The Fordpass App requires you to put in a pin and tell it you are not driving and takes forever to issue commands to your vehicle. This little nugget of code talks to the APIs and makes starting/stoping the engine and locking/unlocking the doors super easy.
If you find this useful let me know on Twitter. @d4v3y0rk
An awesome developer has forked this and made a version for using with AWS Lambda.
Find it here:
UPDATE: I have moved the majority of the backend code to an NPM Module ffpass
The code requires several environment variables to set for it to work:
export FORD_USERNAME="<your fordpass username>"
export FORD_PASSWORD="<your fordpass password>"
export VIN="<your vehicle VIN number>"
export GEOCODE_PROVIDER="<a geocode provider>" // this is optional, see for provider options
export GEOCODE_API_KEY="<a geocode provider api key>" // this is optional
Once you have those thing setup you can issue commands and check the status of your vehicle like this:
node index.js --command=status
// returns vehicle status information
node index.js --command=status --locate
// returns vehicle status information with address from Geocodio
node index.js --command=start
// issues engine start command to the vehicle
node index.js --command=stop
// issues engine stop command to the vehicle
node index.js --command=lock
// issues door lock command to the vehicle
node index.js --command=unlock
// issues door unlock command to the vehicle
I created this to enable interoperability between my computer and my car. As is allowed by U.S., Section 103(f) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.