The Paymongo Python library provides convenient access to the Paymongo API from applications written in the Python language. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses which makes it compatible with a wide range of versions of the Paymongo API.
- Installation
- Usage
- Payment Methods
- Payment Intents
- Sources
- Payments
- Tokens (Deprecated)
- Webhooks
- Test Cards
- FAQs
You don't need this source code unless you want to modify the package. If you just want to use the package, just run:
pip install --upgrade paymongo
Install from source with:
python install
from paymongo import Paymongo
secret_key = 'sk_test_......'
payment_intent_payload = {
"data": {
"attributes": {"amount": 10000, "payment_method_allowed": ["card"], "description": "test1",
"statement_descriptor": "test2",
"payment_method_options": {"card": {"request_three_d_secure": "automatic"}}, "currency": "PHP"}
payment_method_payload = {
"data": {
"attributes": {"type": "card",
"details": {"card_number": "4343434343434345", "exp_month": 10, "exp_year": 22, "cvc": "123"}
paymongo = Paymongo(secret_key)
A PaymentMethod
resource describes which payment method was used to fulfill a payment. It is used with a PaymentIntent
to collect payments.
* These are the required properties
* @param {Object} data The payload.
* @param {Object} data.attributes Payload attributes.
* @param {string} data.attributes.type The type of payment method. The possible value is card for now.
* @param {string} data.attributes.details.card_number Credit/Debit Card number of the PaymentMethod.
* @param {number} data.attributes.details.exp_month Expiry month of the Credit/Debit Card.
* @param {number} data.attributes.details.exp_year Expiry year of the Credit/Debit Card.
* @param {string} data.attributes.details.cvc CVC of the Credit/Debit Card.
result = paymongo.payment_methods.create(data);
payment_method_payload = {
"data": {
"attributes": {"type": "card",
"details": {"card_number": "4343434343434345", "exp_month": 10, "exp_year": 22, "cvc": "123"}
* @param {string} id The PaymentMethod id
result = paymongo.payment_method.retrieve(id);
A PaymentIntent
resource is used to track and handle different states of the payment until it succeeds.
* These are the required properties
* @param {Object} data The payload.
* @param {Object} data.attributes Payload attributes.
* @param {number} data.attributes.amount Amount to be collected by the PaymentIntent.
* @param {string[]} data.attributes.payment_method_allowed The list of payment method types that the PaymentIntent is allowed to use. Possible value is card for now.
* @param {string} data.attributes.currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. PHP is the only supported currency as of the moment.
result = paymongo.payment_intents.create(data);
payment_intent_payload = {
"data": {
"attributes": {"amount": 10000, "payment_method_allowed": ["card"], "description": "test1",
"statement_descriptor": "test2",
"payment_method_options": {"card": {"request_three_d_secure": "automatic"}}, "currency": "PHP"}
* @param {string} id token id
result = paymongo.payment_intents.retrieve(id);
Attach to PaymentIntent
* These are the required properties
* @param {string} id PaymentIntent id.
* @param {Object} data The payload.
* @param {Object} data.attributes Payload attributes.
* @param {string} data.attributes.payment_method Id of PaymentMethod to attach to the PaymentIntent.
result = paymongo.payment_intents.attach(id, data);
payload = {
"data": {
"attributes": {"client_key": "card",
"payment_method": method_id
A Source is a resource to generate your customer's payment instrument. This is normally used to generate check out URLs for e-wallet payments. To learn more about e-wallet integrations, you can visit GCash or GrabPay integration.
* These are the required properties
* @param {Object} data payload
* @param {Object} data.attributes payload attributes
* @param {string} data.attributes.type The type of source. Possible values are gcash and grab_pay.
* @param {number} data.attributes.amount amount int32
* @param {string} data.attributes.currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. PHP is the only supported currency as of the moment.
* @param {Object} data.attributes.redirect
* @param {string} data.attributes.redirect.success success url
* @param {string} data.attributes.redirect.failed error url
result = paymongo.sources.create(data);
payment_source_payload = {
"data": {
"attributes": {"type": "gcash",
"amount": 10000,
"currency": "PHP",
"redirect": {
"success": "",
"failed": ""
A Payment
resource is an attempt by your customer to send you money in exchange for your product. This is a reference to an amount that you are expecting to receive if a payment resource with paid status becomes a part of a payout. If the payment status is failed
, you can determine the reason for failure.
* These are the required properties
* @param {Object} data payload
* @param {Object} data.attributes payload attributes
* @param {number} data.attributes.amount amount int32
* @param {number} data.attributes.currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. PHP is the only supported currency as of the moment.
* @param {Object} data.attributes.source the source object from checkout
* @param {string} id of a Source resource
* @param {string} data.attributes.source.type type of a Source resource. Possible value is 'source'.
result = paymongo.payments.create(data);
payment_payload = {
"data": {
"attributes": {"description": "test2",
"statement_descriptor": "test3",
"amount": 10000,
"currency": "PHP",
"source": {
"id": payment_source_id,
"type": "source"
result = paymongo.payments.list();
data: [] // array of payments
* @param {string} id payment id
result = paymongo.payments.retrieve();
A Webhook
resource primarily refers to a certain URL where we send events that are happening from your account. You can check our GCash and GrabPay integrations to find out some good use cases for webhooks.
* These are the required properties
* @param {Object} data payload
* @param {Object} data.attributes payload attributes
* @param {string} data.attributes.url The destination URL of the events that happened from your account. Please make sure that the URL is publicly accessible in order for you to receive the event.
* @param {string[]} The list of events to be sent to this webhook. Possible value in the meantime is source.chargeable.
const result = await paymongo.webhooks.create(data);
data: {
attributes: {
url: '', // Developer's note: this is unique in paymongo. You can't create multiple webhooks with same url.
events: ['source.chargeable'] // The only event supported for now is 'source.chargeable'.
result = paymongo.webhooks.list();
data: [] // Array of webhooks
* @param {string} id Webhook id
result = paymongo.webhooks.retrieve(id);
Enable or disable a webhook.
* @param {string} id webhook id
* @param {string} action 'enable' or 'disable'
result = paymongo.webhooks.toggle(id, action);
Card Number | Brand | CVC | Expiration Date |
4343434343434345 | Visa | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
4571736000000075 | Visa (debit) | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
5555444444444457 | Mastercard | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
2221000000000918 | Mastercard (2-series) | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
5455590000000009 | Mastercard (debit) | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
5339080000000003 | Mastercard (prepaid) | Any 3 digits | Any future date |
More cards here, including 3D Secure Test Cards.
- How to make payment using gcash or grabpay?
Made with ❤️ by Chris Ian Fiel / Wela School System
This package and documentaion is base on Thanks to Jofferson Ramirez Tiquez @jofftiquez!