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Apereo CAS WAR Overlay Template

WAR Overlay Type: cas-overlay


  • CAS Server 7.2.0-RC1
  • JDK 21


To build the project, use:

# Use --refresh-dependencies to force-update SNAPSHOT versions
./gradlew[.bat] clean build

To see what commands/tasks are available to the build script, run:

./gradlew[.bat] tasks

If you need to, on Linux/Unix systems, you can delete all the existing artifacts (artifacts and metadata) Gradle has downloaded using:

# Only do this when absolutely necessary
rm -rf $HOME/.gradle/caches/

Same strategy applies to Windows too, provided you switch $HOME to its equivalent in the above command.


For the server to run successfully, you might need to create a keystore file. This can either be done using the JDK's keytool utility or via the following command:

./gradlew[.bat] createKeystore

Use the password changeit for both the keystore and the key/certificate entries. Ensure the keystore is loaded up with keys and certificates of the server.

Extension Modules

Extension modules may be specified under the dependencies block of the Gradle build script:

dependencies {
    implementation "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-some-module"

To collect the list of all project modules and dependencies in the overlay:

./gradlew[.bat] dependencies


On a successful deployment via the following methods, the server will be available at:


Executable WAR

Run the server web application as an executable WAR. Note that running an executable WAR requires CAS to use an embedded container such as Apache Tomcat, Jetty, etc.

The current servlet container is specified as -tomcat.

java -jar build/libs/cas.war

Or via:

./gradlew[.bat] run

It is often an advantage to explode the generated web application and run it in unpacked mode. One way to run an unpacked archive is by starting the appropriate launcher, as follows:

jar -xf build/libs/cas.war
cd build/libs
java org.springframework.boot.loader.launch.JarLauncher

This is slightly faster on startup (depending on the size of the WAR file) than running from an unexploded archive. After startup, you should not expect any differences.

Debug the CAS web application as an executable WAR:

./gradlew[.bat] debug

Or via:

java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5000,server=y,suspend=y -jar build/libs/cas.war

Run the CAS web application as a standalone executable WAR:

./gradlew[.bat] clean executable

CDS Support

CDS is a JVM feature that can help reduce the startup time and memory footprint of Java applications. CAS via Spring Boot now has support for easy creation of a CDS friendly layout. This layout can be created by extracting the CAS web application file with the help of the tools jarmode:

# Note:
# You must first build the web application with "executable" turned off
java -Djarmode=tools -jar build/libs/cas.war extract

# Perform a training run once
java -XX:ArchiveClassesAtExit=cas.jsa -Dspring.context.exit=onRefresh -jar cas/cas.war

# Run the CAS web application via CDS
java XX:SharedArchiveFile=cas.jsa -jar cas/cas.war


Deploy the binary web application file in build/libs after a successful build to a servlet container of choice.


The following strategies outline how to build and deploy CAS Docker images.


The overlay embraces the Jib Gradle Plugin to provide easy-to-use out-of-the-box tooling for building CAS docker images. Jib is an open-source Java containerizer from Google that lets Java developers build containers using the tools they know. It is a container image builder that handles all the steps of packaging your application into a container image. It does not require you to write a Dockerfile or have Docker installed, and it is directly integrated into the overlay.

# Running this task requires that you have Docker installed and running.
./gradlew build jibDockerBuild


You can also use the Docker tooling and the provided Dockerfile to build and run. There are dedicated Gradle tasks available to build and push Docker images using the supplied DockerFile:

./gradlew build casBuildDockerImage

Once ready, you may also push the images:

./gradlew casPushDockerImage

If credentials (username+password) are required for pull and push operations, they may be specified using system properties via -DdockerUsername=... and -DdockerPassword=....

A docker-compose.yml is also provided to orchestrate the build:

docker-compose build

Spring Boot

You can use the Spring Boot build plugin for Gradle to create CAS container images. The plugins create an OCI image (the same format as one created by docker build) by using Cloud Native Buildpacks. You do not need a Dockerfile, but you do need a Docker daemon, either locally (which is what you use when you build with docker) or remotely through the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. The default builder is optimized for Spring Boot applications such as CAS, and the image is layered efficiently.

./gradlew bootBuildImage

The first build might take a long time because it has to download some container images and the JDK, but subsequent builds should be fast.

CAS Command-line Shell

To launch into the CAS command-line shell:

./gradlew[.bat] downloadShell runShell

Retrieve Overlay Resources

To fetch and overlay a CAS resource or view, use:

./gradlew[.bat] getResource -PresourceName=[resource-name]

Create User Interface Themes Structure

You can use the overlay to construct the correct directory structure for custom user interface themes:

./gradlew[.bat] createTheme -Ptheme=redbeard

The generated directory structure should match the following:

├── static
│ └── themes
│     └── redbeard
│         ├── css
│         │ └── cas.css
│         └── js
│             └── cas.js
└── templates
    └── redbeard
        └── fragments

HTML templates and fragments can be moved into the above directory structure, and the theme may be assigned to applications for use.

