). Instead of strings, you can also directly pass in Mapping or Drawing or Style objects (as arguments or as part of an array argument). An easy way to create such objects is to call svgtiler.require(), which loads any given filename as if it was given on the command line (without any processing of its filename). For example, svgtiler.require('filename with spaces and *s.asc') transforms an ASCII file into a Drawing object.

There are also tools for manually working with glob patterns: svgtiler.glob(pattern) returns an array of filenames that match a pattern, and svgtiler.match(filename, pattern) checks whether a filename matches a pattern. These helpers use node-glob and minimatch respectively, so follow their glob notation. Thus you can write your own for loops and e.g. switch depending on what additional pattern(s) the filenames match. For example, svgtiler(' *.asc') can be rewritten as svgtiler.glob('*.asc').forEach((asc) => svgtiler(['', asc]) or svgtiler.glob('*.asc').forEach((asc) => svgtiler('', svgtiler.require(asc)).

No calls to svgtiler() or other side effects should be at the top level of the Maketile. Instead, put these build steps inside a rule function.


It usually makes sense to put Maketiles in the directory where your figures are getting built, but sometimes that's not the directory you're working in. For example, SVG Tiler figures may be in a figures subdirectory or your paper's main directory. In this case, you can trigger the Maketile within the figures directory by running svgtiler figures. You can use this shorthand also when defining Maketiles, to recurse into subdirectories. For example, examples/ loops over all the subdirectories within examples and runs their Maketiles. You can thus trigger building all examples in this repository by typing svgtiler examples at the root directory of a checkout.


SVG Tiler provides an API for rendering SVG directly from your JavaScript code. On NodeJS, you can npm install svgtiler and require('svgtiler'). On a web browser, you can include a <script> tag that points to lib/svgtiler.js, and the interface is available via window.svgtiler, though not all features are available or fully functional in this mode. While the full API is still in flux and the best comments are in, here is a subset:

  • new svgtiler.Mapping({map, init, preprocess, postprocess}): Create a mapping the same as a file exporting map/init/preprocess/postprocess (all of which are optional). In particular, map can be an object, Map, or function mapping keys to SVG content, just like a JavaScript mapping file.
  • new svgtiler.Drawing(keys): Create a drawing with the specified keys, which is an Array of Array of Strings (or other objects), where keys[i][j] represents the key in the cell at row i and column j.
  • new svgtiler.Style(css): Create CSS styling with the specified css content (a String). Or use new svgtiler.StylusStyle(styl) to parse the string as Stylus.
  • new svgtiler.Render(drawing, [settings]): Create a rendering job for converting the specified drawing to SVG.
    • Put your mappings in settings.mappings, which can be a Mapping object, a valid argument to new Mapping, an Array of the above, or a Mappings object (a special type of Array).
    • Put additional CSS styling in settings.styles, which can be a Style object, a valid argument to new Style, an Array of the above, or a Styles object (a special type of Array).
  • svgtiler.require(filename, [settings], [dirname]) loads the specified file as if it was on the svgtiler command line, producing a Mapping, Drawing, Drawings, Style, Args, or SVGFile according to the extension. The filename is relative to dirname, which should (via a Babel plugin) default to the script calling svgtiler.require. For example, svgtiler.require('./') is equivalent to new Mapping(require('./')). [Node only]
  • svgtiler.renderDOM(elts, settings): Convert drawings embedded in the DOM via elements matching elts (which can be a query selector string like '.svgtiler', or a DOM element, or an iterable of DOM elements). [Web only]
    • Put your mappings in settings.mappings, which can be a Mapping object, a valid argument to new Mapping, an Array of the above, or a Mappings object (a special type of Array).
    • Put additional CSS styling in settings.styles, which can be a Style object, a valid argument to new Style, an Array of the above, or a Styles object (a special type of Array).
    • Each drawing can have a data-filename attribute to define its name and extension, which determines its format; or you can set settings to an object specifying a default filename. The default filename is "drawing.asc", which implies ASCII art.
    • By default, the rendered SVG replaces the original drawing element, but the element can specify data-keep-parent="true" (or settings can specify keepParent: true) to make it a sole child element instead; or the element can specify data-keep-class="true" (or settings can specify keepClass: true) for the rendered SVG to keep the same class attribute as the drawing element.
  • svgtiler.getRender(): Returns the current Render object for the current rendering job, which in particular has drawing, mappings, and styles attributes.
  • svgtiler.getContext(): Returns the current Context object for the currently rendering tile.
  • svgtiler.version: SVG Tiler version number as a string, or '(web)' in the browser.
  • svgtiler.needVersion(constraints): Require a specified range of version numbers (or throw an error), e.g. svgtiler.needVersion('3.x') or svgtiler.needVersion('>=3.0 <3.1'). Put this in your Maketile.js or

Drawing Class

An svgtiler.Drawing object represents a drawing as a table of keys. Typically, each key is a string, although this is not required. (For example, preprocess steps might want to convert strings into other objects.)

