Lastest update: 29 March. 2021
This all-in-one framework is no longer maintained Since I have switched to flutter community.
Lastest update: 27 Aug. 2017.
Not yet test for Android Studio 3.0 with build gradle 3.0
At least one issue found from Anko in Android Studio 3.0. Go to Wiki for details.
New kotlin architecture for Android applications developing based on ReactiveX, integrates many open source projects( like Kodein,Rxjava2, RxKotlin, Retrofit... ),to make your developing quicker and easier.
- Kodein
- RxJava2
- RxAndroid - based on RxJava2
- RxPermissions - based on RxJava2
- Retrofit - based on RxJava2
- Okhttp
- Gson
- Kodein
- Timber
- Glide (version 4)
- Anko
Anko from Kotlin provides a large set of extension for kotlin user to build any views, create intent in fastest way. Also kotlin android binding plugins allows user to use any view without writing 'findViewById' and 'bindView' code. No butterknife or kotterknife library required from now on.
RxPermissions provides chaining method for ReactiveX user to grant permission and result response in a single block of code. Annotation-based permission libraries are given up cause they makes huge trouble when gradle build fail, especially when projects go large....
Instead of annotation-based dagger, I use Kodein for faster development. It requires implementing kodein injector on the base activity and application, and afterwards inject any modules or components inside target. It supports both Kotlin and Java with DSL coding style.
By using annotation-based Retrofit, you can define huge set of api call service class in a fingertip. Also, gson is used for serializer and deserializer for api response. Both retrofit and gson provides flexible and huge support of adapters and converters for different use cases. All the token handling can be done via Retrofit's RxJavaCallAdapter class.
Timber is used for logging. It provides flexible and intutive logging by providing different leaves according to each scenarios, for example, debug environment and release environment can be seperated into two leaves, for debug, only print it out, while log to both Firebase and Fabric for release.
Glide is from Google, it supports animated image and has fast configuration that any other libraries.
As producing view ui code in code are convenience for some small use case, it's important to have a library for programming layout easily intead of maniplating complex xml code. Anko library provides DSL coding style for making views, and the view result can also be extended somehow, providing flexible and readable view code. [But anko's realtime preview plugin is not unavailable]
|- [Activity]
|- BaseActivity // parent of all activity
|- [Application]
|- MainApplication // application for all dependencies
|- [Demo] // all demo usage activities.
|- AnkoViewActivity
|- BaseApiCallingActivity
|- RxViewBindingActivity
|- [Extension] // all usage extension methods
|- AndroidExtension
|- KodeinExtension
|- KotlinExtension
|- MyCompositeDisposable
|- ObservableExtension
|- RetrofitExtension
|- Truples
|- [Kodein] // all dependency injection related stuff
|- [Modules] // modules used in kodein
|- ApiModule
|- NetworkModule
|- UtilModule
|- [Retrofit]
|- [Plugins]
|- InstantTypeConverter
|- [Response]
|- Response
|- [Service]
|- ExampleApiService
|- [Utils]
|- CrossContextDialogManager // dialog manager push dialog to current activity
// wont be affected by context
|- ProgressDialogManager // works same as above but is progress dialog
All usage, known issue(s), reminder(s) will be added into Wiki page, please refer to it.
Copyright 2016, darylsze
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.