List Overlay Resources

To list all available CAS views and templates:

./gradlew[.bat] listTemplateViews

To unzip and explode the CAS web application file and the internal resources jar:

./gradlew[.bat] explodeWar


  • The etc directory contains the configuration files and directories that need to be copied to /etc/cas/config.
./gradlew[.bat] copyCasConfiguration
  • The specifics of the build are controlled using the file.

Configuration Metadata

Configuration metadata allows you to export collection of CAS properties as a report into a file that can later be examined. You will find a full list of CAS settings along with notes, types, default and accepted values:

./gradlew exportConfigMetadata


Puppeteer is a Node.js library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome/Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer runs in headless mode by default, but can be configured to run in full (non-headless) Chrome/Chromium.

Puppeteer scenarios, used here as a form of acceptance testing, allow you to verify CAS functionality to address a particular authentication flow. The scenarios, which may be found inside the ./puppeteer/scenarios directory are designed as small Node.js scripts that spin up a headless browser and walk through a test scenario. You may design your own test scenarios that verify functionality specific to your CAS deployment or feature.

To execute Puppeteer scenarios, run:


This will first attempt to build your CAS deployment, will install Puppeteer and all other needed libraries. It will then launch the CAS server, and upon its availability, will iterate through defined scenarios and will execute them one at a time.

The following defaults are assumed:

  • CAS will be available at
  • The CAS overlay is prepped with an embedded server container, such as Apache Tomcat.

You may of course need to make adjustments to account for your specific environment and deployment settings, URLs, etc.


duct is a Gradle task to do quick smoke tests of multi-node CAS high-availability deployments. In particular, it tests correctness of ticket sharing between multiple individual CAS server nodes backed by distributed ticket registries such as Hazelcast, Redis, etc.

This task requires CAS server nodes to enable the CAS REST module. It will NOT work without it.

The task accepts the following properties:

  • Arbitrary number of CAS server nodes specified via the duct.cas.X properties.
  • URL of the service application registered with CAS specified via duct.service, for which tickets will be requested.
  • duct.username and duct.password to use for authentication, when requesting ticket-granting tickets.

It automates the following scenario:

  • Authenticate and issue a service ticket on one CAS node
  • Validate this service ticket on the another node
  • Repeat (You may cancel and stop the task at any time with Ctrl+C)

If the task succeeds, then we effectively have proven that the distributed ticket registry has been set up and deployed correctly and that there are no connectivity issues between CAS nodes.

To run the task, you may use:

./gradlew duct
    -Pduct.cas.1= \
    -Pduct.cas.2= \
    -Pduct.cas.3= \
    -Pduct.cas.4= \
    -Pduct.service= \
    -Pduct.username=casuser \

You may also supply the following options:

  • duct.debug: Boolean flag to output debug and verbose logging.
  • duct.duration: Number of seconds, i.e. 30 to execute the scenario.
  • duct.count: Number of iterations, i.e. 5 to execute the scenario.


OpenRewrite is a tool used by the CAS in form of a Gradle plugin that allows the project to upgrade in place. It works by making changes to the project structure representing your CAS build and printing the modified files back. Modifications are packaged together in form of upgrade scripts called Recipes that are automatically packaged and presented to the build and may be discovered via:

./gradlew --init-script openrewrite.gradle rewriteDiscover -PtargetVersion=X.Y.Z --no-configuration-cache | grep "org.apereo.cas"

NOTE: All CAS specific recipes begin with org.apereo.cas. The targetVersion must be the CAS version to which you want to upgrade.

OpenRewrite recipes make minimally invasive changes to your CAS build allowing you to upgrade from one version to the next with minimal effort. The recipe contains almost everything that is required for a CAS build system to navigate from one version to other and automated tedious aspects of the upgrade such as finding the correct versions of CAS, relevant libraries and plugins as well as any possible structural changes to one's CAS build.

To run, you will need to find and select the name of the recipe first. Then, you can dry-run the selected recipes and see which files would be changed in the build log. This does not alter your source files on disk at all. This goal can be used to preview the changes that would be made by the active recipes.

./gradlew --init-script openrewrite.gradle rewriteDryRun -PtargetVersion=X.Y.Z -DactiveRecipe=[recipe name] --no-configuration-cache

When you are ready, you can run the actual recipe:

./gradlew --init-script openrewrite.gradle rewriteRun -PtargetVersion=X.Y.Z -DactiveRecipe=[recipe name] --no-configuration-cache

This will run the selected recipes and apply the changes. This will write changes locally to your source files on disk. Afterward, review the changes, and when you are comfortable with the changes, commit them. The run goal generates warnings in the build log wherever it makes changes to source files.