A Drawing object has the following properties:

  • keys: Array of Array of keys (Strings or other objects), where keys[i][j] represents the key in the cell at row i and column j.

A Drawing object has the following methods:

  • get(j, i): Get the key in the cell in row i and column j. Note that the order is flipped, to correspond to x/y order. Returns undefined if out of bounds (or the key is undefined).
  • at(j, i): Like get, but treat negative numbers as relative to the bottom/right edge of the drawing, similar to For example, at(-1, -1) accesses the bottom-right cell.
  • set(j, i, key): Set the key in the cell in row i and column j.
  • renderDOM(settings): Render drawing to SVG DOM (native in browser, xmldom in Node). Append the returned DOM to the document to render it. Shorthand for new Render(drawing, settings).makeDOM().

Render Class

An svgtiler.Render object represents a rendering job: converting a drawing with mappings and styles into an SVG and possibly other formats. It is passed as the single argument (and this) to any user-defined preprocess and postprocess functions exported from mapping files. You can also get the currently rendering Render object (e.g. during preprocess or postprocess stages) via svgtiler.getRender().

A Render object has the following properties:

  • drawing: Drawing object of what's being rendered.
  • mappings: Mappings object containing all the applicable Mappings.
  • styles: Style object containing all the included Styles.
  • xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax: Current bounding box of rendered content.

A Render object has the following methods:

  • forEach(callback): Calls callback(context) once per cell of the drawing, with context set to a Context object (also passed as this) including i (row number), j (column number), and key attributes. This is a convenient way to iterate through a drawing, while being able to use all the context methods like neighbor and set.
  • context(i, j): Create new Context object at specified coordinates. Equivalent to new svgtiler.Context(render, i, j).
  • add(content): Add SVG content to the rendering. Equivalent to svgtiler.add(content).
  • id(prefix): Generate a unique-to-this-render id starting with prefix. The current algorithm uses prefix, then prefix_v0, then prefix_v1, etc. This can be useful for assigning an id to some SVG content, and then referring to it in the same rendering (e.g. duplicating via <use>). Normally you'd use which is equivalent to currentRender().id(prefix) within a rendering context, and generates globally unique ids outside of a rendering context.
  • def(tag): Adds SVG content to <defs> in the output (except when the tag doesn't need to be wrapped in <defs>, such as <marker>, <filter>, <gradient>), and assigns it a unique ID. Returns an SVGContent object def with property containing a unique id string, and helper methods def.url() and def.hash() generating url(#id) (as you'd use markers or gradients) and #id (as you'd use in <use>) respectively. Normally you'd use svgtiler.def(tag) which is equivalent to currentRender().def(tag) within a rendering context, and generates globally defs outside of a rendering context.
  • background(color): Set the background color for this render. (Can later be overwritten during the rendering process.)
  • makeDOM(): Render drawing to SVG DOM (native in browser, xmldom in Node). Append the returned DOM to the document to render it.


This repository contains several examples to help you learn SVG Tiler by inspection. Some examples aim to capture real-world games, while others are more demonstrations of particular SVG Tiler features.

Video/board games:


Research using SVG Tiler:

The following research papers use SVG Tiler to generate (some of their) figures. Open an issue or pull request to add yours!


After installing Node, you can install (or update) this tool via

npm install -g svgtiler@latest

SVG Tiler requires Node v14+.

Command-Line Usage

The command-line arguments consist mostly of mapping and/or drawing files. The files and other arguments are processed in order, so for example a drawing can use all mapping files specified before it on the command line. If the same symbol is defined by multiple mapping files, later mappings take precedence (overwriting previous mappings).

Here is the output of svgtiler --help:

Usage: svgtiler (...options and filenames...)

