Gee is a framework for embedded system development in C++.
- Clone and update all submodules.
git clone --recursive
- Build the docker-cross-compiler environment or pull my built image.
Pulling the built image (recommended)
Building from source This would take 20-90 minutes to build whole GCC from source, and you need change the image name in toolchain/docker_image to built image's name.
docker pull chent11/cross-compiler:cortex_m4-nano_newlib-hf-with-python
cd toolchain docker build -t cross-compiler .
- Change the directory to the root of this repo, and use the docker-cmd script to build.
./docker-cmd make V=2
- Use the docker-cmd script to build cmsis-dsp library. (Optional)
cd source/modules ../docker-cmd ./
- Flash. You can modify the programmer in
. Supported programmer are jlink, openocd-jlink, openocd-stlink.make upload
- Cpp Check. This will check misra rules and some cppcheck default rules. You can modify these rules in
make check-cppcheck
- Clang-tidy. Checking rules in
.make check-clang-tidy
- Clang-format. Checking rules in
.make check-format
- Checking all rules.
make check-all
Because some compilation database generating tools have some bugs on MacOS, I wrote a simple script(toolchain/
) to do so for me. You can use it like this:
make generate-complication-database
Open this repo with vscode and install extension cortex-debug, then switch to built-in debug side bar and choose a correct programmer type, click run button.