Qt virtual onscreen keyboard for use with AsteroidOS
mediathekviewweb-client for SailfishOS
LXC's containers manager for SailfishOS
A synchronization daemon for AsteroidOS watches on SailfishOS and Ubuntu Touch.
eLtMosen / libasteroid
Forked from AsteroidOS/libasteroidQtBluetooth-based library enabling Bluetooth Low Energy compatibility with AsteroidOS watches for various platforms
eLtMosen / starship
Forked from AsteroidOS/starshipSailfishOS synchronization app for AsteroidOS.
Default calculator app for AsteroidOS
Default compass app for AsteroidOS
eLtMosen / asteroid-music
Forked from AsteroidOS/asteroid-musicDefault music app for AsteroidOS
Default stopwatch app for AsteroidOS
eLtMosen / asteroid-timer
Forked from AsteroidOS/asteroid-timerDefault timer app for AsteroidOS
Default weather app for AsteroidOS
eLtMosen / asteroid-hrm
Forked from AsteroidOS/asteroid-hrmDemo app for heart-rate-monitor bpm retrieval
eLtMosen /
Forked from CassandraAsAService/CassandraAsAService.github.ioeLtMosen / Buran
Forked from dodoradio/BuranWork in progress AsteroidOS desktop linux synchronisation client. Contains code modified from starship and telescope.
An icon pack representing the watches currently supported by AsteroidOS/
Default set of icons of AsteroidOS. Based on ionicons 3.0.
eLtMosen / rastertokpsl-re
Forked from Fe-Ti/rastertokpsl-reReverse engineered Kyocera rastertokpsl filter for CUPS
Collection of wallpapers, selected and pushed here by community members.
Set of config files describing the languages that are available on AsteroidOS
A collection of tools to make it easy to work with AsteroidOS watches from a Linux host
eLtMosen / meta-smartwatch
Forked from AsteroidOS/meta-smartwatchOpenEmbedded layer that provides support for various smartwatches.
eLtMosen / qml-asteroid
Forked from AsteroidOS/qml-asteroidQML components, styles and demos for AsteroidOS.
A 2048 like game for AsteroidOS