For general info on installation of Custom Apps please refer to
- Open up Hubitat Environment (HE) and go "Apps Code"
- Select "New App" in the upper right-hand corner.
- Go to the smartapps/brbeaird folder on GitHub, open myq-lite.src, and copy all of the code.
- The app will take some time to load.
- Open up the "Drivers Code" on HE.
- Go to the devicetypes/brbeaird folder on GitHub. Reference the list below for the drivers you will need to install. For each of those drivers, complete the following steps.
- Select "New Driver" in the upper right-hand corner
- Open the relevant driver on the GitHub folder and copy all of the code.
- Paste the code into the window on HE. Select Save.
- When done installing the required drivers, go the the HE "Apps" page.
- "Select Add User App" and select the app "MyQ Lite" from the list.
- Choose "Tap to midify account" and provide credentials.
- Tap to modify devices. Choose devices to be added. DO NOT PRESS Advanced. And press Next.
- Add a contact sensor if required and choose Create on/off push button if required.
Hubitat Driver File
- For garage door with tilt/door sensor install myq-garage-door-opener.src driver.
- For garage door with no tilt/door sensor install momentary-button-tile.src and myq-garage-door-opener-nosensor.src drivers.
- For MyQ lights install myq-light-controller.src driver.