Establishes 2 way text messaging between telegram chat and skype contacts
Bot communicates only with added contacts, so before start, add all necessary people manually from
To run locally:
pip install -r requirements.txt
export "TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<token>"
export "TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<chat id:-212121212>"
export "SKYPE_LOGIN=<login>"
export "SKYPE_PASSWORD=<password>"
export "SKYPE_SUBSCRIBERS=<comma separated skype logins>"
python3 ./
To run in docker:
docker build -t stt_gw .
docker run --name=stt_gw \
-e "TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<token>"\
-e "TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<chat id:-212121212>"\
-e "SKYPE_LOGIN=<login>"\
-e "SKYPE_PASSWORD=<password>"\
-e "SKYPE_SUBSCRIBERS=<comma separated skype logins>"\