Optional arguments:
  -h / --help           Show this help message and exit.
  -p / --pdf            Convert output SVG files to PDF via Inkscape
  -P / --png            Convert output SVG files to PNG via Inkscape
  -t / --tex            Move <text> from SVG to accompanying LaTeX file.svg_tex
  -f / --force          Force SVG/TeX/PDF/PNG creation even if deps older
  -v / --verbose        Log behind-the-scenes action to aid debugging
  -o DIR / --output DIR Write all output files to directory DIR
  -O STEM / --output-stem STEM  Write next output to STEM.{svg,svg_tex,pdf,png}
                                (STEM can use * to refer to input stem)
  --os DIR / --output-svg DIR   Write all .svg files to directory DIR
  --op DIR / --output-pdf DIR   Write all .pdf files to directory DIR
  --oP DIR / --output-png DIR   Write all .png files to directory DIR
  --ot DIR / --output-tex DIR   Write all .svg_tex files to directory DIR
  --clean               Delete SVG/TeX/PDF/PNG files that would be generated
  -i PATH / --inkscape PATH     Specify PATH to Inkscape binary
  -j N / --jobs N       Run up to N Inkscape jobs in parallel
  --maketile GLOB       Custom Maketile file or glob pattern
  -s KEY=VALUE / --share KEY=VALUE  Set share.KEY to VALUE (undefined if no =)
  -m / --margin         Don't delete blank extreme rows/columns
  --uneven              Don't make all rows have same length by padding with ''
  --hidden              Process hidden sheets within spreadsheet files
  --bg BG / --background BG  Set background fill color to BG
  --tw TILE_WIDTH / --tile-width TILE_WIDTH
                        Force all symbol tiles to have specified width
  --th TILE_HEIGHT / --tile-height TILE_HEIGHT
                        Force all symbol tiles to have specified height
  --no-inline           Don't inline <image>s into output SVG
  --no-overflow         Don't default <symbol> overflow to "visible"
  --no-sanitize         Don't sanitize PDF output by blanking out /CreationDate
  --use-href            Use href attribute instead of xlink:href attribute
  --use-data            Add data-{key,i,j,k} attributes to <use> elements
  (                     Remember settings, mappings, styles, and share values
  )                     Restore last remembered settings/mappings/styles/share

Filename arguments:  (mappings and styles before relevant drawings!)

  *.txt        ASCII mapping file
               Each line is <symbol-name><space><raw SVG or filename.svg>
  *.js         JavaScript mapping file (including JSX notation)
               Object mapping symbol names to SYMBOL e.g. {dot: 'dot.svg'}
  *.jsx        JavaScript mapping file (including JSX notation)
               Object mapping symbol names to SYMBOL e.g. {dot: 'dot.svg'}
  *.coffee     CoffeeScript mapping file (including JSX notation)
               Object mapping symbol names to SYMBOL e.g. dot: 'dot.svg'
  *.cjsx       CoffeeScript mapping file (including JSX notation)
               Object mapping symbol names to SYMBOL e.g. dot: 'dot.svg'
  *.asc        ASCII drawing (one character per symbol)
  *.ssv        Space-delimiter drawing (one word per symbol)
  *.csv        Comma-separated drawing (spreadsheet export)
  *.tsv        Tab-separated drawing (spreadsheet export)
  *.xlsx       Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.xlsm       Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.xlsb       Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.xls        Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.ods        Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.fods       Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.dif        Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.prn        Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.dbf        Spreadsheet drawing(s) (Excel/OpenDocument/Lotus/dBASE)
  *.css        CSS style file
  *.styl       Stylus style file (
  *.svg        SVG file (convert to PDF/PNG without any tiling)

SYMBOL specifiers:  (omit the quotes in anything except .js and .coffee files)

  'filename.svg':   load SVG from specifies file
  'filename.png':   include PNG image from specified file
  'filename.jpg':   include JPEG image from specified file
  '<svg>...</svg>': raw SVG
  -> ...@key...:    function computing SVG, with `this` bound to Context with
                    `key` (symbol name), `i` and `j` (y and x coordinates),
                    `filename` (drawing filename), `subname` (subsheet name),
                    and supporting `neighbor`/`includes`/`row`/`column` methods


This take on SVG Tiler was written by Erik Demaine, in discussions with Jeffrey Bosboom and others, with the intent of subsuming his original SVG Tiler. In particular, the .txt mapping format and .asc drawing format here are nearly identical to the formats supported by the original.


Tool for drawing diagrams on a grid, combining grids of SVGs into a big SVG figure






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