A framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks and analyzing heap snapshots
Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser
A Text User Interface library for the Rust programming language
A basic minecraft clone made with unity in 24 hours
Extensions API proposal for the Performance Panel
An 'origin' command that continue to the origin of a piece of data in rr
JavaScript library for old-school 2D games graphics using WebGL. Pronounced "pixel".
Breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM).
Simple pages to use with paint flashing to test Gecko page (in)validation
bgirard / menuitems-jplib
Forked from wbamberg/menuitems-jplibA menuitems module for Jetpacks
Forward a stream to your browser for real processing and visualizations
bgirard / android-gdbutils
Forked from darchons/android-gdbutilsGDB Python scripts targetting Fennec development
Uses LD_PRELOAD to profile process tree forks and extract the commands, run times and infer dependencies
bgirard / GLMeasure
Forked from alijuma/GLMeasureBenchmarking tool for OpenGL ES on Android
rough Jetpack libraries for Thunderbird
bgirard / rendertrace
Forked from staktrace/rendertraceRender a viewport trace